Anyone knows recipes or have suggestions for meals that don't spoil? Food such as fruit cake and hardtack.
Anyone knows recipes or have suggestions for meals that don't spoil? Food such as fruit cake and hardtack
Pemmican, jerky, dried fruit
Honey doesn’t go bad
You can make hardtack by double baking bread, fruitcake could depend since nuts go rancid easily
Forgot to add MREs are pretty stable along with most canned foods
Yes but I want to cook something myself.
Any fermented and pickled foods
t. Steve
get into souring and make some sauerkraut / soured cucumbers - tastier and much more healthy than pickling in vinegar
what if you get it all out onto a tray?
>Honey doesn’t go bad
If it's sealed.
rye bread
Although this isnt quite a preserved meal, its an easily available one even in shtf (potatoes are bretty easy to grow).
Something from the civil war that a historian made for us in 8th grade, dont remember the recipe exactly but it was (fried) diced Onions+Potatoes with Pepper.
Onions are easy to grow but in a long term emergency situation grass onions would be best since they're plentiful and have a strong flavor to contribute.
More on that note if you're interested in disaster prep foods, Martha Stewart shared a recipe with fellow inmates when she was in minimum security prison (for insider trading) that involved a bunch of Dandilions. The yellow flowering part of dandilions are edible, and it gives all the kids a job to do that they'd love to go picking them.
Also there is a kind of light-medium green type of Clover that grows in bunches and has 3 heart shaped leaves. They are edible and have a sorta sour taste but its a nifty treat if you're hungry.
Over on the weapons forum /k/ someone posted an MRE technique of combining dried and hard to spoil foods and vacuum sealing them. Not a meal ready to eat, but certainly a way of preserving food and most of what he was putting in them was cheap stuff too so it can be done on a budget.
What do you use to seal the food?
It would be very nice.
But why?
because it's enjoyable
for you
have you tried a google search yet you fucking cocksucker?
Sugar an coffee. Good luck in the apocalypse.
I want to make food myself.
Finnish näkkileipä, knäckebröd in Swedish.
Basically thin, dry as hell ryebread.
Keep it away from moist and that shit lasts for ages.
You're a fruit cake.
If you're really up to it, you could try sundrying/pickling vegetables or salt-curing meats