Hey guys, we're getting breakfast. What would you like?
>a cigarette!
>black coffee!
Now that the kids have ordered, what will the grown ups have?
Hey guys, we're getting breakfast. What would you like?
for me it's the mcchicken
guess im eating at the kids table
smashed avocado on toasted rye and a green tea please.
Actually, add a poached egg on that toast; I have a paper due tomorrow.
big glass of choccy milk and a jelly donut pwease
oatmeal and black coffee. i don't know how to cook and i don't want to buy ingredients
I'll be having what the kids are having, cigarettes and coffee.
i like cigarettes and coffee but this post comes close
From whence this meme even comes from? Well, aside from here.
fuck. Can't remember the last time I had choco milk. could you make some kind of "Brown Russian" with Chocomilk do you think?
Yeah, it’s called a Coal Burner.
That sounds racist desu
That's the nickname my wife gave to herself
I had vodka with a pb and j with pickles.
oatmeal with some granola mixed in for texture. top it with maple syrup and stewed plums. Large cup of darjeeling tea. A ripe banana. old holbourne rolled into a green rizla with a filter tip.
Porridge and water
Imagine. Imagine that there are people out there right now who have coffee and cigarettes for breakfast just so they can give themselves some false "jaded adult" identity.
I do it cuz I'm clean offa opiates for 3 years and frankly if I didn't have coffee and nicotine, I would probably freak out and relapse and OD. not defending it, it/I sucks/suck.
You are actually mentally deficient if you've tried a coffee+cigarette and not felt amazing afterwards
I will be having the kids, if you know what I mean.
Black coffee. A dozen eggs over medium, pound of bacon well done, 5 slices of toast. Smoke cigar outside after meal. Suck a dick faggot.
I usually eat three scrambled eggs (no milk) with some gouda, cheddar, or some special cheese that was on sale. I steam carrots, spinach, and broccoli. I also have a bowl of oatmeal made with milk.
Some days I have overnight oats made with milk and greek yogurt, in the morning I add a scoop of whey powder.
And of course always a banana and coffee when I wake, I have the meal after I poop.
whats going on here...
That's my gf.
cup of tea and a bowl of bircher muesli.
If its really hot i might have a monster energy instead of tea.
greek yoghurt and a black coffee to facilitate my daily megashit
Seek help
Same here. At least I'll be able to avoid the "enlightened" "conversation" that the "grownups" are having. Plus I get to look at and talk to kids, so win-win-win.
onion mushroom bacon cheddar omelet with hasbrowns
Looks like some whore of babylon, book of revelations shit.
Fried bread and chocolate milk/coffee with milk
I'd much, much rather have someone working for me that smokes and sucks down coffee than neither all else being equal, and it's not even close.
Smokers cognitive and concentration levels run ducking circles around non smokers until they start withdrawing
I just ride my bike to work. I don't eat or drink anything
turkey sandwich
green tea
400mg b2 vitamin
sometime biscuits
forgot a thing
used to have a hearty sip of freshly squeezed OJ instead of tea, untill I almost got an ulcer
Coffee, banana pancakes
Cigarettes are made with floor sweepings tier tobacco. Yes even your precious american spirits. A cup of coffee with quality tobacco in a pipe however, bliss.
I just want yogurt and nuts every morning but it's too expensive to eat every day.
I usually give my gf a blowjob for breakfast
I quit that shit but there's not a day that I dont wish I could smoke again consequence-free. I vape nicotine sometimes but its just not the same man.
I can't/won't quit. Fuck it, everybody dies.
uh, sure why not?
I might be okay with it if it just knocked a couple years off of my life, but you go out in a lot of pain.
All the men on my dad's side of the family smoke, and they've all gotten fucked up because of it. The worst one literally alternates between inhaling through a mask and taking a drag.
And now you know why they call them fags
But I don't feel like I'm dying when I take the stairs. In fact I feel pretty good.
>Anything other than tendies.
I guess Veeky Forums hasn't built up enough good boy points.
post the webm. you know the one.
faggot i used to know always had a cigarette and a black coffee for breakfast. he actually considered it a meal.
Tamago Gohan and 2 strips of bacon, signore
got you
A glass of scotch
Potato/chick pea/pastrami hash
Slice of quiche de lorraine
Black coffee
Fat bowl pack
This is my usual sunday breakfast
I really like to eat chowder and have a good homey cider for breakfast, maybe practice my French omelette.
but ideally its just like cocaine and leftover filet ala crab Louie and mimosas and more pussy and maybe a big ass blunt and a nap on the beach before I have to clock in at noon
Cigarettes and coffee are the best laxative available, works every time, especially when I’m travelling
No, you’re not allowed
>that first sip of the day
are you memesters even trying
>Now that the kids have ordered, what will the grown ups have?
On a normal work day, I eat a large apple and drink a cup of coffee.
On a normal weekend, typically two rolls, one with cheese and one with jam, and the coffee is supplemented with a whole pot of tea.
If I'm out, I'll have hash, fried eggs, bacon, sausages, maybe a fried tomato and some mushrooms - with bread, preferably coarse rye with the eggs and fine wheat with the rest. Also coffee + tea, of course.
And if circumstances mean I'm eating breakfast on the road, the McDonald's Sausage and Egg McMuffin with OJ. The coffee can wait 'till I've arrived, I have yet to go to a site where they didn't have a pot on, and "I haven't had a coffee yet, do you have a pot on?" is a great opener to basically all conversations.
are you fucking stupid?
People who think they're edgy because their breakfast is a cup of black coffee and a cigarette? Those people are thirteen.
eggs in the 'merican way with some orange juice.
>a cigarette!
>black coffee!
What kind of a parent would give their kids black coffee?
Corned beef hash, two eggs runny, room temp water, and some plain white toast.
this is the champions' breakfast. nothing wakes me up more than getting some sun and wind in my face and dodging 8:45am traffic blasting out of holland tunnel.
>Darjeeling in the morning
I used to smoke a cigarette in bed first thing in the morning. Seems so disgusting now.
Neither do I, and I've been smoking for sixteen years. Isn't it crazy how the health of one's lungs has more to do with staying active than it has to do with the poisons we like to suck down for pleasure?
1 pb sandwich pls
>Plus I get to look at and talk to kids
Reported your ass to the fbi
What's wrong with black coffee?
you reported someone for sitting at the kids table. but you didn't report the mothers who are giving their kids black coffee and cigarettes.
this is why i don't need feminism.
Shitty mothers do not fall under party van jurisdiction. You may not need feminism but you do need to reaquaint yourself with the rules. Reported for being a retard
>Reported for being a retard
Reported for disagreeing with me! Reee!
>reaquaint yourself with the rules
It's against the rules to talk to children? What happens if I come across a child who is lost and crying? Am I allowed to offer assistance?
Why are you on the food and cooking board tho?
most people do it for the stims and the massive morning dump it triggers
which you'd know but you're twelve and still live with mommy
>most people do it for the stims and the massive morning dump
False. It represents a lack of self respect, and even a sense of self loathing. Something that you'd know all about.
Reported for announcing a report. I also put down "probably underage" in the comments section
My favourite breakfast is tamagokakegohan. With mayonnaise. And a cigarette.
Cappuccino, Baguette, Croissant for pure pleasure.
Otherwise cafe latte, oats, runny fried egg for performance.
British can be nice as well, especially with fuckloads of hash browns.
usually black coffee with a sweet bread or black coffee with buttered bread and black pepper. I never really have an appetite for breakfast since I have to wake up at 4 am for work so i just have some carbs and stimulants to wake me up and get my guts moving.
runny egg on sourdough toast
You sound like a woman. A Mormon woman.
Black coffee with a cigarette is the manliest thing you can do that doesn't involve a gun or your cock or some red meat.
>Reported for being a retard
Reported for insensitive language towards the differently able. We don't take kindly to animal abuse around here!
Your webm answered your question.
>Not having black coffee, cigarettes steaks and eggs in the morning.
A shit is fine and all, but your body needs energy.
Why do you attempt to summon him?
Black tea with honey and a rye toast with whatever i feel like (avocado, home made jam, honey, queso fresco), except on mondays when i give myself the time to make a french omelette.
I love breakfast.
am I the only one guys?
>live life the way I say so or you're a child
Really fires up those neurons.