Let's make shepherd's pie, Veeky Forums. Start with some lamb and onions
Let's make shepherd's pie, Veeky Forums. Start with some lamb and onions
Brown and season it
Get some carrots and peas in there
And a potato crust
What's the liquid?
Looks good. I think the liquid might bubble over and cover the potatoes though.
Did you use any al/ck/ to deglaze the pot user?
Finally out of the oven
I used chicken broth since it's all I had on hand. I kind of wish I had used less.
What did you season it with
Instead if using lamb, can I use salmon?
Instead of using carrots, can I use slices green bell pepper?
Inatead of yucky potato crust, can I use steam buna as the foundation?
Also show us the money shot faggot I wanna see a nice slice of the final product
Looks delicious by the way
that sounds horrendous and terrible but you could try it
>yucky potato
you a bitch
>steam buna
tuna? fuck me that sounds like something you'd serve to prisoners by using thanksgiving leftovers or something. what are you thinking?
That's fine, I'm sure it reduced in the oven. Looks great.
if those are your onions, then there's something wrong user
Salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, fresh rosemary, garlic, and some ketchup
Here you are
Way too much liquid, but looks tasty
A poor cow was tortured, lived in shit and depraved conditions for months, as it's calf was ripped away from her and chained up for veal all so this faggot could make a lump of shit pie which looks worse than prison food and post it on a Cambodian anime hentai forum.
Using based Chef John's recipe. An excellent choice.
>lamb is cow
The more animal suffers the tastier it is.
It's always best when you can taste the suffering
You're all a bunch of hormone pumped sissy fag boys with gyno. You get breasts from the hormones in meat not soy you retards. Enjoy dating ugly carnivore women.
>falling for obvious b8
does lamb taste good? can i use beef? this looks good
Nearly every minced meat works just fine.
jej is this really the soyim's retort? these niggers can't do anything right.
Thanks and yeah, I used Chef John's recipe