Glasses of water
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The average human male needs 3.5l of water per day to function at optimal capacity. That is fact, not debatable. What one glass represents is not shown on your subpar graph, but I will assume one glass is 650ml so it can at least be correct in some form.
What's the time period here? How is coolness measured? How is it non-dimensionalized? Shit graph, see me after class.
There is no time, it's an analysis of co--existence. Glasses are standard metric. Only America insists on imperial glasses anymore. Coolness is obviously measured in Brandos, the universal scientific standard. No serious study would recognise the Fonzie scale.
Remind me of the Veeky Forums meme where 7 reps gets no gains
Everyone knows 7 reps is pointless.
How do girls manage to be friends with other girls and not be absolute lesbians all the time?
1-2 reps for power
3 reps for explosive strength
4-5 reps for standard strength
6-7 reps gives you brain cancer
8-12 reps for aesthetics
13 reps puts you in the tone zone
14+ reps endurance
>girls manage to be friends
no such thing
They're all constantly one-upping each other and every member of the group believes she is better than the rest
How is that any different from being a guy? At least if you're a girl you have a beautiful body and you can grab and touch other girl's bodies and it's ok.
>How is that any different from being a guy?
what kind of shitty friends do you have
>he can't touch his bro's brapper
what kind of homos do you hang out with?
>The average human male needs 3.5l of water per day to function at optimal capacity. That is fact, not debatable.
lol, no. You fell for a meme.
>Back in 1945 the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council stated that adults should take in about 2.5 liters of water per day (which is roughly the equivalent of eight glasses of water), but it also noted most of that intake level was already satisfied through the consumption of food without the need for the additional drinking of water. And as other nutritionists of the time noted, any shortfall in water intake could be made up through the consumption of beverages such as coffee, tea, milk, or soft drinks; one need not specifically drink water only in the form of water.
Try being less of an idiot going forward.
What colour is your pee?
>reading comprehension so bad that you missed the part where you should still get 2.5-4l of water a day
>missing the part where it can come from foods, though water in pure form is easiest to track
>drinking 12 large glasses of water a day
hope you like seizures
I drink about 3 liters a day, what's the problem?
do you also consume 5 grammes of salt a day?
Probably closer to 6 grams. Does that offset the water?
yes, but you should probably consume less of both salt and water so you don't fuck your kidneys
>he doesn't consume 5 grams ofsalt a day
Why live
I drink like 5.5 liters of water a day, I just carry a gallon jug around with me basically everywhere.
>hope you like seizures
lmao waterlet
Me too. Where my /HYDRATION BOYS/ at?
Is that you, Dad?
No just another Quench Knight.