Deep fried turkey is a culinary abomination

deep fried turkey is a culinary abomination

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i'm only willing to entertain this if you can give me an actual reason why, goatse poster

Am i back in time?

because faggots try to deep-fry the entire thing instead of one large piece at a time

the ratio of surface area to volume is too fucking small and it leads to undercooking internally and/ovr overcooking outside

>undercooking internally
What the fuck are you talking about?
The inside cavity gets filled with oil too you fucking retard.

I've had it done properly before not over or under in or out. It wasn't that great. I wouldn't say it's an abomination, but the people who love it are clearly out of their depths.

I'd be interested in trying a fried leg done up southern fried chicken style.

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>The inside cavity gets filled with oil too you fucking retard.
And it contaminates the oil with raw turkey.

Nope, you tried too hard. Fucking retard.

This makes no sense. You’re retarded.


This is the wrongest thing that I've ever read in my entire life. Please kindly throw yourself into oncoming traffic.

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Hey guys, I'm new to cooking and have an issue. I want to pan fry a steak, and I want to make sure it's safe to eat. My only issue is that whenever the raw steak touches the pan, the pan is now contaminated with bacteria from the raw meat. It seems impossible to cook safely!


How fucking hard is it to cut a circle instead of a square?

>deep frying a dry meat

>not knowing about injecting the meat first

>Turkey can only be dry.
Sounds like a white person problem.

post moar food goatse

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wew lad

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Yeah, how stupid are they?!
They probably deep fry other dry meats, like chicken.

I want to fuck that watermelon

>the orange peel wedding ring