Is marzipan activated almonds?
Is marzipan activated almonds?
who fucking cares
Its actually almonds final form.
Pretty bad thread fag. Head on over to /b/ for future posting needs
Triggering: activated
I do. And who the fuck are YOU.
Could you deep fry marzipan?
Answer the man
you can deep fry anything.
But would it be good?
Fucking lol that image
I always see this stuff advertised in the international section and always wonder what this actually tastes like.
I know it is for cakes and such, but I have no clue. Sometimes I think it must be a really rich icing, other times I think it must be a rough textured filler.
Its confusing.
It's really delicious. Dense, sweet, and pretty smooth with a bit of grain to it all rounded out by a nice almond taste.
No, I couldn't do that. But you might, and I won't judge you.
Does it matter? People eat deep fried garbage all the time and pretend its good.
Can you deep fry love?
Lmao what kins of third world shithole are you from that you don't know marzipan
>what this actually tastes like
Almonds on steroids I'd say. The stuff sold for baking typically isn't that great but I love it if it's good quality, meaning pretty much just a high almond content. City of Lübeck in Germany has a long tradition in making high quality marzipan, they have an EU “Protected Geographical Indication” for it. If you can find it Niederegger is one of the best, it's pricey like a good chocolate but worth it.
haha dumb americans dont eat marsepain during krampusday hahaha
no wonder you keep shooting up schools hahaha like lol just eat some marsepain haha
oh fuck, you just reminded me that marzipan exists and that i love it. RIP my waistline
This entire post screams reddit
I thought this was made of peanuts.
It would not. But don't take it from me: Try it and see for yourself.
It's fucking good.