Sauce design basics. Can anyone recommend a book or resource that emphasizes pairing flavors? In art there are color wheels, is there something similar for basic flavors like sweet bitter and so on? I'm well aware of the mother sauces, bases etcetera. Looking for something that edges past that without being too advanced. Some info on flavors that work with different textures would be useful too. I guess like a jumping off point from pic related.
Sauce design basics. Can anyone recommend a book or resource that emphasizes pairing flavors...
Monitoring this thread desu.
here user this may be helpful
Thanks user!
the flavour thesaurus is good
Killer thread idea op, I don't know the answers to your questions, but very curious now myself
If you can make these sauces the best place to go is Escoffier, which should be extremely popular on Veeky Forums except there aren't any chefs on this board.
He has good narrative sections that explain some of the theory behind how he develops things too
I should probably link
This looks tops thanks chef.
Who made that bad fucking flow chart?
But then what do they call Spanish sauce in France? This doesn't make sense
>what do they call Spanish sauce in France?
Sauce Espagnole
What's a good sauce to start with for, say, a porkchop?
>sauce duxelles
This was clearly written by a retard or an ignorant American.
It means tomato paste rather than whole tomato. It’s just badly written.
you missed that Spanish contains Creole, you FUCKING melt
>book or resource that emphasizes pairing flavors
Flavor bible
>you missed that Spanish contains Creole, you FUCKING melt
So I did.
although spanish/creole
I thought creole base was carrots, onion, and green pepper? not celery.
>creole base
I think you're probably talking about "trinity", which is what we call a mirepoix made of onions, bell pepper and celery. Other places tend to use onion, celery and carrot.
I grew up around here and junk so you know I'm probably not wrong maybe
>holy trinity
user you are right, I was confused. Thank you for your correction because I have been too stupid to google this for myself :)
That pic is worthless. It doesn't tell you any ratios, techniques, or useful information, just groups shit up weirdly.
I was just using it as an example, was hoping there were some decent flow charts out there a kin to a color wheel in art. Just something logical that could serve as a cheat sheet. In no way do I use that chart, it was a quick google for an image that had mother sauces.