I bought apples and they look the same as the day I bought them after 3+ weeks. That can not be healthy. What did they do to it? Irradiated? I'm not eating this shit anymore.
Apples look same after 3 weeks
Meanwhile a strawberry rots the second you take it home.
Apples are just more hardy.
I'm 35 years old and apples 20+ years ago could never have lasted this long. 1 week if you were lucky and they would still be unappetizing.
they're putting chemicals in the apples to make you gay
(and it clearly worked)
A lot of grocery store fruit is lightly waxed.
did you not see 28 days later? or is this some kind of ruse?
It happened awhile ago. More poisoned food. As if corrupting the meat and drinking water supply wasn't bad enough, now fruit is heavily genetically modified. Consuming GMO fruit also modifies OUR genes, permanently. It's terrible.
>Consuming GMO fruit also modifies OUR genes, permanently. It's terrible.
Stop spreading lies. The problem with GMO foods is the amount of pesticides that get sprayed on them because the same people making the pesticides are genetically modifying the plants to resist more of those pesticides, and the kind of control Monsanto has over the food supply because of the way genetically modified plants are treated as intellectual property. There's nothing inherently bad about GMOs.
apples sit round for a year before they it super markets
It's almost like there is some kind of genetic selective pressure as to whether you can afford/are smart enough to buy organic food...i mean, it's not like it isn't available to everyone via personal gardens...so i guess there must be some kind of selective pressure here...i wonder if this is anything like the selective pressures imposed by nature when food supply chains are disrupted by a cold winter or an overpopulation of deer....
There are numerous studies to back up my point. Humans receiving genes from GMO foods is only one adverse affect, there are several, so it's safe to assume we don't even understand the full dangers.
>the same people making the pesticides are genetically modifying the plants to resist more of those pesticides
Why would they do this? Is it hard for you to believe there's a plot to undermine our health? Are the people injecting cows and chickens with drugs doing it purely for profit? Did you ever stop to think there's a bonus agenda? People like you are hopelessly optimistic, you absolutely refuse to believe powerful people in the world want to cause us harm.
20 years ago the world sucked. be happy we're fixing that shit
Indeed. But what do we do when even the seeds we buy are going to grow this kind of food? It's becoming harder and harder to acquire healthy nourishment. It's not natural selection. It's a group of people committing genocide. Yes, the options are available to us, but it can be extremely hard and expensive to do something that should be a basic right to us in the current age, eat a healthy diet. Of course people also willingly make the decision to eat unhealthy fast food, but even this is a bit unfair. When presented with the opportunity to get the quickest, more economical and tastiest food, you can hardly blame people for taking it.
You kidding? The world is getting worse with every day. 50s in America was a utopia. We've slowly been being subverted and life is getting more corrupt and deadly, and in a silent manner.
>Why would they do this?
If that plants can hold up to more pesticides, then more can be sprayed on them, which means more gets sold. The health risks come into play from the effects the pesticides have on our bodies, not the plants themselves. Also, that study was discredited.
Are you really this mad that you have to share a restaurant with "the darkies" now?
I have a super computer in my pocket and access to all knowledge known to man. life is fucking awesome.
Just because this level of freedom is showing you that people are naturally fucked up doesn't mean that life doesn't rule right now.
I couldn't even imagine having to live with porn from the 50s.
You take for granted what you perceive as rights; everything is earned whether or not you perceive how or why.
It is hypocritical for you to say that people should not be allowed access to tasty, cheap, unhealthy food while prescribing what is right and wrong.
It's time to recognize that the people have the means to access the knowledge to ascend their environmental pressures...what we have today in capitalist western society is truly what the people want and not some fucking global conspiracy.
If you believe in what you speak, stop being rhetorical and build your industry. I've chosen my path and am living it, do likewise.
Offering people food that leads to self destructive behaviors like addictive eating and the horrible bodily harm IS wrong. And it takes advantage of human nature, to secure resources the most efficient way. Yes, everyone has the means to educate themself on what leads to a healthy life, but the fact that a global conspiracy is present is as obvious as water is wet. I believe uplifting eachother, not exploiting eachother, would lead to a more beneficial natural selection, and if freedom allows people to make choices that hurt themselves and their future kin then the freedom's aren't deserved and they should be dictated over by someone who will lead them to the best possible person they can be.
Just take this person for example, he's aware of the power we hold in modern life but still is most proud of using it for something depraved that has completely altered his brain chemistry from someone 100 years ago.
I'm not claiming to have all the answers or information but at the very least everyone should realize that the products of western society are insidious and planned towards our ultimate demise. If you don't think that people in power are going to try to gain absolute power, then I don't know what to tell you.
Don't forget to buy more .22 ammo and MRE's grandpa, the zombies are gonna get you.
Not that guy, but I can tell you unequivocally that you are mistaking comfort for freedom and more advanced technology with overall progress.
The "global conspiracy" you allude to is the exploitation of the weak by the strong and it has and will continue to exist without humanity, or even living organisms for that matter.
We are simply aware of a possibility outside of natural order, and while it is beautiful to recognize and idealize such a system, it is inevitably futile as a functional concept. Communities built without exploitative power structures exist as ephemeral flames of isolated communal passion.
The only basis for your conspiracy is that this power gradient exists naturally. I don't doubt that there are those who seek ever greater control, but I also know that there is much greater power outside of simple human politics and economics, and I'm not being esoteric here but practical.
I mean, without even making the above philosophical argument, I disagree with your main political point: people are not meant to be led by others, they are meant to discover themselves and lead their own lives. We live in an age where this is more possible than ever. Woe be those who take this for granted or exploit it to control others, at least that is my hope...opportunity is rife for all right now, know yourself and know happiness.
Listen here you delusional idiot, that article in no way supports your claim that GMO foods modify consumer genes. All that article states is that whole genes from food can be found in a human's bloodstream, along with viral and bacterial cfDNA. You probably read the title and thought bloodstream meant "integrated into the genome," but those are two very different things.
Please actually understand how genetics works before believing that muh GMOs are ebil. Like it or not, almost every single thing you eat in the modern age is a GMO. Corn used to look like a fucking weed before humans cultivated it.
and its beautiful
The apples are placed in a special room and a mist is sprayed very them over the course of a year the apple never dies but all the benefits from them are gone so go buy your apples from whole foods spouts and local places by next year whole foods will be Amazon go
The rich fuck the poor. News at 10.
Pros and cons to everything bro.
Thread is full of burgers, nice to get revenge on you by having you jewed by monsanto.
Now to the rest of the world: Even back in medieval times people in europe used to fill a barell with apples to get vitamins from them throughout the winter. Yes, the entire one; a big part of them would rot but thered still be some good ones by spring
Yes, fuck niggers.
You're just jealous cause when you were my age you were dodging the draft instead of learning how to breakdance
Fucking moron
>people in power are going to try to gain absolute power
The power of the klept is already all but absolute. You really think a pack of Rothschilds and Nosebergs are cackling in a castle somewhere as they plot the downfall of America and the Noble White Man? It's just a bunch of rich assholes who'd like to be richer and don't much care about who gets in the way, same as it's been since the beginning.
Commercial apples can be dipped in an edible wax. They are also kept in low oxygen warehouse.
But depending on the variety of the apples they can be kept for months. Some apples even improve in flavor after a month or two in storage. For example arkansas black apple can be kept in storage for 3 months plus.