How come most philosophers never got married or had children?

How come most philosophers never got married or had children?

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It's pretty obvious.

Intelligent people tend to not give a fuck about anything outside of their intellectual pursuits.

>Intelligent people tend to not give a fuck about anything outside of their intellectual pursuits.
I'm sure some virgin is reading this right now and thinking "fuck yea I'm intelligent"

They're bunch of cucks that's what

This. Intelligent people are plenty normie.

Amazing geniuses, though, I can see being much lonelier because they can't find intellectual peers.

>I can see being much lonelier because they can't find intellectual peers
The history of philosophy is full of just that. Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer. You could go on for quite a while.

Socrates had two wives and like 9 kids.

>some virgin
try this entire website

Reproduction gets in the way of mental masturbation.

>instead spends all his time asking his manfriends "what is love" in the park
that is some n e x t l e v e l deadbeat dad shit

Socrates and Musonius both were married and had kids. So was Marcus Aurelius, of course.

He did that ironically, haven't you heard of Socratic irony?

Philosophers are extremely cruel, hence why they philosophize. Philosophizing is the act of shaping the world with your mind to fit your own desires and seize power over it.

Basically, philosophers are the most power hungry and intolerable of them all. So of course, very few of them would turn into husbands and parents.

philosophers dont make much money

It's probably the aspergers.

Most philosophers are gamma personalities.
Neither follower nor leader, they go off on their own.
It takes a certain remove from humanity to be able to observe and analyze.

>How come most philosophers never got married or had children?
Nice source faggot.

(Almost) literally no one cites sources when posting on this board. "Citation needed" is almost the equivalent of "cuck" at this point.

Because instincts are a smaller part of their beings, so they don't get tricked into relationships or marriage.
t. Schopenhauer


They get in the way of what really matters. You'll get some butthurt chads in this thread, but if you value sex and breeding then you'll never attain the intellectual life. A way to identify a chad is if they refer to 'success' or respond negatively to my post. They think intellectual success is equal to how many people buy your books. You can ignore them because they have nothing worthwhile to say.

>but if you value sex and breeding then you'll never attain the intellectual life

Total bullshit mate, to attain a truly intellectual life and to be able to fabricate truly viable and rational ideas you need to experience every aspect of human life, or at the very least the basic ones. Sex is one of them, you are just bitter.

And this is coming from someone who hasn't had sex in 19 months.

What is intellectual life worth compared to someone continuing your name ?
I'd rather have descendants than being a footnote in a history book.


t. Chad

>to attain a truly intellectual life and to be able to fabricate truly viable and rational ideas you need to experience every aspect of human life.
Most thinkers demonstrate the opposite. Stay mad chad.
That's because you're a retarded chad.

> you need to experience every aspect of human life
You don't. For example you can focus on just one field and fabricate viable results here. Not every of viable ideas need to be some theory of everything.

>What is intellectual life worth compared to someone continuing your name ?
why are normies so concerned with this shit?

Experience every aspect of human life is literally impossible for human. Like you can't experience solitude but also experience deep bonds with all your friends. And both are aspects of human life.

In the end it would be the same. You are dead and it doesn't matter for you what would be after you. It is self-delusion at its purest form.

>you need to experience every aspect of human life
As if that was possible.

Plenty of philosophers have wives and kids, as far as the greek philosophers we only have so much info on them, so outside their writings, marriage/dating material doesn't always exist.

Yes, but you have to take into account that in those times you married by talking two times with a chick and one with his father, so the ones who married mean almost nothing, but those who didn't marry are very significant.

I laughed.

they were all massive autists

I've had that feeling from time to time. I'm a result of people fucking each other for thousands of years, I'm a little scared of that line just ending.
For the record I've never had sex.


> If you value sex and breeding then you'll never attain the intellectual life
Not true. It is practically proven that high sex drive is strongly correlated with intelligence by levels of testosterone. Schrödinger literally figured his own equations while on vacations with his old girlfriend and quantum physics is no joke.

Basically it isn't about what you value. Intellectual life is about what you think. If you think only about how to get to girls, relationships or only about sex then there is no hope for you.

But there is no need for that. Most of smart people can value things without being obsessed by desire and blinded by their frustrations.

>born to one of richest family in Europe
>hadsome as fuck, smart as a fox
>give up all the money to brothers and sisters
>fight in ww1 and risk life over and over
>become a philosopher
>slightly gay
>fall in love with a girl but let her know that there will be no children after marriage

What the fuck went wrong?

He was actually just a beta that got friendzoned by his crush

It's your own life nigga, besides you can always have child at your 30
Enjoy being young


And don't we all wish it was otherwise.

>implying normies aren't childless hedonists

Fuck off /r9k/

They are in their 20s. Eventually they knock up some broad or cave into social pressure. Women especially feel less worthwhile if they aren't married with a kid by the time they're 30.

Only the truly enlightened recognize the spook that is family.

It's kinda strange how different Nietzsche's life and philosophy were from each other.

The Overman is the epitome of alpha male, after all.

I think it would have been easy for Nietzsche to embrace some egalitarian ideology to preserve his own ego. He took the harder route, recognizing that being a socially stunted physical invalid isn't the ideal way to go through life.

Props to him, then. Literally the anti-SJW.


Socrates was married.

He was likely, and I am being serious here, autistic.

Socrates had two wives that hated him. He put up with them because he loved Athens more than anything and the city forced every able body man to have multiple wives in an attempt to revitalize the population, which had been ravaged by wars. It's probably why he spent most of his day walking about Athens or in the gymnasium.

Because they were all homosexuals

>The Overman is the epitome of alpha male, after all.
two of his overmen are goethe and mozart

exhibit a of a Chad.

in his autobiography Evola says he couldn't find a girl who was traditional wife material so there was no point in trying to make one. He also says that when he was an artist he fucked a bunch of girls without much effort and that made him lose respect for the female gender.

Lineages are overrated, and you or your descendants are likely to get cucked at least once and that's all you need to lose in evolution. Although I want a lineage too, the things of the mind are much more worthy.


I'm top in my school as a math major and I'm the only one with a girlfriend

>than being a footnote in a history book.

Achieving this means you've done more for humanity than if you just had a kid, who would most likely live an unremarkable life doing nothing especially meaningful, though.

humanity will die anyway so, what will humanity do for the universe

Anyone else kissless virgin here?


>anecdotal evidence

>it's an anecdote
>therefore false

Of course the bottom line is how hard you work, but productive people also know how to destress. Only retards and autists think being a retarded autist is the best way to become a mathematician. The desire for sex is strong and having sex clears one mind and lets him focus

Also the most productive mathematician ever, Euler had 11 kids. Dude was always getting it on

in the end philosophy is just escapism for lonely people, like anime

Nietzsche wasn't as weak as people make him out to be. He served in military voluntarily and whatever physical failings he had was due to him going through some illness, was it cholera or diptheria, I can't recall, and him tearing some muscles after an attempt to jump mount a horse. Man also hated what would be NEETs of today and spent much of his free time taking hikes. It's a meme that he was somehow pathetic; his detractors most certainly are, they could scarcely have produced as wildly vitalistic philosophy as he did despite being plagued by illness and having exiled himself and living like a wandering gipsy for much of his later, pre insanity days.
This is what intellectually inferior people believe to justify their suffering.

>the spook that is family.
the spook that is the woman

>It's kinda strange how different Nietzsche's life and philosophy were from each other.
A few virgins understand Women far better than normies who understand women far better than virgin-as--failed-normies

Socrates was a Nationalist?

he had syphillis because he fucked hookers

nietzsche was a lonely, sickly, weak man who literally spent a year living with his friend and his wife as the third wheel because he was so beta.

just goat philosopher things

they thought about it

Some got married, most got kids.

Fuck off reddit.

He made a glorification to life even in his bad conditions.

He isn't a beta.

is that why he had to beg his friends and sister for money his entire life?

He couldn't even support himself, what kind of man is that. That's not a man.


Hi bluepill.

Do you have any proof to your claims besides hersay and old rumours?

>tfw the worth of an individual has any relation with his economic success.
Go back to Facebook you normie.

A great deal of philosophers are introverts, which is precisely what leads to greater questioning of one's self and their place in the world, and so prefer to be alone by their nature.

daily reminder that NEETs are cancer who have been weeded out of society.

Normies will defend this.


You're just a cogwheel.

The syphilis thing is a bad meme. He died of a hereditary disorder.

I always laugh when people say this.

Would you call a hunter gatherer a "just a cogwheel?"

The human species needs to procure it's own sustenance one way or another, it is nature's law.

"It is the common doom of man that he must eat his bread by the sweat of his brow, that is, by the sweat of his body, or the sweat of his mind. Every attempt to fly from it, and to refuse the very terms of our existence, becomes much more truly a curse, and heavier pains and penalties fall upon those who would elude the tasks which are put upon them by the great Master Workman of the World."

>procuring your own sustenance means wageslaving 8-5

>he's eluding the tasks put upon him by the Master Workman
>curses, pains and penalties are imminent

also, doesn't have to be wage-labour. by all means be self-employed. do whatever you want just so long as you are surviving by your own merits and not leeching.

1. nice dubs
2. not him
3. procuring your own sustenance means operating within your chosen means to achieve said sustenance; a self-sustaining man isn't a "wageslave" but he still works, whether harder or easier, to sustain himself.

Autism is a merit.
>born with autism
>procure sustenance with your very existence
I see no contradiction.

I agree that the less fortunate and less capable should be supported by society.

>do whatever you want just so long as you are surviving by your own merits and not leeching.


>to work and then die
>not to work and then die

Born to be slaves will defend the former.

Because welfare statism and supporting leeches is a declaration of war on nature.

>"We have heard many plans for the relief of the "Labouring Poor." This puling jargon is not as innocent as it is foolish. In meddling with great affairs, weakness is never innoxious. Hitherto the name of Poor (in the sense in which it is used to excite compassion) has not been used for those who can, but for those who cannot labour—for the sick and infirm; for orphan infancy; for languishing and decrepid age: but when we affect to pity as poor, those who must labour or the world cannot exist, we are trifling with the condition of mankind."

>Because welfare statism and supporting leeches is a declaration of war on nature.
That because you push your own ideology on nature, if somethings happens then its safe to say that is natural

Not society, the family structure. I have no obligation to look out for inferior genetics.

t. Hitler

In ancient Greece, homosexuality was seen as a defiance to the nature, and thus, marked the superiority of the man over nature. I remember their preference for young athletes and boys over women. Same goes for Romans to a degree. So that makes homosexuals societally superior to heterosexuals at that times.

>i say that everything belongs to me already, i've merely to attain power over it

That's great

hopefully this is bait
can't even begin to..