Themed Restaurants?
Themed Restaurants?
>I would qualify for free food at The Heart-attack Grill
Wait...they give free food to fat fucks. Lol thats hilarious
If you weigh over 350lbs you eat free. Don't laugh because I would stomp a mudhole in your ass.
350+ eat free
And they weigh you between burgers.
Jon Basso has a deep hatred for fat people. Oddly enough, he used to be a fitness instructor.
>acting tough at over 350lbs
He could just walk away at a brisk pace until you collapse from exhaustion lmao
>admitting you're a pussy by saying you'd run away
>the obese get free burgers
I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested for attempted murder, he's blatantly trying to kill them
Who the fuck actually weighs 350lbs
I'm 6' 7" 360. Problem?
In the midwest anyone less than that is considered dangerously underweight
He's not shoving the burgers down their gullet, they have to accept personal responsibility for their gluttony.
Only in glorious Zipangu
>Oddly enough, he used to be a fitness instructor.
He hates fat people because he was a fitness instructor. Fat people are braindead lazy subhumans incapable of taking responsibility for their actions.
b-but exercising is hard
>tfw my town only has a Naruto café
>being a weak willed bitch
I guess society needs trash people too.
About 35% of the American population. This is what happens when food is so cheap and people are so bored they have nothing to do but eat all day long.
>dine opposite a waddle dee
It's cute
>Who the fuck actually weighs 350lbs
A very, very large percentage of 'Mericans are obese as shit.
Ate there with my pal, he didn't finish his burger and got his ass beat by a midget in a nurse costume. 10/10 would go watch my friend get his ass smacked again
>85% of 13% is a large percentage of americans
my noodle
its being tickled
You need to lose 50 pounds before your next post
>I would stomp a mudhole in your ass.
Is that before or after your heart attack from trying to approach somebody?
How the fuck are american blacks that fat? what happened to all those skinny athlete niggers we see on your 'merican tv?
they're from like a few specific tribes
Are Europeans so retarded they think a small portion of people is representative of an entire population?
>niggers we see on your 'merican tv?
There's your mistake. "merican media is scared to show anything negative about blacks for fear of being labeled "waicist", so you need to meed some real blacks to understand them.
What do you think happens when the government gives free food credits to unemployed people who buy nothing but 2L bottles of soda and fried chicken and watch TV all day?
yeah but it's like putting a bag of cocaine, heroine, meth, and some powdered flinstone vitamins in front of a drug addict and they OD and die
Jon Basso is only doing Gods work more easy and fast.
It's also what happens when we're no longer doing backbreaking work in the sun 12+ hours a day, and instead sit at a desk.
>what happened to all those skinny athlete niggers we see on your 'merican tv?
Just like most things you see on television, they're not an accurate representation of reality.
>Lisa, I'm Dr. Now
>You don't get to bring snacks
>The diet plan I just filed with the nurse lists: salad, yogurt and fruit but only one lil' eggroll
>First one to lose 100 lbs gets to stay in my hospital
>He didn't diet so good
>Tell me about James K, why does he consume 15,000 calories a day?
>Lotta loyalty for a former cheating wife...
>At least you can talk, who are you?
>James K?
>If I touch those leg boils, will you die?
>You're a big guy...
>Was getting fat part of your plan?
>Well congratulations, you got fat, now what's the next step of your master plan?
Partially this but honestly large quantities of refined carbs is part of the reason why people have gone to shit healthwise. Cakes made with white sugar were expensive in the 1800s.
I stopped eating all sugar and bread I didn't make myself for Lent and I feel fucking fantastic, don't know why I never did this earlier.
>implying a burger is comparable to hard drugs
chronic fatties aren't physically addicted, they're just pathetic people with shit willpower / using food as escapism
also if they're really obese they probably already eat like shit, so changing their diet to accomodate the free burgers won't make much of a difference
to be fair anyone who would pay a trainer is also braindead
That's some good pasta.
>You can't expect God to do all the work
Ford's Garage
A 1920s Ford auto repair garage theme with emphasis on craft beer and burgers. It started in Florida near Henry Ford's Winter home in Fort Meyers (now a museum), but it's now an expanding chain. They opened up one in Dearborn, Michigan (Ford World HQ location) recently, also.
>seeking advice from a trained professional is bad
How did they make a mechanic themed bar so fucking gaudy
>this fat piece of shit thinks she has the cardio to do anything but die from a heart attack in a fight
Sure, tubs.
>Are Europeans so retarded...
I'm 6' and 185 and technically still overweight. I look skinny tho
Do they allow Jews inside?
No one else has the problem you fat shit.
Jon "Gasso the Fatasso" Basso
He must have a big masculine vagina.
I'm really surprised he isn't an AnCap figurehead
not far off from a healthy weight, just do a bit of exercise and tone up a bit and you'd be fine.
>skips leg day
good luck living past 50, poor bastard
>Do they allow Jews inside?
I'm pretty sure Jews own it, or at least play a major role in the business. The biggest clue is all of the upcharge options for getting a higher quality beef patty (Angus vs. Wagyu, etc.) on your burger for this much, or more exotically-topped fries (standard fries vs. truffle fries, etc.) for that much.
>jew owns a Henry Ford themed Restaurant chain
Oh man thats fuckin hilarious
Hey it's cool you can fix things and turn it around I believe in you OP
>tfw you are insanely gay for avocados but find this video excessive and disgusting
is "she" a tranny?
>skips leg day
I can't tell if you're being serious or not but Hafthor squats over 900 lbs.
If you're really that fat just try some drugs since you're obviously too lazy for sports
Buy some bitcoin and get some speed/amphetamine on dream market
You realize the upcharge system is because Waygu costs more than Angus, and truffle oil cost money. I would not be shocked to hear Jews run the place or whatever but upcharging for stuff that costs more isn't evidence of it
>one lil' eggroll
It's like the time Dr. Phil left an Alcoholic in the green room alone with hard liquor and he came out on stage shit faced
Holy shit, it's true
>"It's a sacrifice that has to be made," Basso said. "Somebody has gotta stand here and say, 'Screw it. Wake up, world. You're fat.' No, I'm not going to call you plus-size. I'm not gonna say you're portly. No, you're fat. Lose some weight, or just hurry up and die and be done with it."
>Unofficial spokesperson John Alleman suffered heart attacks after eating burgers on a daily basis. Alleman actually suffered his on the spot.
>Of this, Basso said, "One of the 'nurses' ran back to the kitchen and she says, 'Doctor Jon, someone is having a heart attack.' And I said, 'Business is good!'"
Modern Toilet Restaurant, it's actually so successful it is a chain in several countries.
>Business is good!
I went to the Capcom bar in Tokyo. The most interesting thing about it was that there was a huge line, the place was packed, and I'm pretty sure I was the only dude there. I guess Capcom can really draw out the yaoi fans.
In any case, the food was decent but Capcom hasn't released anything I care about in years. I think this dish was Phoenix Wright themed, one of the games that never made it out of Japan.
Maybe when they do something good I'll try to go back.
>Phoenix Wright
>Never made it out of Japan
Obese is obsessed
>one of the ones
The Great Ace Attorney, right?
Does McGuire's Irish Pub count? They have a dead body by the front door.
Wait so if I was completely jacked and very tall and was healthy but weighed 350 I could get free food? Time to get jacked.
stay jealous.
Nobody is healthy at 350 pounds, you delusional fatty
You have to live it!
>walk in circles around you until you collapse from exhaustion (~5 minutes?)
>you are now my bitch
Exhaustion is how the early human hunted, it'd be an honor to hunt a fat fuck down the same way my ancestors hunted gazelles
Im 187 cm at 78 kg, that's like 150 lbs?
Holy shit you fat fucking cunt, seek help
I can't think of how this is unethical. I don't understand why so many people take issue with him.
Kantian ethics would not readily accept the wanton behavior of the fatty. Nor would it accept Busso using fatties as a means to his end of making money/advocating obesity awareness. But Kantian ethics are pretty ridiculous/demanding.
Utilitarianism is totally on board with him and in truth I think most recent pluralist approaches to utility would support Busso.
Busso is being fully honest and is definitely walking a virtuous line of businessman, protester/advocate and simultaneously ridding the world of those with true ineptitude.
Says you stupid human.
>6'3, 220 pound black guy
I'm dieting now, but holy shit does this suck.
I hear there's no reservations but it's popular, so literally every day they have an obnoxiously massive line. seems like a waste of a day if you're a tourist
>implying any of that is achievable without drugs
this lady is a fucking faggot.
I always toyed with the idea of opening an MLP themed titty bar called Ponkers Honkers. I'd keep the references subtle though, just maybe some of the better anthro fanart. Shame the fandom is dead, really.
>Fandom is dead
M8 I wish I had your optimism. The board is slow as fuck, there's much less music being made, new art seems to be mostly porn which is not my thing. There was /mlpol/ a year ago which was fun, but the new season looks like it's gonna be ass. I'm on the ride to the end though.
there is a video where he literally says he tried getting rid of fats as fitness trainer but it didn't worked
and now he has found a much faster alternative.
You sign a legal waiver on entrance.
>Rich Fucking Piana
He has stated multiple times his lifestyle is NOT healthy, and that he fights his body every step of the way to maintain his build.