Would Veeky Forums watch an anime about fastfood?
Would Veeky Forums watch an anime about fastfood?
Just look up a recipe and cook something user, think of what your ancestors cooked, and how you sully their name by being a fat faggot.
fuck off, weeb
why is wendy the tomboy?
S(he) has a cute penis.
Hopefully for that futa...
No. This is an abortion.
fuck off, chink
Uwaaa~! Wendy's-san kawaii desu ne~!
shouldn't mcdonalds and wendys be the other way around?
I think they are all genderbented.
this is the worst shit I've seen all day, congradulations
but KFC is still a boy
Isn't The Devil is a Part-Timer an anime about fast food?
I don't know of that many anime boys that are missing the top frame of their glasses, I think that's a grill trope
The curve is there on apron, thats what you call a reverse trap.
Jesus christ what the fuck is this
t. animu-watching fag
pfft, only if it were fuckin' streamed with you losers on a drunk drive in
The question is, Gina taking advantage of younger boys or old men?
Hataraku Maou-Sama already exists
Solely on the principle it sounds completely fucking stupid.
Only if it is a harem with various companies represented as girls trying to get the MC
I'd watch any anime as long as it has cute girls doing cute things.
Why the fuck is half the image cut off and I can't load the whole thing WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON
Watched this, solid 7/10. Worth a watch if people are into having an anime running in the background you can glance at occasionally.
You mean like “the devil is a part timer”