Do you ever go to the same liquor store everyday and feel embarrassed because the same employees see you there everyday and some customers find you there on times when they occasionally go?
as someone who works in a pa liquor store we only make fun of the people who think they are fooling us by going to different stores in the same day
I used to but I'm past the point of giving a fuck
What is your end game?
How do you know we're going to different places? Do you guys share info about customers?
Taco Bell
its a state store system, we are the only game in town, and every town. as clerks they can send us to any store anywhere in the county until we get full time. we talk to each other. we really don't care if you come multiple times a day as long as you don't cause any trouble. but you aint fooling us by driving to different stores
but if I live in a city with multiple stores, you can't know? Thank GOD
They recognize me at my local liquor store but I've a goat beard and hair down to my nipples, and it's like the same 2 girls in there all the time. I don't really feel bad about it.
just buy from the black market or drink sterno
Stay in your al/ck/ containment thread, faggot
Oh, ok. I'm careful to use different chains and to branch out over a large radius, so I'm probably fine so far.
I don't know why people would be going multiple times a day, though. You go to one store a day and make it look like you're buying a supply for use over a long period.
Suck my gf's dick, queermo
same store every other day
the checkout guy at Vons is always, always there - regardless of time of day or day of the week.
But only when I'm getting a bottle of bacardi and an onion
The liquor store I usually go to always has an old Indian dude working that wears a turban and barely speaks English. I actually don't know if he even speaks a word of English because he is silent every time even when ringing me up. It's fuckin bliss
Only time I've seen him even look up from the register is when black hoodlums come into the place
Way beyond that point mate. Although, I stopped drinking liquor because of the mental and physical toll after 10 years of straight up abuse, but back in the day when I was flying high I couldn't give a fuck what store I repeatedly went into and I never even got a sideways look about it from people I saw all the time except for one Japanese guy at a corner store. They were friendly to me and I was friendly to them and never came in wasted, only got wasted later.
Work at a Walgreens.
Got a lawyer who come in 3-4 times a day for a 375ml bottle of Vanguard Vodka, ask him why not just buy a 1.75ltr bottle and pour it into a flask, save a ton of money, tells me he is an alcoholic and he would just drink the big bottle all at once, he walks to my store from his office.
Got a German woman, used to be a college professor, drives a formerly nice Mercedes, been wrecked a lot, she buys 2 1.75ltr bottles of Christian Bros. brandy every other day, always pays with dirty, sticky, hairy change some of it is obviously covered in shit, I have her drop it in a plastic container and I wash it in our photo department, she is never drunk or slurry so the manager says "Make the Sale".
Got a woman, Hot as Hell, who works in a call center across from my store, she gets off work just after we close the department, so she gives me a hundred bucks when I see her at church on Sunday and I buy 5 bottles, Clos du Bois Fume Blanc, I keep them in our walk in cooler and give her 1 bottle every night when she meets me in the parking lot, I only carry the wine at our location for her, she is 50, blonde, blue-eyed, used to be a stewardess, always wears a short skirt black dress and knee high boots, no bra, she drinks a bottle a night, claims not to be an alcoholic, is raising her daughters child, he is half black, looks all black, the kid is also the child of her daughter's father, my drunk friends ex-husband, the guy is in prison for killing my friends daughter, she keeps asking me to leave my gf and live with her, we have messed around but she is 25 years my senior with a 3 year old kind and is a drunk.
Old guy with an oxygen tank, he buys 13, honoring the original colonies, 30 packs of Milwaukee's Best Ice, every Sunday, in his PJ's, Robe, dirty as hell, slippers on and pulling his oxygen cart, that's 390 beers or 55 a day for a week, based on his guy it is probably his only source of calories.
My co-workers and I laugh at all these drunks.
Why would they give a shit? A sale is a sale.
>not waiting outside the liquor store and asking a someone going in to buy your booze for you so the owners never see you
Get on my level
you laugh at a white trash woman you're having an affair with?
huh... the sordid life of a walgreens clerk
Was on a first name basis with the guy who owned the party store behind my house several years ago. Would go there 3 times in a day, sometimes. I quit drinking beer and pop, after I realized I was downing more than 40 beers on a weekend. It closed down three months later. It's a physical therapist's office now. True story
It’s gotten weird for me bc the girls will comment if I get one bottle more or less than the usual, or if I deviate from my regular purchase, but they are pretty good bc they’ll let me buy the carton and keep behind the counter what I don’t want to drink that day. It’s also cheaper to buy by the carton.
ayyyy fellow PLCB employee
what county? I'm in Bucks but quitting soon.
What's weird is there are three of us here. Franklin County reporting!
yeah you don't usually find minimum wage workers on Veeky Forums
>anons drinking kept a store in business
Bartender here. Most staff working in liquor stores or bars are functioning alcoholics themselves. They don't care. If you have withdrawal shakes then they'd probably feel some pity for you.
I usually don't remember the last 2 hours of my shifts at the bar.
Nah, I got over it a long time ago.
I'm not going to go out of my way just to buy booze at somewhere farther away just to avoid embarassment.
Was friends with one of the cashiers in a store near me for a while and she knew my issues and was pretty nice. All in all, you're just another customer with issues like everyone else. If you're petty enough to judge someone on it, hey: you're a cashier in a store.
Chances are they haven't been to war/have medical issues that would cause them to seek alcohol.
It's up to you to seek help on your own. They're making a profit off of your continued abuse so there's no reason to really judge.
is this copypasta? i hope so
I'm not having an "affair", I just fuck her a couple of times a week, sometimes in my car, sometimes at a motel we go to, my GF works nights and I like to relax after 12 hours of working, I work 4 days a week also, when my GF is on her period, she sleeps on the couch she doesn't want me touching her, so Ms Clos du Bois is my backup, she no longer gets her period and wouldn't care if she did, I like her, but she is older than my mother, her body is still great but all the smoking and drinking have really taken a toll on her face, I don't go to her place because of the kid, not interested in being reminded she used to be married to a black guy.
And yeah, I make fun of her, probably because I am an asshole.
I used to work in Dan Murphy's which is probably the biggest liquor store in Australia.
The one I was working in was in a rough neighborhood. Every day the same group of homeless men would be waiting out the front of the shop for us to open, they'd all get the same box of cask wine and go and drink it under the bridge.
Kinda sad.
Gaston pls
I go every other week and they know who I am and I hate it
>55 beers a day every day
>1.5 liters of vodka every day
>1.75l of brandy every day
There's really not much you can do to help people like this. It's a problem with society.
I just order cases of wine online to avoid that. And because I drank all the nice wine in several local stores which takes months to be replenished.
I was once a teenager too.
My dad is about that way with beer now. Two 30 packs a day, averaging 4-6 beers an hour for the 10-12 hours he's up. Doesn't eat, or can't eat or even function without it. He's the reason why I'm trying to stay sober now.
Unlike others in this thread I never worked at the PALCB but I worked at some stores in north philly that sold beer.
Sure we would have people who came in every day but I never really judged cuz I was crushing a six pack of Golden Monkey every night after work.
Really the drunks were some of my favorite people because they knew that I was one of them. It was the normal poor people who were jackasses, always arguing about bullshit
How old is he? That’s gotta burn through some coin. If you reached out to him you could help?
>state store system
one of those commie nordic countries?
I drove to this one liquor store, like every day or even twice a day, that was kind of out of the way, but specifically because they lady who worked there was an obese bearded woman. So...I kind of really didn't give a shit what she thought of me.
>>Cheats on live in girlfriend
yeah, it's probably making fun of the old alckie that makes you an asshole.
gotta find humor in something, with a job at walgreens
tell me more about the milf tiddies tho
Why the fuck do alchies buy their liquor at a dedicated liquor store and not at a grocery store like normal human beings?
Grocery stores have a shit selection and an absurd markup
>because I am an asshole.
it really seems like you are
Except grocery stores are cheaper and have a good selection. If you're not looking for some expensive, rare bottle why even consider a liquor store?
I go to four different liquor stores and they still always know who I am. It's actually comfy.i can host to a place I haven't been at for years and they know me.
>Except grocery stores are cheaper and have a good selection.
Except that's literally the opposite of the truth
> If you're not looking for some expensive, rare bottle why even consider a liquor store?
Because for the same money you can drink better stuff.
Former liquor store employee here. None of us cared. I actually enjoyed regular customers to talk to.
No, I enjoy flirting with the cute Latina teenage single mother that works at mine and banging her on the weekends
I only check new local liquor stores every so often, usually stick to the same one. Yesterday I checked out one that just opened up recently.
>much better selection
>cheaper prices than anywhere else
>cute Korean clerk to chat up
>calls me sweetheart
I'm not going to bother with others, it's just too perfect to go anywhere else.
>Tfw I stop by my liquor store biweekly and I always get carded by the same employees
Are they fucking with me or is the average persons memory that shit?
I have two local choices. They are both similar prices and staff know me at both so well if they are not busy I feel obligated to make small talk.
Today a guy I don’t like at all is back from holiday and I had to ask about it. I could tell he fought with his wife from his comments/body language but DID NOT want to hear about it just wanted to get my 9am drink on.
I think most just do it out of the 'covering their ass' style of principle at this point.
>be me
>leaving the city in a few days after living there for almost 3 years
>would go to the decent wine/beer store every 2/3 days
>the staff kinda know me
>have a SHITLOAD of loose change on the fireplace ledge(or hwatever you call that)
>comes up to roughly 60 euro in small change
>put all of it into a box
>go to the store to buy some nice expensive beers for the party next day
>pick them out and go to pay
>the guy rings them up and we do small talk
>"okay, now you'll have to bear with me for a moment"
>take out the box and spill all of it on the counter
>awkward looks exchanged
>"I just want to use up all of my change"
It was pretty funny then, it still makes me laugh now.
Some states don't allow groceries to sell liquor, you young tart
also what is it with Shaw's requiring you to be 25 to purchase?
Or their boss is one of those "card EVERYONE or your ass is jobless, the cameras are not here to look at customers." kind of people.
I'm surprised he can even afford it. Easily $200/day.
It's the law. Even if they know you personally and can see that you're 40 they're legally obligated to check your ID.
Heh, when I was 16 I tried to buy liquor from a liquor store with an Indian or a Sikh. Guy asked for ID so I gave him my driver's license. Some of these Indians are too dumb to do the math with your year of birth so as long as you play it cool they'll just make the sale. Well this one guy looks at me and gives me the stink eye. He starts waving his finger in my face and slowly says "bad man, very bad man".
>go down to my local liquor store that's like 150 meters from my apartment
>always make dumb small talk with cutie redhead clerk while drunk
>usually buy a bottle of whiskey and some beers
>conversation leads to me jokingly admitting that I'm an alcohol
>cutie redhead says "But I only see you here on weekends, user. So I don't think you're that bad."
>"that's because I alternate liquor stores so no one would suspect it haha"
She never looked at me the same...
For a second I thought you lived in moonshine heaven.
I worked in a liquor store for several years. No one cares as long as you aren't a dick.
>I don't know why people would be going multiple times a day, though.
Sometimes it's lonely people, sometimes it's people that know good and well if they buy everything for the day when the store opens they'll be back by noon.
>You go to one store a day and make it look like you're buying a supply for use over a long period.
You're fooling no one.
I feel embarased going weekly honestly
>55 beers
Where the fuck do you live dude? A 30 rack is 20$ in most places around me.
Yeah I only go to my local liquor store down the street from my house. It's the same 2 people working there and I go every single day and buy a 12 pack after work and they don't seem to give a fuck. They chat me up and ask about life.
Drinking doesn't affect my life though so I don't feel shame about my problem. People that hate themselves project it onto others and think everyone is judging them. The clerks don't give 2 fucks, it's not the judgy type making minimum wage at the liquor store.
I work at a liquor store in suburban Kansas and I worry that the customers are judging me for always smelling like bud. I don’t judge them because alcohol is their thing and weed is mine but sometimes I get weird looks or people make comments and I’m just like, wtf? Are these people hypocrites?
i used to do that a bit
then i quit drinking
Another liquor store employee. If you are nice I'll make friends with you but if you are quiet or a dick I won't give a duck about you and ask everyday if you want a bag and recept because fuck you
>tfw live in Utah
>Most of the people who work at the liquor store near me are mormon
>tfw you can hear their cries for you to stop being a degenerate
I used to work in a liquor store and I can assure you they don't give a fuck.
How the fuck do you know they're Mormon? I grew up as one and I don't think any of the Mormons around me would ever consider applying to work at a liquor store.
>go to the liquor store once a week
>same cashier is always there
>Says 'see you again' every time I leave
Everything is a Mormon in Utah.
user, the fact that you would question whether or not to feel "embarrassed" by what others think of you, shows you are weak. Only weak people care about what others think of them. If you want to have a drink, go for it. If you want to get liquor every day, that's your choice.
News flash fucko, everyone will judge you, including your own fucking family and friends first and foremost. Nignore them, practice this skill, because it's the only way to live a happy life. Otherwise, your entire life will be lived in fear and concern about what others think about you.
I'm sorry :-(
>this whole post
The dude who buys beast ice is probably sharing some of them. Otherwise I can't imagine drinking that much liquid at all, that's over 5 gallons per day.
I have one liquor store near my office that I always go to. It's a family joint and always the same 3 employees there, 2 brothers and their mother. We always make small talk and one of the guys gets me deals when they are out of what I want. The mother is a very sweet old woman as well.
The other liquor store I go to by my house is run by some indian. He always knows what I want and has it ready after he sees me walking in the door. We don't make a whole lot of small talk, but he's alright.
I probably have like 5 other liquor stores in my city and my dad's town where they instantly recognize me, even if it's been more than a year since I've been.
>fireplace ledge
It's called a mantelpiece, truly one of the best parts of the home.
It's pretty fuckin' neat, I agree. A lot of cool small things in my house are on the mantelpiece, like this one brass bottle opener in the shape of a beer vat.