Wtf is wrong with mexican people?
Wtf is wrong with mexican people?
They are jungle chinks.
That hamburger looks bretty deliciosa.
Well generally they are from a bad (malo) genetic stock of ameridians, with a sprinkle of spaniard, the worst europeans in the western part of the continent.
what am I looking at?
the burger looks decent
Fuck me it hurts to be part mexican, fucking race mixing normalfags.
>Wtf is wrong with mexican people?
They try to copy American foods and Tex Mex with the crappy food their country tries to mimic and fail, then talk it up to be the best thing ever and get offended if anyone says it looks like shit.
Build. That. WALL.
i hate mexicans so much. one of them opened up some "tomato soup" at lunch the other day and it smelled like a really bad garlic fart. also they make noises with their mouths all the time and they chew with their mouths open. they take pride in being obese and always tell me how skinny i am compared to them. i'm borderline overweight myself at 5'10" 170" and have been trying to will myself to drop some pounds and they keep bragging about all 235 lbs they are and that they need to eat a lot to get bigger. they're some of the taller mexicans (5'7"-5'10") but still over 200lbs at that height is pretty damn big unless you're an athlete which they're not. they never try to learn english despite living here (illegally) for years.
t. have the misfortune of being a brainlet and working outdoors with mexicans
>They try to copy American foods and Tex Mex
It's so true it hurts, best example
>hook up with mexican or whatever girl
>she wants to go to an AUTHENTIC mexican place and show me real food from mexico
>knows the exact places in LA to go
>first place I order with her
>"oh no they put X Y Z on it, this sucks they probably did it because you're white sorry"
>tastes okay, average burrito but pretty tastey
>get michatata or whatever as well, it also sucks
>go get dinner at local family place
>tells me to come in after she orders or wait off to the side since I am a gringo
>her and her friends order
>literally everyone raving about the food
>basic asada beef, corn torilla which falls apart without a plate below it, shit beans paste crap, some kind of rice that tastes like it was just boiling forever and lost all flavor,
>have to add hottest sauces they have to make it any way decent and taste something
>"oh man that was just like back home in paco town mexico!"
Authentic Mexican food is garbo, It just lacks most basic flavors to make whatever I am paying for enjoyable.
Es una deliciosa...
>build a wall
you shartacus, that city is in colombia
That unironically looks delicious
>implying I don't want to keep them out as well
I feel so sorry for you
>making a burger out of puppies
Truly, Mexicans are subhuman
Nice story which never happened retard
You're a fucking moron.
No, you.
Una deliciosa
Nice comeback, shortbus.
Nice comeback, shortbus.
wtf I hate mexico now
that place is colombian
Mucho gusto
Fuck off retard
>Americans shit talking Mexican food
I’m a fat French fuck with refined tastes and I can tell you that Mexican food is the best cuisine all around America.
Filipinos are jungle chinks. Their food is pretty eh too. I know this because I've dated both a Flip and a Chink.
Can ameriSHITS read? That's in Colombia retards
looks like an american burger ie shit
>Wtf is wrong with mexican people?
What isn't?
That looks like a decent sandwich man.
>They try to copy American foods and Tex Mex with the crappy food their country tries to mimic and fail, then talk it up to be the best thing ever and get offended if anyone says it looks like shit.
Hah hah HAH! My friend let me tell you how hilariously correctomundo you are, I am Mexican and it's so true
>Mexicans mad that USA invented Dorritos
>Mexicans invent Tostilocos and Dorrilocos
>Just bags of mass produced tortilla chips with 60 hot sauces soaking on it along with onions, cheese, gummy bears, onions, and whatever other random shit
>We are taking it back and making it ours! Isn't this great?
>Looks like a slop of crap
ijo de puta.
This unironically, I live within walking distance of like a dozen authentic Mexican places, all of them are vaguely shit.
No te preocupes OP, realmente es muy deliciosa esa hamburguesa
Looks good
>america invented mexican food
Their favorite dessert is shoving their thumb in their ass and then sucking on it.
it takes one to know one, bro
El americano...
t. doesn't live in LA
>There's this Mexican Restaurant near my house and everyone in there looks like they are having a great time.
>They probably recognize me because I always walk past it to look inside and everyone seems so happy.
>I really want to try their tilapia fish plate that has stickers on the outside.
>Never bother trying to go inside because I know how jumpy latinos are and I don't want to ruin their good time.
im mexican, from the north, and yes this is true, whoever talking shit in this thread its a butthurt mexa
cool i'm from chihuahua and I say otherwise
You're retarded
> not understanding the beauty of rancheritos
>what am I looking at?
Una deliciosa hamburguesa.