Hey guys,
Is anyone here doing keto? I'm currently trying to do keto, some days OMAD, but not all days.
The trouble I find is getting ideas for big filling meals that are more interesting than chicken or steak and broccoli, but not too pricey. Pic related is an idea I had the other night that was really good:
Fried salmon on a salad (spinach and rocket, with cukes, pickles, walnuts and pieces of brie and vinaigrette dressing). Plus some blanched veggies, sauteed mushies, miso and filmjolk.
Tell me your ideas faggots I'm new to cooking so these things don't come to me very easily.
Ck/fit Crossover Keto Thread
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ACTUAL nutritionist here.
There is absolutely NO reason that anyone should do Keto. Keto, typically, encourages the consumption of the following toxic foods
1. Broccoli
Broccoli is the main keto vegetable yet it is HORRIBLE for human health. The Broccoli lobby spent millions in the 90s funding anti-deforestation campaigns because they wanted to create a positive feeling for trees, because Broccoli looks like trees - follow the money. It contains a compound known as 'Canopigen' which is what causes the tops of the florets to become fluffy. This compound is a known carcinogen. It has been indicated in several cases of breast cancer.
2. Chickean
Chickean is the least healthy meat you can consume. It is generally true that any Avian meat is unhealthy for humans. This is because birds evolved from dinosaurs. Dinosaurs often lived alongside volcanoes, and ate plants containing high quantities of sulfur. Sulfur doesn't break down, so as the dinosaurs evolved the compounds passed from one generation to the next. Most chickeans have toxic amounts of Sulfur within them.
3. Cream and Dairy
Cream and Dairy are feminising foods. There is a reason that the countries which consume the least dairy - China and Japan - also have the highest rates of adult male virginity. It is because the men do not consume dairy and therefore, are not as likely to be seduced by female pleasures such as dinner dates, and are less likely to meat women. Dairy contains estrogen which is all you need to know.
4. Onions
Onions are acidic and cause cavities.
As a nutritionist, I believe the following 8 foods can sustain a human forever
Red Cabbage
Beef Steak
Sweat Potato
Mustard Seed
I have only eaten these foods for 10 years and am in amazing health.
I meal prep on sundays for the 5 day work week.
This week I made a keto salisbury steak.
The gravy never really came together, and I'm thinking of a decent thickening agent.
A tablespoon of corn starch is 7g of carbs, which isnt too bad split up over 5 days.
I heard stories of people using psyllium as a thickener because it kind of gels.
>Cream and Dairy are feminising foods. There is a reason that the countries which consume the least dairy - China and Japan - also have the highest rates of adult male virginity. It is because the men do not consume dairy and therefore, are not as likely to be seduced by female pleasures such as dinner dates, and are less likely to meat women. Dairy contains estrogen which is all you need to know.
No disrespect, but this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
I've been doing it for about a month now. Dropped 54lbs, 20lbs of which was instant water weight. You could try Ketogasm and Tastaholics for meal ideas. I get recipes from those two sites all the time and they usually come out fantastically.
Add shirataki noodles, chia seeds, sardines and mackerel to your diet.
>I have only eaten these foods for 10 years and am in amazing health.
Your brain seems to malfunction though.
made me laugh, fooled these guys
/keto/ here. It turned me into a raging homosexual. I couldn't be happier.
made me laugh, fooled this guy
3.7/10 i read the whole thing. almost lost at "compounds passed from one generation to the next"
Is Cream of Sum Yung Gai keto?
Yes, it has great macros if you consume it in sufficient quantities.
You might give xanthan gum a try. I find it in the "spices and cooking" aisle of any grocery store I go to. A little goes a long way, and it's far lower carbs than corn starch.
>dropping over 50lbs in a month
That sounds incredibly unhealthy
Not if the dudes like 400-500 pounds
You're better off balancing your diet and then just managing how many calories you intake. You'll lose weight if you run a deficit.
this is a high quality shitpost, bravo.
You run a calorie deficit on keto too. The difference is that you're not hungry and miserable while you do it.
That is not how a keto diet is supposed to go. Keto diets make you feel like shit as is, limiting calories will make your life miserable and you will most likely go back to carbs.
Read more.
This isn't new, and tons of people lose massive amounts of weight using this method.
Give up.
>This isn't new, and tons of people lose massive amounts of weight using this method.
>Give up.
No son. A keto diet is based on the idea of limiting or eliminating carbs, not calories. This is the fast and dirty way to lose weight. Sure, you can limit calories on a keto diet but you will be eating almost nothing since the "keto-foods" are loaded in calories. This is also how you end up with flaps of loose skin and stretch marks.
The part the scares me about keto is comming off of it. I heard it actually fucks your health up. I'd like to try keto but not swear off of spaghetti and bread forever.
Don't come off of it. Do keto for the rest of your life. Carbs fuck up your health. Don't want to swear off spaghetti? Have zucchini spaghetti. It tastes better and is better for you. Don't want to swear off bread? Have fat head dough, or just use a lettuce wrap or a bacon weave (or a number of other options) instead.
The only reason we eat SO many carbs today is because it's the cheapest way to feed a large population. Our civilization is based upon it, because it's a cheap way to keep you alive long enough for you to reproduce to make more workers. That doesn't mean that it's the healthiest way to live.
And whenever I bring about realistically trying keto some loony like comes along and makes it seem worse.
I would like to not be the asshole at social functions to not pick out all the meat and veggies and just eat that. I would like to have a soda and not go into diabetic shock.
Why would you go into diabetic shock from having a soda, unless you were a diabetic? You know how people become diabetic? Too many fucking carbs.
As far as social functions go, what's wrong with eating the meat and veggies? Meat and veggies are delicious.
Keto has to be the dumbest fad ever to infect Veeky Forums. Worse than veg/fast food/jiro/sip/fml posting.
Nah, water weight should be fine. The actual weight is what you should be careful with, and that's at a good pace.
>he cannot choose a soda without HFCS without throwing an autistic fit and calling it diabetic shock
This. What the fuck else would you eat? The fruit? The chips?
Here's some cookbooks for ya:
Medium kek since you're obvious bait, couple of mild lels. BTW, "nutritionist" isn't even a real thing, any actual professional would call herself a "dietician" because that's the government-regulated term. Anyone billing herself as a "nutritionist" is a quack.
>being this wrong
>I would like to have a soda and not go into diabetic shock.
Drink diet soda, or just say "fuck it" and have a soda. Just because you were on keto doesn't mean you're going to become incapable of handling carbohydrates. In fact, your cells will become less insulin resistant because you're no longer constantly bombarding them with it, and you will be better able to handle carbohydrates.
I'd been looking into keto because I wanted to lose weight, but couldn't figure out how I could possibly find food that wasn't full of carbs. Then rather suddenly I fell off the cliff into full-blown diabetes. I immediately stopped eating any carbs, started cooking everything at home, and managed to reverse most of my insulin resistance.
I can now eat a normal meal without any problems. Still can't have a giant hot-fudge sundae or a half a pound of rice, but as long as I don't overdo things my blood glucose remains within healthy limits.
You're pretty wrong.
A lot of the magic in keto is that once you're in ketosis, your hunger just sort of goes away.
At first a lot of keto fags are balls deep in calories - but if you do some research, it's still typically less than they were eating on a SAD diet.
Even if you have two double cheese burgers with no bun - it can be less calories than a HUGE coke, HUGE fries AND a bun on that burger.
Most people neglect to consider the inherent calorie deficit state that keto keep you in.
If you start keto day 1 and limit calories AND carbs, then you WILL feel like shit and binge out like day 3. Almost guaranteed - but if you make it a couple weeks past that first kind of fat binge week - you'll find that calories really take care of themselves.
It's a fantastic diet and the repair it does to your body in addition to weight loss is awesome.
I get the impression that this thread is mostly women.
how effective is Keto for men, I work in construction so i think id look really good if I could drop fat without losing any muscle mass, i just always want to pig out after a long day at work.
6'5 280
I’m laughing, good job
It works the same for both genders. I'm a guy and it's worked great for shedding body fat.
also being gay helps
Nah, not gay and traps are just feminine males. Don't try to act like you aren't gay, because chances are you're from Veeky Forums - Fitness & Homoeroticism.
Keto is dumb because it cuts out all carbs that anyone with a job needs for some kind of energy boost.
Low carb diet > true keto
Keto is fine if you unironically have a solitary life style, it's going to force your body to digest more of the fats and such over just simply taking the carbs in as energy and then storing as fat. If you are somewhat active, keto will still work you'll just feel more tired without carbs.
If you do a calorie deficit you will lose weight regardless if you eat 100% carbs or 100% protien, your body will just have to work a bit harder, burning more calories to do so, to produce it on 100% protein.
Good post
It sounds strange because its bullshit, he has zero understanding of weightloss.
54 pounds multiplied by 3500 kcal (one pounds worth of human body fat) = 189.000 calories.
Divide that by 31 days and you have a daily energy expenditure of over 6000 calories, when he's more likely at 2-3000 depending on activity level. Even if you weren't eating a single thing and water fasting straight you could only hope to lose half of that weight in fat, the vast majority in your case is water weight and glucose stores.
>Drink diet soda, or just say "fuck it" and have a soda. Just because you were on keto doesn't mean you're going to become incapable of handling carbohydrates. In fact, your cells will become less insulin resistant because you're no longer constantly bombarding them with it, and you will be better able to handle carbohydrates.
Why the FUCK would you voluntarily ever want to drink soda?
>what is water weight
>what is a deficit
>what is exercise
How surprised would you be if I said it was a 2000 calorie deficit?
Oh, and BMR + activity brings my calories burned to 3369. I take in around 1300 calories a day.
>How surprised would you be if I said it was a 2000 calorie deficit?
Very little, as that is one of the proposed deficits I mentioned in the post.
>when he's more likely at 2-3000 depending on activity level.
>>what is exercise
Activity level implies exercise.
>>what is water weight
I mentioned that as well, as being the main factor of his weightloss.
>Oh, and BMR + activity brings my calories burned to 3369. I take in around 1300 calories a day.
So about 2000. That means you might have lost 17 pounds of fat in a month, A THIRD of your claimed 50' pounds. Now fuck off you number inflating ego boosting nigger.
Insanely based post
You still aren't realizing that 20lbs of that was instant water weight loss. AKA, within the first week. You're the retard. I am going based off my weigh ins (as well as those performed by doctor on visits) and keep a strict log of my calorie intake, if you want to fucking go based off that.
>Keto diet
Umm... Portion control? I started eating 5 inch saucers' worth of food instead of a giant 8inch saucer, only 3 square meals a day composed of meat, veggie and minimal grain, at maybe 800-1400 cal a day, As well as standard cardio for 30 minutes a day, and went from 216 lbs in december, to currently 184 in march. Stop being so fucking impatient and destroying your body. Work hard, and eat right and you'll be fine.
Then why do you try to artificially misleading others saying you lost 50+ pounds? You even claim to know 20 of those pounds were water weight, then go ahead and state that you lost 30 pounds if you don't want to be called out on being a fucking retard. That's not even touching upon the fact that you've probably only lost half of that again in actual fat, as some very simple maths will show.
If you were on a strict water fast with no food for a straight month, and we assume your 3350 kcal TDEE is accurate you might have lost 30 pounds, but only in that case.
Ummm.. no sweetie, the grown ups are talking, sorry!
This is entirely wrong. Do not listen to these people. You can get massive feedback shock if you go too long without high carbs, and then suddenly add them in.
The problem with keto/atkins any of these low carb diets is people don't understand how fucking bad carbs are for you after 3-5 months of not eating them. One sandwich can easily spike bloodsugar into the 500's, which is why you need to SLOWLY bring your body backl to speed. Have like 1-2 crackers for a few days a week, and then slowly get yourself back onto bread, little by little. You can massively damage your insulin if you try to jump back unprevoked.
I clearly stated in my post that 20lbs of it was water weight. You just have poor reading comprehension and/or are retarded.
>Dropped 54lbs, 20lbs of which was instant water weight.
The reason I identify that as the water weight is because that is the extent of what my doctor is willing to confirm. The rest came more steadily, and she is fairly certain that it is fat. Keep in mind that she in no way endorses keto, and wants me off it. Neither does the dietician she consults with.
>Have like 1-2 crackers for a few days a week,
When eating keto you should eat salads and spinach for every meal. When you get back into carbs you do so through fruits and veggies like tomatoes, bananas, root vegetables and dark rye bread etc. Why would anyone go from a healthy diet into weaning themselves onto crackers? Like what the fuck?
>You just have poor reading comprehension
Probably this.
Are you massively overweight?
You should seriously consider water fasting and breaking your fast every 3-7 days with a keto meal. It will help with loose skin through autophagy (something you wont stimulate with low calorie diets like keto).
>Fruits and vegies
That is an awful idea. Crackers contain >1g of carb, whole fruits can have anywhere from 15-40g PER fruit.
I will never trust you asshole ever again.
I used to have a fucking awesome jiggly belly, Everyone used to call me fucking santa claus, but now keto took that away from me and now I'm depressed.
Part of the fun in weightloss is that you can eat your way back up.
>A lot of the magic in keto is that once you're in ketosis, your hunger just sort of goes away.
This. It's no problem for me to OMAD because I'm just not hungry when doing keto.
I have some cans of Japanese alcoholic-fruit-juice stuff ("chu-hai") sitting in my fridge from before I went on keto. I drank one one day, and HOLY SHITBALLS a few hours later I was fucking starving. I have to figure out how to get rid of the stuff, it's just taking up space and I don't want to drink any of it ever again. :-(
There are no women on the internet.
Also, last time I looked, like, twenty seconds ago, I had a pair of balls and a somewhat larger-than-average schlong between my legs, and there's no one else around so I guess they're mine.
I started at 316lbs. Not too concerned about loose skin, but I have heard it is avoidable on keto with increased water intake, vitamins, and protein/exercise. I've been thinking of intermittent fasting, and only eating within an hour or two a day. I know it isn't necessarily the same. Couldn't hurt to do water fasting instead, but I don't think I need that level of weight loss.
>thinking that the human body and biology in general is math.
Boy, this is why I hate bullshitters that count every single calorie and sperg when something doesn't add up.
Hormones, environment, genetics, mental health, mood, even how you trim your fingernails all count towards consumption and energy usage.
You're an idiot.
Sorry for the garbage quality. Yesterday I made Chicken Chassuer. I made "mashed potatos" meaning mashed cauliflower with sour cream and butter to serve it with. And a few baby carrots but that's not very keto.
I just used this recipe. It's pretty hearty and warming.
Forgot pic
So you are basically agreeing with me, it's all math. You determine values for nail and hair growth, environmental variables like temperature and moisture/dryness, determine how mood and mental health impact metabolic rate through stress or other states etc. You end up with a number, this number represents your energy expenditure, and you can base your diet around this number.
You are not above thermo dynamics you retarded fuck.
Lighting makes it look like some deep space entity, wouldn't be surprised to find this in orbit somewhere out there.
2/10, unidentifiable slop
Fuck you it's French.
Ah, my mistake monsieur. Enjoy your Tas de Merde.
>less likely to M E A T women
>even how you trim your fingernails all count towards consumption and energy usage
Ooh. Is that hyperbole? I am legitimately curious about that idea.
Hunter's chicken. Tastes good, looks terrible. similar to coq au vin. You gotta watch it with the tomatoes on keto though.
How long can I go from keto to eating a bowl of spagetti or a slice of pizza
Fairly quickly. Give it about a week of slowly adding carbs back by 5s. After 7 days you should be at 60g net, and you'll be good to go. That said, there's no real risk of instant transition unless you're diabetic.
Ok cool, thats honestly all thats keeping me from trying it. Hanging with a group of people the easiest thing to do is to feed everyone is get pizza and people like to drink together. I don't want to sacrifice parts of my social life just for a diet, but I could never get a straight answer about coming off it. Only fanatics who talk about how I should never come off it because carbs are death.