why so much hate for binging with babish on this subreddit?
Why so much hate for binging with babish on this subreddit?
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>Everything I disagree with is bait
Top meta bait.
hahahaha linging with labish :DDD
Because it got popular and Veeky Forums is a bunch of hipsters. He teaches good cooking technique in a simple way without being all pretentious about it or being a ridiculous numale.
The one legitimate complaint I see here sometimes is that his movie-theme is a gimmick, and this is true. But it helped him become popular and it really doesn't detract from the cooking instruction.
hehe, I usually do this:
Every post above and below this has been trolled.
True, but Youtube is a business and gimmicks sell. Gotta find some way to stand out.
He stopped funding my bull with his wife, that's why.
>inb4 "wife"
My bull is bi.
cuz he's a soyboy faggot
He's really condescending
He has stupid tattoos.
He literally copies most of his content from based Chef John and sells it as his own
Don't get me wrong, I cook shit from other people too, but I don't try to pass it off as my own.
If there's one thing 4channers are not, it's hip... I think contrary is the word you're looking for.
>heres a cross section of muh cereal
He's popular
What the fuck is a subreddit
>shows a cross section of sandwhiches and things generally cut in half
StOp IT, STop KuTTIng EVeRytHINg iN HALf
Fast food threads are posted by corporate marketers all fucking day here. Don't be naive about how this place works.
Good. Faggots. Babish is still a cool as fuck guy who isn't afraid of anything.
Yeah ... except that Chef John is "The Simpsons" of Youtube cooking.
Chef Sneed
Don't hate him as much as I hate the way his videos are formatted and narrated. If he changed it up just a bit I wouldn't mind, also drop the "high quality" kitchen act when you're making a fucking meme item.
He convinced me to cook Pasta Aglio e Olio for my girlfriend.
She loved it, and we had wild sex afterwards.
>Fast food threads are posted by corporate marketers all fucking day here. Don't be naive about how this place works.
Who the fuck would shill on a website full of schizophrenic people who think everybody is a shill?
>without being pretentious
>good technique
No he fucks up a lot of basic shit.
The fact that he has a ton of annoying followers who don't know shit about food doesn't help either. He's a shit version of Chef John.
Because a lot of people here fancy themselves to be counterculture (when they're mostly just pissy teenagers).
No Fun Allowed
>No he fucks up a lot of basic shit.
Any examples?
>Fast food threads are posted by corporate marketers all fucking day here
She actually believes this
Who is this banging with bitcoin?? first time hearing...
>dude im gonna bake a special bread for this sammich! Its called ciabata and i cant pronounce it to save my life!
>dude tmnt pizza, cuckdit and morty meme sauce and more and more pop culture references!
>dude have you seen my tattoos? Let me show them on camera! Im so cool!
>dude im bald as a bowling ball but take a look at this sick """"manly"""" beard! Tee hee!
>dont forget my glasses! Im so classy. :p
He is the apex point of what's wrong with internet culture, hell he is the prime example of a try hard nu-male liberal,he is literal and factual cancer.
Well you see, that odd fellow is a libcuck.
He just likes making food from movies, you autistic fuck.
>This much anger directed at a single man
You have some deeply routed jealousy in this man, user. Consider counseling.
How about a tasty McChicken®, a large order of mouth watering fries and an ice-cold Coca Cola® product?
watch him cut and peel the vegetables. it's cringe worthy. also he didn't clean the leeks, so he's gonna have grit in his final product
It looks maybe a little heavy-handed, but there's nothing wrong with it... if you want to make an argument, you need to do better than "It makes me cringe." If you can't say what's wrong with it, then you probably don't know yourself.
you peel in one streak, not that little shit he's doing. you cut the vegetables not by slamming the knife down like you're cutting through bone, but by holding the fucking vegetable. he slips and makes a bunch of diagonal cuts. that's called bad technique. leeks need to be cleaned and he wasted perfectly usable green parts.
I don't like his tattoos. It would be like if I tattooed a keyboard to my forearm. It's dumb. I like his channel though.
It's a cook/chef thing. I work in an inner city hotel with 3 kitchens and just about every single chef that's worked there more than a year has a chef knife tattoo. There's maybe two or three indian guys that don't.
>without being all pretentious
Thank you for explaining. It's less shitposty now. I will still defend his channel, particularly because he is self-taught and doesn't sell himself as a legitimate cooking instructor. But I recognize the validity of your criticism as well. It's still a respectable channel.
i wouldn't criticize him if he didn't try and make an instructional series despite him basically just doing atk and chef john recipes. his original gimmick was perfectly fine
He's serious like "fond is how you get flavors. You need to deglaze your pans," but being brief doesn't mean that one is pretentious. Pretentious is when you spend 10 minutes talking about how and why a dish is your favorite to make and go on about how the ingredients typify idyllic Italian village life blah blah blah. If it's straightforward and focuses on the food, then your perception of pretentiousness is probably a product of projection.
It's more a nu-male thing. It advertises you as being open to casual gay sex.
That’ll be 69.99 plus tip, plus tax, plus donations to my Patreon
He wore his fucking apron with sunglasses to go meat shopping, do you really need anymore proof? He also thinks it's a great bit to leave in a shot of him pouring a whisky like it means anything. Confirmed faggot with a gimmick that was tired after half a dozen videos and now just acts high and mighty teaching rudimentary cooking skills. It doesn't get much more Reddit
Sadly this is a lot more winning than you have going on.
He's a success at cooking and the people bitching about him are not.
That's how it works on /v/, at least.
>we had wild sex after a gave her a shitload of nasty garlic
I think Binging with Babish is a pretty cool guy. Eh cook fodo and doesnt afraid of anything.
I blame all the Proud Boys that come here.
Because Veeky Forums is a contrarian website. That’s literally the only reason. If it’s popular and god forbid reddit likes it too, Veeky Forums does not like it
>reddit incarnate, talking about smoking "jazz cigarettes". also, basically being a walking dunning kruger
>his voiceovers are terrible. you can hear him oozing with pretense while knowing fuck all
>his food is B-tier at best
>he is a home cook, not a chef. only a beginner home cook would write home about the most basic of things like 10 minute pastas and pan sauces. also he walked around in public with an apron on, shit is ridiculous.
now fuck off
>still more successful than you
fuck off Andrew
What, the Simpsons isn't good or something?
Too mainstream?
I think he's saying that, like the Simpsons, he's already done everything.
i don't really see it as pretentious to wear the apron in public, it's kinda his uniform for the show, seems more like a joke than anything that he's wearing it in public since the channel never shows him behind the scenes, and sunglasses are sunglasses, nothing wrong with trying to look aesthetic on a show.
The name "babish" pisses me off.who the fuck names their kid "BABISH"?
I don't watch him, but compare his souffle's with Chef John's. Who's example do you want to follow?
its not his real name, it's a nod to the west wing, aka the gayest show ever
>sex after eating food
I'd be okay if it was dessert but after a meal? I'd be farthing shitting puking and boy her breath would smell like shit
its funny how he gets progressively uglier as his view count grows. he's literally a unibrow turk that got popular pretending to be a deep voiced white man by hiding his face early on
He's a faggot that caters to pasty overweight numales that think "real men drink whiskey and talk about their beards" and now can add "have trivial knowledg of cooking techniques" to that list.
Anyone with an actual interest in cooking technique would watch Chef John or even fucking Alton Brown over this turbofaggot hipster. The fact he advertises his shit Youtube channel on Veeky Forums doesn't help his image either
I love BWB.
Pic related, it's me
I always thought it was "bah-beesh," and I avoided his channel for this reason. I thought it would be a 14 year old Indian kid.
i watched a few of his vids. the last one i watched was the bruce bogtrotter cake one. now as far as i can remember, the only defining features of that particular chocolate cake are that it's very rich and very large. i watched most of the video, and it was really just a normal chocolate cake, not too big, not too rich, no blood or sweat. and then at one point he mentions that it's his first time making the cake
so i had spent X minutes watching some fucking guy make a chocolate cake for the FIRST TIME in his life. the casey neistat of cooking shit
no one posts about his black roommate?
suck my dick you geriatric turtle, only those with more money than sense pay $500+ dollars to watch you spank the bare ass of your adult son for mushing the rice wrong or painting the soy sauce onto the fish from the wrong angle. Only God knows if your sushi's flavor isn't coming from "Giro's corn flakes"; all from all the dying skin that falls onto the food you server to the adulating cocksuckers you call your dumb shit patrons. I hope to God your pussywhipped faggot of a son have the decency to chain your up and throw you into the most isolate retirement home so I can stop imagining your cheesy colored skin isn't imparting its rich nail fungus flavors into my $10 dollar meal of freezer cured fish with rice.
I hope to god i never see that ugly, wrinkled, jaundice colored mess you call a face ever again; If i were ever to visit that aging suicide rice field you call a country i'll be sure to collect some geriatric feces from the local assisted living facility and smear it all over your little shitshack, as a reminder of where you should rest your little bald head. forever.
Not only because it got popular.
I don't mind that it's popular, my issue is that he started changing when he got popular. Showing his face more, making more reddit-tier jokes to appeal to his audience, etc. I still like his vids, but he seems a bit more smug now.
I always liked his movie-food style.
Hes not nearly brown enough to be a turk, not to mention his name is Andrew Rea, which is pretty white if you ask me.
I feel that. Thank you for making a fair and balanced criticism which is backed up with justification.
May I substitute the Coca-Cola product for diabetes tea please
But he did put blood and sweat into his Matilda cake
Reddit stinks like homosexual precourse and I will not even read a thread that smells of it.
t. Old /b/
Only true patricians watch Cooking with Cooking Mama
Be consistent you fuck.