Any chance mods could work a little harder and maybe add a new rule that says "if you attempt to relate food to politics or racist ideation then you're banned?" I just feel like this board could be better than it currently is.
At any rate use this thread to discuss the potential uses of pineapple in Italian cuisine. Resist speaking about politics or race. Prove me wrong.
Did your janitor application get rejected or did you not apply?
Jose Butler
I want them to ban "For me, its..." threads. THey are usually just a few posts long and they bump good threads off
Dominic Hughes
yes goy dont think about race just mix together all willy nilly so we become a brown mess
Jeremiah Baker
You probably haven't been here for long?
Christopher Roberts
eat shit and die, greaseball wop
Nolan Cooper
>attempt to relate food to politics or racist ideation But that's the most fun part about Veeky Forums. It's like a light version of /pol/ and /int/ but with food.
Nathan Carter
Can we ban shitty forced memes while we're at it? I'm tired of seeing faggots spamming Aardvark
Noah Roberts
can we ban people who argue how to spell bang's root beer?
Oliver Lee
Never applied. Shocking. It'd be a lot easier to pick up advice and ideas without having to sift through all the irrelevant baseless drivel.
Daniel Collins
I second this notion. Can't even discuss food without a bunch of morons derailing the thread into a political arguing match.
Jacob Ortiz
post tits, slut
Jason Wilson
I wonder what Italian savory dish a pineapple could work well in. Outside of the obvious pizza.
Zachary Rogers
>someone called me a soyboy cuck, the post.
Benjamin Sullivan
>Asians = Rare >Niggers = Well done >Hispanics = Medium well >Kikes = Blue >Whites = Medium rare
Cooper Garcia
I think it could pair well as preserves with a nice ricotta or bocconcini. Maybe in a roasted egg plant salad.
Justin Butler
Pineapple goes with Italian cuisine because pineapple is a staple in nonwhite countries and Italians aren't white.
this post was a really efficient way to get everyone to say the n word, good job op
Nathaniel Smith
I put pineapple in my carbonara
Easton Baker
Just want to say I agree. There was a time when this board was glorious, all about cooking and OC. I'd love to see it be that great again.
Christopher Myers
seems like they tried to make a pizza out of a pineapple as some kind of meme
Matthew Lewis
Another liberal attempt to silence free speech in order to create a safe space.
Mods, fuck off.
Brody Collins
I wonder how a small caramelized portion of pineapple would fair in a cream sauce.
Jason Gomez
Josiah Torres
>pineapple ice cream does not exist gtfo my Veeky Forums, you fucking tourist
Noah Howard
>He's actually trying to get legit advice here. >Instead he cannot STOP reading the obvious /pol/ bait and he needs an adult to hold his hand on the internet.
+1 edgy tryhard kids are really getting out of control around here
Jason Hughes
Well the idea is that food ought to be devoid of politics other than the discussion of things like tea or other foods that have an enourmous political reach as evidenced by historical developments. But even then it's kind of reaching to prove relevance for this board. Those threads would be well suited for history. Like discussing the spice trade and the discovery of advanced trading civilizations in the Middle East. Doesn't quite make the cut in terms of being relevant to this board. In the same right I'm not advocating for leftist ideals either, I just want to discuss food and cooking.
>In the same right I'm not advocating for leftist ideals either, I just want to discuss food and cooking. Somebody's always gonna bring it up. A couple years back, a bunch of mexicans got their panties in a twist because white people are not allowed to eat mexican food. They called it """""cultural appropriation"""""
Josiah Kelly
a kike definitely wrote this, thinking he was being le ebin IQ man, when in reality, he's just another asspained hooknose
Honestly, it probably wouldn't be that bad with some seared scallops.
Adam Smith
le ebin meaning?? hooknose meaning???
Elijah Phillips
thanks for proving me right so fast
Eli Hall
Rats and Pigs aren't even related, are they? Except being mammals?
Angel Flores
Yeah I like the idea of pineapple in Italian cuisine because the acidity clashes with the acidic nature of a lot of Italian dishes. You couldn't work it into a red sauce, which limits you to clear and cream. A lot of clear sauces offset with wine, citrus or vinegar. I think the real challenge here is a clear sauce since cream toning down pineapple is kind of obvious. Using the sweetness in pineapple to play with heat would probably be tops.
Juan Hall
The left's pseudo-intellectualism is hilarious. They remind me of a first grader being so proud of a crayon drawing thinking of how fucking an awesome artist he is when the whole time it's a bunch of scribbles on a tendies stained restaurant place mat.
Jack Morales
What does this recipe make? I don't see a picture of food. I'm confused.
This isn’t a problem, but high caliber troll posts like these are. Goodjob.
Cooper Harris
If this board is for posts about Food, Cooking, Recipes and images of food, then posts excluding these items or a reasonable amount of relevance to them are not part of that which this board ought to constitute.
Most of the posts on this board do not adhere to this criterion.
If most of the posts do not adhere to the criterion as described in the boards description then there is by definition a problem.
Most of the posts do not adhere to this criterion.
If you look back to when this was posted, 2012 and 2013 were very heavy years for /v/. Back then infographics about black on white crime, Jewish conspiracy images, and /r9k/ style “bitches and whores” rants were reaching their apoapsis. It was very difficult to have a discussion about video games at the time, without having some sort of derail or simply sliding off board due to “tfw no gf” threads. That was before the first “exodus”, after that this image doesn’t really seem to apply and in fact becomes something silencing for a continually shrinking minority of posters. I blame cgl lgbtq and trash, and yet I can see why they exist.
Cooper Diaz
>If I keep using le frog maymays maybe they'll think I fit in lol
Yeah I don't post often, nor do I want to fit in. I just don't have a lot of pics, but I kinda like that help helper and happen to have a folder. Here is one of my other images.