Why don’t millennial women enjoy cooking?
Why don’t millennial women enjoy cooking?
Le were born in le wrong decade unlike m’lord
Because millennial men are willing to wait hand and foot on them for nothing in return.
They're women
they don't enjoy anything
women are trash, traps are the patrician's choice.
>stinky jean shorts pizza braaps
Based trap fan.
Cuz their fat and ugly
It's annoying in cartoons when they make the cheese on top of a pizza act like a liquid.
It's like have you ever eaten a pizza in your life.
Men stopped pretending women know how to cook.
Be glad you have clear indicators such as being overweight. It is a sign of mental illness and lack of self control; and further inability to understand and direct your life.
>current gen playstation gamer
>shitty pizza
>pink weights a pre-teen could lift
I don't care if she's into sports fucking. That's exactly the sort of person I hate.
This. Also, I am the only one to cook as fair game in my househol and love it. Not revealing if trap or not, no feet requests please.
Reveal asscheek.
I like switching it up, like craft time for example just take a sheet of printer paper and draw a half moon horizontally a two thirds of the way down the page, instant pale ass cheek. I also hope your shoe tastes very nice.
feet now you bitch
I have to get the old toenail polish off first. Maybe tits over dinner tomorrow.
why do these inane, repetitive bait threads get responses?
who said they're supposed to enjoy it?
hai baby show sexy feet pls
Congrats on the trips.
But welcome to the board.
Because if we even had both parents, they were working multiple jobs to keep us comfy in middle class suburbs so we could have X boxes and shit. So mom got home around the same time as dad did, and so she threw some Mac and cheese from a box together while trying to help us with our homework.
So we weren't taught to cook properly and be good little housewives.
found the roastie. post feet.
old toenail polish is cute though
because cooking sucks. it is tedious and time consuming. why put in a lot of effort for a mediocre meal when i can put in little effort for a slightly worse but still mediocre meal.
I enjoy good food as much as the next person but when I have to make it myself I turn off the enjoyment part and go straight to the sustenance. I eat because I have to not because I want to.
That means you are bad at cooking.
you should've just moved 30 minutes out and lived like normal people, quadroon.
what did you eat growing up?
They get home from work at 6, play puzzle games on their phones, and go to bed.
All the young military wives I know like cooking and baking because they have the time, money, energy for it.
>you should've just moved 30 minutes out and lived like normal people
Yeah, that’s the 2 income household in a middle class suburb. Normal. 30+ minutes away from work.
>Be female teen
>Never cook for myself
>Be skinny af
>Go to college, move out
>Learn to cook for myself
>Now I'm a chubster cause I can make all the food I love
yeah that's true. but i'd rather spend time doing what i enjoy instead of learning how to bring up my cooking skills I don't mind eating below average meals for the rest of my life because my time is better suited to doing other things. if i want a nice meal i will just pay extra for a professional to make it.
not sure how to answer but i always had a variety and options. various types of fish, chicken, beef and pork. basic carbs. Decent home cooked meals although we also had a bunch of junk food. parents are decent cooks. sometimes they cooked things that i liked other times they didn't.
post cankles, bitch
>ruining your body permanently for no reason other than gluttony
>not enjoying cooking
good taste uwu
>trying to play dark souls with one hand, what a fucking whore
I don't know, but they're getting fatter by the moment.
>but i'd rather spend time doing what i enjoy instead of learning how to bring up my cooking skills
Let me guess, you'd rather play video games and waste your time on other "hobbies" like that than learn an actual skill.
lmfao way to make assumptions.
also why do people care that much about if a woman cooks or not?
If it works with your lifestyle, it works— although I do admit that cooking is so fucking useful.
unironically yes. i already have tasks in my life that i do not enjoy doing but are required for me to have a certain quality of life. contrary to what you think my time isn't being wasted and I don't regret not learning at all. Time spent doing what you love is time well spent. i'm not going to change my lifestyle to appease someone else.
and you are assuming that my hobby isn't an actual skill. what if my hobby was reading or programming or fixing shit. is that still wasting time
Factually correct.
Virtue signalling.
because being a lazy cunt and wasting money on eating out every night is the only they are able to justify not being paid enough. Minimum wage in most states is enough if you just cooked for yourself instead of wasting money on ordering food every night.
It's not a living wage, and cooking your own food isn't living.
That's just "surviving" at that point.
Over learning a basic life skill yes it is. You are just lucky the modern age coddles you so much your privileged ass won't starve because society will bend over backwards for you, if you had to actually learn to become an adult and take care of yourself you would fail miserably.
>cooking your own food isn't living.
>That's just "surviving" at that point.
holy FUCK
>I have never had to live on a budget because mommy makes me as many tendies as I want if I have enough GBP
The absolute state of the modern female
>You are just lucky the modern age coddles you so much your privileged ass won't starve because society will bend over backwards for you
if that's how you want to see it then go ahead. i'm not going to live like a fucking third worlder when i'm in a first world country. do i have to wash my clothes by hand because one day I won't have electricity? do I have to learn how to dig a well because I might run out of water? fuck off i'll take the "risk" that nothing like that will happen and if it does well whatever. I'm making good use of the tools that society has provided me. inb4 society will collapse and then youll starve. like i said much much earlier i can make food for myself. it is edible by my standards and keeps me going.
>if you had to actually learn to become an adult and take care of yourself you would fail miserably.
ok sweetie it's time to stop projecting
I do but I don't do it too much. I'm more of a holiday baker when it comes to cooking most of the time. I really love cooking for others
>social eating makes me fat
>graduate highschool
>lose 50 pounds because I eat on my own time, eat what I want, or forget to eat
I wish I could gain weight
>Honestly compares learning how to make soup to the hard labor of digging a well or the tedious task of hand washing clothes
Are all women this completely out if touch? The 19th amendment might have been a mistake why would we trust someone who can't even understand lasagna to elect our leadership
>stop projecting
how millennials think they end arguments and win every time.
it does not change the fact that you people are the lowest lazy shits on the planet. only Africa can evolve and learn slower than you.
>NOT ruining your body for the sake of gluttony
What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
>Be female
>Get thicc
>Mulatto children
Get out. Get the fuck out of this thread and never post on this board again.
>what if my hobby was reading or programming or fixing shit
But it's not, I'm sure your hobbies are video games, collecting shit, or some other kind of passive hobby. Grow up already.
it's a fucking analogy why can't you understand that cooking isn't a magical process to some people but a tedious chore that needs to be completed asap. why make lasagna when i can throw pasta on the stove dump some sauce if i'm in the mood for it and be done with the entire task.
i addressed the main point in the first post why are you focusing on an inconsequential meme instead of the main argument?
>it does not change the fact that you people are the lowest lazy shits on the planet. only Africa can evolve and learn slower than you.
whatever you say kid.
wew lad
>Virtue signalling
Stop spouting buzzwords you don't even know the meaning to.
I find this picture very troubling.
I'd try it
>Wew lad
Stop disappointing your parents.
>why make lasagna when i can throw pasta on the stove dump some sauce if i'm in the mood for it and be done with the entire task
Because lasagna tastes better and making it yourself allows you to learn something new and useful. But you enjoy your shitty jar of pasta sauce.
>a tedious chore that needs to be completed asap. why make lasagna when i can throw pasta on the stove dump some sauce if i'm in the mood for it and be done with the entire task
>tedious chore
Troll please just go.
sorry daddy
ok i was being dramatic it's not a tedious chore it's just a chore.
>a chore
If it's not an interest of yours, then why are you here other than to troll. Just leave.
i'm casually looking for ideas for a super easy recipes or decent restaurant places but mostly it's because i'm an al/ck/. oh and this board has some pretty nice memes
>i'm an al/ck/
Checks out.
Most people don't enjoy cooking, especially on this board
Did someone say feet?
Yeah maybe we should just leave the al/ck/ Hot Pocketeers alone.
A woman being dramatic massive shocker
Seriously though that probably is a troll or the poster is late stage cancer
>Comes to a creative interest board
>Finds the subject of the board tedious and a chore
Literally she can only shitpost, THIS shit right here is why this board is 70% fast food threads and 30% of the same shit on repeat every hour, this is who the shills for KFC and taco Bell are targeting with their viral marketing here
>millennials think
I'm male and I've been doing my own food for 15 years on and off - whenever possible.
It's a craft and in the end I manage to fix myself a plate with vegetables, healthy side and meat/fish/protein source in less than 30 minutes.
It all comes down to planning and time management. It's become like vacuuming or doing the dishes to me.
So stop your excuses. Cooking for oneself is the best option. For one second consider the hygiene aspects of strange kitchens.... alone that puts cooking for yoursef on the winning side.
But hey! If you are happy with buying it and saving time: that is more then OK - maybe you're even a doctor and in the time you save you actually save someone's life.
But don't come here and talk it down. You know its superior. It's what kept the world going for the last couple centuries.
>maybe you're even a doctor and in the time you save you actually save someone's life.
>Hey Dr. user this kid got in a bad car wreck can you get oncology to come give him ten CCs of morphine and a full work up when you are done with your meal break?
>Yeah I'll swing by in a few I'm just having a quick hot pocket, I gotta shit post on 4 chan first though these guys need another jack thread it's been 20 minutes
Also desperate men put too much value on women, so even a useless woman is still valuable to men simply for being born with a vagina and nothing else.
yeah you're right. that's what my friends and coworkers tell me except i only eat out once or twice a week. eating out is used as a reward not as a convenience issue. money isn't really a problem. i usually make some thing quickly and in bulk so i don't have to deal with it. i wanted to be good at cooking at one point but everything i made always tasted worse than how i imagined it to be and it wasn't even close so i just stopped bothering. then i became a lot busier and even if i wanted to get back into it it's basically too late.
Isn't this going to cause some sort of overnight crash in the value of women when everyone figures out that the whole planet is valuing the whole gender the same?
That's market panic.
too bad it's superhard to be an attractive trap
We taught our women to reject female normatives in order to be "liberated" and "independent" instead of telling them someone needs to fucking cook you might as well learn to at least feed yourself. I get that I come off and a little or wrong generation but I fucking hate how many people I know can't cook.
Tf are you talking about OP, 75%(probably like 25 girls) of the grils I know enjoy cooking.
They probably think decorating storebought cupcakes with cream and sprinkles is "cooking".
*breathes heavily in incel*
>Enjoy eating
why don't millennial men enjoy working in coal mines?
lmao this tbqhwyfbbq
Lazy shits.
Because coal is a dying zombie industry only barely alive due to legislation keeping it from dying for right wing voting painkiller addicted flyovers. It isn't like women don't eat, but alot of our fuel and power are natural gas and renewables, that's why millennial men don't work in coal mines, if they was money in it still they would.
>Why don't boomers like sweeping chimneys or being cobblers?
What kind of ass-backwards hospital needs oncology to administer opiates?
>it's another subtle incel thread
>Doesn't even know how to dig a well
dude what the fuck
You dum-dum, their pussy is not a dish.
I think a lot of them do enjoy cooking, but they are busier than females in the past. All of the girls I know enjoy cooking.
I wanna be someone's Veeky Forums trap waifu