Am I at risk of turning into a woman if I eat soy?
Am I at risk of turning into a woman if I eat soy?
Just based on how hysterical the pro soy shills act when you belittle their brand loyalty I would say absolutely, avoid at all costs.
You have to eat/drink very large amounts of it to have any effect. It can make you grow bitch tits and have lower T levels.
Mostly the research is inconclusive (as far as I've seen) but leaning more towards the "it doesn't really do anything" side. If you're really worried about it, just don't eat it, or do your own research your stupid cuck.
No, but you should get a soylent sponsorship like the guys in that office, one of them also has a sponsorship deal with lunchable, that way you will never have to pay for food again
However you are at risk of becoming a tastelet idiot if you replace real food with soy fakery, and you will become a retarded permavirgin autist if you obsess about soyboys.
Just eat soy where it makes sense (soy sauce, the occasional tofu) and don't where it doesn't (soy based fake meat, shitty HFCS+soy flyover readymade food)
Its too late for OP. Bitchtititus has already set in. Might as well chop off your dick and get fitted for your pussy hat. Youll be needing it
calling the shitpost police and your bad post
In every faggot there's a women who wants out. So yeah.
t. Former wh*te m*le
If you drink Soylent? No. Soy protein doesn't contain the testosterone inhibiting qualities. That said, it's overpriced and none of its claims are scientifically validated so I'd avoid that shit.
If you drank nothing but soymilk for a few months, you'd probably start having issues though. Ironically, regular factory produced milk is worse.
Organic Grassfed whole milk red-pill.
>turning into a woman
No, dumbass, that would be fucking ridiculous. You turn into a numale.
>implying trannies are women
Better to avoid it. I used a vape to quit cigarettes and I ended up fucking a tranny. Don’t be the tranny vapefags fuck.
>open mouth
It's all there
>ended up fucking a tranny
How was it? Was she passable?
I have gynocomastia from drinking soylent
trannies never pass except in pictures where they have favorable angles, lighting conditions and makeup.
We need to get rid of soyboys, don't you agree /pol/?
I was pretty drunk. Started hitting on it and it told me it was a tranny. Fucked it anyway. Was a good time. I didn’t spend the night so I didn’t see it in the morning. I would do it again if I was drunk. It was prettier than 3/4 of the girls at the bar that night.
The only meals that should be in a drinkable format are soups.
Or a smoothie with ground oats and protein powder. Without the oats and protein it doesn’t really count as a meal.
I like porridge enough that oat smoothies feel unnecessary.
I also actually like kale as a vegetable.
I don’t fuck up smoothies by adding kale. I like steel cut oats, but i don’t always feel like cooking it, so I grind it in a coffee grinder, toss it in the blender with a banana, some frozen mango and raspberries, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and coconut water. It’s just a breakfast substitute, but still a meal.
That’s not gay in the least bit
It's not gay if it looks like a woman
This is wrong. I pass pretty often at work with no makeup on. Not all the time, sure, and not on super close inspection, but I do get people calling me a woman fairly often, and no, it's not pity-passing.
inb4 reee attention whore. There are lots of trannies online, it's not that big of a deal.
post feet plz
>Am I at risk of turning into a woman if I eat soy?
Soy must be fermented for humans to consume it. Ask the Japanese.