Veeky Forums humor
Hearty kek
>bagged bread
the fuck is that?
Bread, but in a bag.
>me on the bottom right
Used to be chaotic good but Uk bread goes stale in two days like all the other shit food here so now its in the fridge
>twist, use bag clip, tuck and freeze
Where my /C H A O T I C G O O D B O Y S/ at?
I alternate between lawful good and chaotic good.
Anyone still use a breadbox these days? I used to see them but I can't even remember what they were really like anymore. Opinions?
Chaotic Good is canonically the greatest and most common of all alignments as it is. It being the same in bread is no surprise.
Maybe check the best before label before you buy it you spastic
Nigga, I've had breast last almost two months from a twist and tuck. Swear on my PC.
breast milke?
Chaotic good reporting in
Everything in your shit country lasts a week at most, I can't wait to get out of here
>keep blackness black
No, it doesn't - you're clearly incapable of storing food correctly if your food goes stale in two days. Please fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from
Do you live in a refrigerator?
Just what are you trying to imbly, user?
get that shit off my Veeky Forums
chaotic good AND true neutral, get on my level plebs
you only reclose the bag with a clip if you know you have roaches
I get it!
The joke is that there are people that think they care about cooking, but they still buy (((bread))) that comes in a bag, or,
(((bread))) that is even pre-sliced…
Fuck, I'm dying here.
how to know when a person doesn't eat fruit
>being too retarded to store bread properly
you know you're not supposed to leave it out in the open right, you're meant to seal it.
woter melon nigga
I always leave it out in the open, because I'm too lazy to buy or make me a good bread box, but sealing it? Hell no! It'll just get moldy in no time. Some linen or paper bag works, but I'll just place it cut side down to stop it drying too much.
That's in St. Pete Florida, went there with an ex.
Twist and tuck master race
>Soft, pre-sliced bread
i really really like this image
lawful evil checking in
rip kidneys
Neutral evil here. Pullsmans bread is all the same. I usually just may a soft-knot and tuck before freezing. Pre-sliced is only good for sandwiches.
And I freeze decent bread too sometimes using aluminum ties; reheating in the oven with a brush of milk on the exterior leads to a passable crust.
I have a question. I always seal my bread with the clip and leave it in one of the bottom drawers. I usually finish it in 4-5 days and on the last day there is almost always mould on the last few slices.
I would put it in the fridge but there isn't enough room (7 flatmates 1 fridge). Would putting it somewhere other than the bottom drawer reduce the chance of it getting mouldy, or is my problem only happening because it's not in the fridge?
Mold is often a humidity issue. Be sure to grab the freshest bread, some stores are bad about rotating stock.
Refrigerators are usually a low-humidity environment, condensation from a sealed container not taken into consideration.
Perhaps do what I do for cheese and wrap the drawer in parchment paper, or just paper towels? Store your salt with it. Anything to wick out humidity.
don't know where else to put this but I was watching The Great British Baking Show and I had to rewatch this scene I laughed so hard
where all my "twist and tuck" niggas at
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
correct, it gets worse as summer approaches
Summer is coming. The Proud Boys will be on their break.
and get real bread, dude. I'm afraid if you are in burgerland, that means either finding some real, "ethnic" bakery, or going to whole foods and paying top dolla. But you can not buy bread in murrican supermarkets. Walmart et al. simply do not carry anything that's even related to bread.
>they don't buy fresh bread from the bakery
>they don't buy the right amount of bread for the day so they can have it fresh again the following day
lol "bags"
I'm in aus and buy loaf bread, the quality is fine. When I was living with my parents we would leave the bread in the fridge and it would never get mouldy.
I think I'll just live with throwing out the last slices, the alternatives involve taking up space I just don't have.
>that gif
the left cannot meme
Post her boipucci
Meta shit but since when is there so much Veeky Forums content here? I swear a couple months back there weren't that many threads and now there are like half a dozen diet and even weight loss threads. Not to mention their shit memes in every second thread.
Veeky Forums has been spreading to other boards because they were displaced by the r_thedonald, reddit, /pol/, and /r9k/ diaspora from latest to earliest
It's like watching monkey trying to fuck a football
I always have to reread whenever people use "cum" in that way. It throws me off every time
Heheh I bet this guy would burn cereal too, huh xD haha
what would make the banana catch on fire?
Veeky Forums died to /pol/?
i read this in a British accent
i really like that show
Youre allowed to go to different boards user. Its just people who go to fit also posting relevant memes to threads. The diet threads are either fatasses losing weight or Veeky Forumsizens learning how to cook for their spring cut
That reddit shit is like a year old though, I feel like there has been a massive influx over the last few months.
/r9k/ and /pol/ convinced themselves that the reason they're HKVs is because they're not Chad incarnate as opposed to their horrible personalities and hate-fueled """humor""".
t. Jewish soyboi who has had a gf or fwb since the age of 15
>/r9k/ and /pol/ are one person
/r9k/ are sissies and neckbeards and /pol/ is neckbeard and grannies.
>thinks /pol/edditors have individual traits worthy of being used to distinguish them from one another
Would you all please stfu and post funny images for me to enjoy, thanks. Bump
I'm a twist and tuck man myself
So these posts are made by neurotic jews huh? Makes sense, just a reflection of their near genetic hatred of Europeans. Like they can't truly accept that they hate you.
Why is that woman looking at competitor like he just killed her daughter?
When you see it youll shit bricks
because he put cum in her cake
fug king delete yourself mydude.
wow this thread is fucking sad lol
As annoying /pol/ can be, /r9k/ is by far the biggest shit producing shithole in existence. They only good thing about it is that they've got a high suicide rate, but not high enough by lightyears.
>that few mustard on an all beef 'dog
it was an older lady competitor
who lawful good here
I'll admit, I laughed at that image way more than I should have.
>sweedish shitposting
this is obviously in a english/spanish-speaking country
White person here, what does this even mean?
What's an HKV?
user who only lurks Veeky Forums and doesn't follow internet politics here.
>eating gluten
Twist and tuck to get the suck
/r9k/ is sadfrog, that shitty feels face I never bothered remembering the name of and top autism, /pol/ is equally pathetic but somehow even more retarded and responsible for so much more shitposting. Truly 2 of the worst boards.
Working out is basic fucking hygeine you piece of shit.
Then fuck off back to Veeky Forums with that.
Imagine being a plebeian like this, american.