>white people shouldn't make food made by non-whites
how do you respond?
>white people shouldn't make food made by non-whites
how do you respond?
I don't. People with a mindset this retarded won't have their mind changed by anything.
I respond by saying quit posting these stupid race baiting posts on a cooking board and get back to cleaning your room like your mother told you to, brat.
>>white people shouldn't make food made by non-whites
>be white
>make food
>shouldn't have done it
Accuse him of being part of the cisgendered patriachy of cooking and that a Thai ladyboy should have gotten a Neflix cooking series instead.
Goes both ways mr chang, please immediately refrain from using any white intellectual property
Race baiting? Fuck you whitey, you're destroying black people by making spicy chicken.
btw I will never eat your kim-chi
>give me a single good reason why not
cultural appropriation
He asked for a good reason user.
Doesn't exist
It does exist, but small groups of modern retards don't understand what it is so generously apply the label to any situation where white people enjoy things from another culture.
That being said, this is a shitty thread.
>immovable forces shoudln't meet irresistible objects
How do you respond
we should segregate them
Fuck you. I do what ever the hell I please
No, I do not acknowledge it as a thing. Everything is up for grabs. When a group of people start doing something interesting all other groups are entitled to do the same thing, ideas do not have ownership.
Actually they do it's called intellectual property. Patents, copyright, trademarks, are examples of this.
In businesses where people directly profit from their own innovations sure, not region specific trends like food, clothes, music etc
lol @ this thread. Asians love it when white people try to speak our language and cook our food. It makes us feel accepted and superior because even rich whites prefer our cooking over their own western cuisine.
The only asian guy ever complaining about "whties cooking asian food" is probably some 2nd generation California faggot that's been brainwashed by liberals and niggers.
Are you that triggered by SJWs that you can't accept that they misconstrue concepts that actually exist, instead preferring to pretend they don't?
I'm not white, I'm american.
>The only asian guy ever complaining about "whties cooking asian food" is probably some 2nd generation California faggot that's been brainwashed by liberals and niggers.
100% This. It's just learned behavior from liberals.
Actual Chinese all want whites to copy our culture because we're fucking sick of being influenced and dominated by American Disney Export culture.
Agreed. lol @ some SJW desperately trying to act like Asians are all up in arms about anything. This is more contrived and made up than the scarjo ghost in the shell "controversy"
based muttposter
Who is this and why should I care
Also the only Asians complaining about not casting Asians in roles. Chinese people were happy to see Matt Damon in some chink film, because it made the film look more prestigious.
It was still shit though.
Why would I bother responding? There's nothing they can do to stop me and there's nothing I can do to convince them of the stupidity of their opinion.
Trying to slander Asians and pretend that we play the same race card as your 'merican niggers is a joke.
We don't give a fuck what you dumbshit white people do, and we certainly don't cry about it like your fucking pathetic niggers do.
But coastal Asians do act like this, and complain about racism, while they join all Asian fraternities at some university 95% of the population can't afford.
>coastal Asians do act like this, and complain about racism,
Only the few that have succumbed to liberals and niggers. But no. Most of us have tough ass parents that still teach us to take responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming every other race.
italian food is very good though
He's completely right within a restaurant context. I get leery as fuck when I see an ethnic place full of whites. And this is coming from a white guy.
unironically "that's racist"
Kill him, go to jail for it, and blame it on video games. Worth.
>ethnic place full of whites
When the fuck have you ever seen this? Nonwhite small business owners are ethnocentrists to the core, it's highly unlikely they would even consider hiring a white person.
nonwhites shouldn't use white languages.
Dumb locust chink.
>I get leery as fuck when I see an ethnic place full of whites.
Top kek
I bet you eat at chink places staffed with nips and mexican places staffed with BRs all the time.
More like chink places staffed with mexicans where I live
This but for every board. People giving a million (you)s to zero effort bait threads featuring a literally who twitter screencap or clickbait blog make me want to leave and never come back.
>chef chang is a literal who
Looking at David Chang I'm pretty sure he'd eat anything you put infront of him off-camera
The OP is a reference soecificallly to David Chang’s Netflix show, Ugly Delicious, in which he does indeed say that he would be mad about a white restaurateur serving Korean food, asks a white chef who makes fried chicken if he thinks he’s overstepped his bounds, and generally displays a weird fixation on whether whitey would like whatever he’s eating at the time and harps on about how white Americans can’t enjoy the authentic version of anything foreign. He then goes on to on separate occasions refuse to eat fairly tame Chinese dishes because they weird him out and not address the irony of this at all.
I don’t think anyone’s implying that most Asians are as much of a baby as Chang.
how can someone make something made by someone else???
Good goy
Okay, m80.
>Removes all non-white people off the internet, television, and print media.
>When the fuck have you ever seen this?
It is kind of all over on the west coast. Was visiting a friend and they took me to this "so cool" Mexican place, it was run by two white dudes, with a hispanic staff, so there was that I guess. Also had lunch at a Japanese fusion place with a front room staffed entirely by white people, assume the owners were as well. The two closest Mexican inspired places near my moms' house are owned by white people. The BBQ place that used to be run by this really cool old black dude, got bought out by some white dudes when he died.
I don't see any issues with it, but it seems like it might be a thing, at least in certain areas..
he's wearing cultural appropriation
now what
I think I know what that is supposed to mean, but I've never seen this guy talk so I can only asses that quote alone. I'm white, and most of what I eat and cook is Mexican oriented, as I live very close to Mexico and most of my experience with food has come from and been influenced by Mexicans. I've always actually liked this because I've heard of and seen pics of northern US "white food" and there are quite a few restaurants here which serve that stuff, but I don't prefer it by any means. I've been taught a number of the things I know about Mexican food and cooking, directly from Mexicans. So I know how to do it their way and I know how to distinguish the difference of a bastardization or an improvement to a dish. Either are subjective to opinions, shit I know Mexicans who bastardize their own cuisine all the time. So... how do I respond?
This man is too blindly proud for any good to come of the narrative he is pushing. Its unfortunate, divisive and unfair. He will not benefit in the end for holding this perspective. I would never imagine saying that Asian people or black or whatever should "not make food made by ______". I don't think that way, and I'm glad he's reminded me of how much more open minded I naturally am. He just looks like a sad fool, really.
libs misusing the words we use to make fun of them will never not be cringy
>giving a fuck about "cultural appropriation" on a website created by a weeaboo for weeaboos
>Its unfortunate, divisive and unfair.
>I'm white, and most of what I eat and cook is Mexican oriented, as I live very close to Mexico and most of my experience with food has come from and been influenced by Mexicans.
>I've been taught a number of the things I know about Mexican food and cooking, directly from Mexicans.
See to me this is why this whole "cultural appropriation" nonsense, is just that nonsense. Mexican food IS your culture, and for someone to claim it isn't solely based on the color of your skin is, well, racist. user, you be you, and keep on cooking good food.
t. PoC that shakes his head at whitey getting offended for me.
Non-whites shouldn't live in white countries
fuck you don't tell me what to do
lol u mad
the only sensible response is to tell them to suck your asshole, as is standard protocol when people don't mind their own damn business.
how will brown people recover when they realized white people are responsible all their favorite fruit and vegetable cultivars?
That was really quite caring of you to do. Damn.
Blows my mind that kind of people bitching about cultural appropriation are the same promoting diversity.
What kind of mental gymnastics allow such a thought process?
>how do you respond?
I take a swing at his squinty faggot face. Appropriate this, Jackie.
It blows your mind that quotes by different people, cherry picked by internet racists to make the opposition sound unreasonable, are logically inconsistent with one another?
I'm not white so what ever this guy has to say to me doesn't count.
Gook food is trash anyway. No one wants to make it.
They probably aren’t, wtf are you talking about
A mexican place in Portland was forced to close down because they were white and it was considered cultural appropriation.
>nobody wants to eat food made by whites making brown people food
>free market is responsible for the business failure
>it's real and so genuinely crass even the huffingtonpoop at least put it to the reader to decide if what Portland did to these women is over the line
imagine being so schwifty even rick and morty call you out
Cognitive dissonance. It doesn't have to line up consistently so long as it fits the narrative.
Terrible shitpost, try again
>linking huffpost
Reddit is that way
holy shit, this /pol/tards in this thread.
Can we talk about how based david is. He can admit to being hypocritical and confused in his own persectives and is humbled by it. he can appreciate others cultures and know where the connections don't exist for him, and why he cant make the same food.
The only thing I hated about Ugly Delicious was it was northern hemisphere biased. No mention of the superior Brazilian or Argentinian open fire cooking in the bbq episode?
Not that user but you missed the point so hard you could be star-bound. Reread the post.
>people who disagree with a racist are /pol/tards
I'm an Asian born in Europe and living in the US, and from what I have gathered from people accusing of cultural appropriation is the very recurring fact that when growing up and living as a minority there's a very common feel of ostracization when you're the token colored kid among your peers and it's reinforced further if you bring out your own cultural identity which is something I personally experienced as well.
However, some of these cultural aspects that were once mocked by white people have become more and more accepted, becoming the new meme foods. And instead of being grateful for acceptance and the exchange of different cultures and new ideas emerging from it you get dudes like David Chang getting assblasted about it. I wonder what he would think of that french lady married to a chinese guy and their restaurant in Paris ironically featured in another netflix show.
project more retard
Kill him, go to jail, join some gang. Worth it.
I ducking laughed at this, satan trips. Not sure why other a-holes aren't acknowledging your post but prolly shills, lots these days
Go eat some more Soy, faggot.
David is shit and so are you.
is that why when i went to the asian market the thai women wanted my dick?
who hurt you?
my wife's bull
user, blacks invented the internet.
The same people promoting diversity also want segregation in colleges.
Aren't leftists supposed to be open to sharing? Cultural appropriation as a concept is dangerous to the future of the human race.
This. Any other thought on the issue is brainwashed.
My answer to cultural appropriation is that nob-whites should cease deiving cars or using electricity.
So, I've watched two episodes. Why do people think Chang is a prick? The guests and cohosts shit on dominos and taco bell as much as he does. Seems like coming off as an ass is scripted in for everybody.
humans are truly retarded
only quality post in this entire thread
you mean nigger
How much of this is white people realizing the food their parents got them from the Chinese takeout place or taco stand sucked because the owners dumbed it down?