
>tastes good
>can get you drunk with relative ease
>is like a moped, you wouldn't want your friends to catch you drinking it

>tastes bad but bearable
>can get drunk with relative ease but plenty of discomfort
>not gay to drink like cyder

>tastes pretty good
>pretty easy to get drunk on
>only women are allowed to drink it

>tastes like shit
>doesn't matter you only need half the bottle
>oh fuck that's the whole bottle
>shit nigga what are you doing
>next month is spent gritting your teeth at all the stupid shit your less drunk friends remind you that you did

Alcohol summarised.

Attached: no-alcohol.jpg (500x376, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:

is this some sort of gay normie post or is this satire?

>greentexting a subheading
Let this post be a permanent reminder.

It's not too late try again.

>beer tastes bad
>wine tastes pretty good
Ok grandma

I drink cider in front of my friends. Only one guy ever called me gay and the girl he came to the party with sucked my dick in the basement.

>Only women
Lol just wait until you grow up kid. If you are gay, Italian or upper middle class nobody judges you for drinking wine

Unless they are lower/working class but the opinions of poor people don't matter

Attached: 1519666366560.gif (540x304, 1.62M)

Because I'm high on life.

Excluded! Thanks for giving me something to talk about at tomorrow's gender studies class.

If you are middle class having a glass of wine with a meal is normal enough, but if you are a dude and enthusiastic about wine or preferentially drinking it to get drunk, thats pretty odd

I can drink whatever the fuck I what, I am am not an insecure little bitch like you are. Alcohol tastes good as well.

it's cider and also who gives a fuck what other people think of your drinking. I drink wine all the damn time it's good.

The opinions of normalfags do not matter, shut the fuck up.

How insecure are you

Wine probably has the worst price to quality ratio though, its a sign of a dumb, non-discerning consumer

I am 100% secure. You can be too if you grow a pair.

>>is like a moped, you wouldn't want your friends to catch you drinking it

>friday night
>drinking an entire moped
>roomate walks into room and catches me drinking a partially motorized personal transportation device

fuck, what do I do Veeky Forums? I can't look him in the eyes anymore.

>is like a moped, you wouldn't want your friends to catch you drinking it

You typically drink mopeds?

lmao, fuckin idiot.

cider: tastes ok. gives you a massive hangover.

beer: tastes good. gives you average hangover.

malt liquor: tastes amazing. easiest to get drunk on. average hangover.

wine: tastes bad. gives you a bad hangover.

liquor: can taste good or bad. can get you the drunkest if your heart is in the right place. hangover can be light or bad.

tell that to the box of franzia

oh, dollar to quality, I thought you said dollar to QUANTITY

Like even mediocre wine costs more than most top tier beer

what metric are you using?
Because box wine is the cheapest per ounce of alcohol by far with the possible exception of generic vodkas

Yeah, I am specifically talking about good beer and wine. I was referencing quality. Excellent beer is extremely affordable. Beer has the best quality to price, even when you account for its lower ABV. High tier beer is insanely cheap when compared to wine or liquor of similar quality. Even the best beers rarely exceed $5 per 12oz bottle retail, usually are considerably less than that

box wine isnt that bad

>you wouldn't drink a moped

box wine is all good

I'm not entirely certain this is true. Sure, extremely high end wine is generally not worth it, and indeed wine over 20 bucks a bottle is generally not worth it.
But it's entirely reasonable to get a bottle of wine at the 12-15 dollar price range which will be very pleasant. If you compare that with beer, then by all means you can get a 12 pack of macrobrew for that price, or you can get a few bottles of craft beer. I'm looking at the better part of 20 dollars for a six pack of nice craft beer that's locally produced.

>or you can get a few bottles of craft beer
You can get a six pack of all but the highest tier craft beer for that
>I'm looking at the better part of 20 dollars for a six pack of nice craft beer that's locally produced.
where the shit do you live? like 90% of craft beer is in $8-$12 six packs, or four pack tall cans

Box of wine is pretty cheap though. That's my excuse.

For me, it's mopeds over ice

I would just drink liquor all the time if I could. But after 10 years of abuse the mental and physical tolls are high for me and I can't do it anymore.
5% seltzer and wine these days. Honestly a guy like me shouldn't drink at all but I still currently refuse to live a completely sober life, it's just not worth it.

>only women are allowed to drink it
Nuke america and eradicate their cancerous culture

can we just nuke Wisconsin, Michigan, and every state south of Illinois plus all of California south of San Luis Obispo, the Great Plains, the Rockies, and western Pennsylvania?

>spirits taste like shit
*blocks your path*

Attached: ouzo.jpg (225x225, 3K)

Only the eternal anglo doesn't know that wine is manly as fuck and beer is for kids while cider is for adults.

>can we just nuke America?

Very, very gay and jewish.

Faggot detected.

>Cares what others think of your drinking habits
>Thinks his opinions matter at all
Watch out OP someone might catch you drinking the wrong thing at a party

>worried about what other people think about you drinking something

I used to chug bottles of arbor mist and cider in college like a goddamn fruit cup and would be balls deep in some pussy at a party within an hour or two, or even minutes on a good night.

What kind of faggot is worried about looking gay drinking something instead of having fun? I'm going to go out on a limb and probably guess you're a faggot no matter what you drink.

t. subhuman amerilard

Someday you might realise that alcohol is really stupid. I agree life is short and you should
enjoy some happiness but alcohol is like paying to ride a shitty roller coaster at an old amusement park. Its not really that fun, its aleays the same trip, and you end up back at the start. Dont kid yourselves, you could spend that time/energy/money doing something more worthwhile. Really wanna keep drinking, save it for when youre really old and theres nothing else to do but waiting around for death. It wont matter then anyways.

I don't recognize this particular copypasta, either way lol

Nope, try again

t. la creatura...

spirits are good for cocktails though

the best as much alco as a good beer
>refreshing as all fuck
>not candy sweet like cider
>easy to drink lots, unlike an IPA
>100 calories so staves off the beer gut

it's the patricians' choice

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Only murrican notCider is sweet. Real cider is bitter.

I wouldn't want my friends to catch me drinking a moped

maybe some are, but (my old go to cider) Strongbow got bought out, rebranded, and turned into liquid sugar. it's disgusting. we have some dry ciders over here, but I still prefer the seltzer for drinking days.

>oh no what if someone see's me drinking something and think's I'm gay?
Try finishing high school before posting here again.

If you're Australian you drink luke-warm wine right out of the bag. Shit's the cheapest way to get drunk, also lots of fun if you tie it to a clothesline and spin it around.

i really like these. only if they aren't the sweetened ones though.