>Shameful apology texts the next morning edition
New Al/ck/ thread
She has a husband bud
day 3 sober. i feel like shit. the insomnia is bad. lucky i have ativan or i would lost my nut. constantly dizzy and feelings of vertigo sometimes even lying down.
never apologize
You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize.
can't take this shit anymore lads
how bout
>drinking yourself into a lonley stupor in a snowstorm edition
I can't either but I'll just have to.
Seriously the last 5 years of my life have been on a constant decline. Everything has gotten way worse and I'm completely alone now except for my parents.
you have us, user
nice doggo
How does one stop caring for an ex?
It's been 3 months now, and I can't stop thinking that I've peaked and I'll never get someone better
Just finishing up a 3 week rotation, one more night shift then home by tomorrow night, gonna buy a bottle of vodka, bottle of scotch, 12 pack of decent beer and get fucked for 3 days. Boo yeah.
I killed myself. Feels better now.
Who the hell are you fooling? You know that's about the 10,000 time you told yourself that.
It's been 11 years, I still think about her sometimes.
The last 5 years or so of my alcoholism was a living hell. I mean, there was no pleasure at all in it. It was just boredom, pain, constant regret, and 0 accomplished.
That's sort of what happens when the alcohol stops working, which it eventually does for everyone.
I was to the point of suicide basically, thought my life was falling apart, everything was lost, I was a total failure. When I sobered up, I realized that my problems aren't that bad at all, and it was mostly the damn alcohol that was making me insanely depressed and suicidal. It shouldn't be a surprise if you ingest massive quantities of a depressant on a daily basis, it's going to fuck with your head quite a bit.
What the hell does it matter? I'm sure your drunk ass has completely burnt that bridge anyway. Besides, there's probably around 7 billion women on the planet, I'm sure you can find another one.
add to that the fact that you've historically dealt with all your troubles with alcohol, and basically hardwired your brain to expect that, then suddenly the alcohol no longer works, and it can be very understandable why you would feel the world is crumbling around you.
Couldn't tell you. I'm 28 and have never had a girlfriend or sex. Haven't even really ever had an actual friend who was a girl either, now that I think about it.
I am truthfully sad to hear that.
>be me
>31yo drinks daily for over a decade.
>get terrible pain in ankle mid shift at
>feels like twisted ankle but 4 times the pain.
>never been in so much pain in my life
>go to doctors, they tell me its prolly gout.
>blood tests confirm. liver is not working properly
>stop drinking for 6 weeks
>quality of life goes up, save heaps of money not drinking
>have a drink every so often now. if i do it more than once a week or two i get blood noses and joint aches the next morning
>fuck dat shit
>very easy to quit when there's this much pain
>definitely not an al/ck/ anymore
fucking apology texts. you just gotta stop doing stupid shit drunk. that's easy of course. then youll never have to feel ashamed again.
ive busted two cars in the last like month - one totalled, the other needed the bumper replaced.
i am developing the curse of the celts - aka whiskey nose - aka rosacea.
i am 10lbs overweight because of these bibulous restoratives.
im gonna get drunk tonight and play some day of infamy or csgo and yell SIEG HEIL all night
and ive been to the hospital once for booze
how many drinks per day
women are whores. simple. dont begrudge Mother Nature Her evolutionary imperatives. make your peace with it and leave in accordance with Her. stop drinking in excess, get fit, get money, get well-dressed, get hard and tough. get ascetic and go monk-mode if you have to.
>women are whores
Every single fucking one of them, Even the "virgin" Mary
8 beers a day on average. On the night before the gout i had a bottle of whiskey. 24 standard drinks with no hangover haha. That shit must've done some serious damage to my liver
That's a good point, I need to get Veeky Forums anyways. See my bloodwork
Still makes me sad that she's probably fucking someone else by now only 3 months after we were living together and engaged
>Still makes me sad that she's probably fucking someone else by now only 3 months after we were living together and engaged
Fuck her....Find a better gf.
There is no better feeling than hooking up with a chick right after a breakup, Takes all the sadness away.
Just 2 months ago my brothers WIFE of 5 years cheated on him. He's in the process of a divorce and he's going to lose a lot of money, one of his cars, AND his house. Just be glad you weren't married yet
red pill that motherfucker
I drink to forget the stupid shit i said when I was sober.
He was already redpilled, Half his basement was Nazi memorabilia. He even refused to take it down when they listed the house for sale lol
Sounds like a real catch
This is actually true
Who else
>Drink to forget the stupid stuff you did
>Get too drunk and do more stupid shit
>Drink to forget the regret
>Get too drunk and make more regrets
Endless cycle
Isn't the solution then to lock yourself in a room without any internet and drink so you can't possibly do anything you'll regret except kill yourself?
Tried it, I still find stupid shit to do and regret.
Such as?
Can’t live like that 24/7.
No but I was suggesting it might help to break the cycle so he stops regret drinking
Started drinking this stella artois legere, a low carb beer. 3g per bottle vs 11-13g for regular beer. Done a big diet overhaul with it as well. Having maybe 3-4 per night and a few small glasses of red wine. Feels really good and I feel pretty in control now. Also cut back on the day drinking as I'm not drinking with a bottomless mindset.
i might have gout.
i'm not even fucking fat. i work out with weights but do no cardio. i dribk about 24 beers a week.
12 beers per binge session.
and the doctor says i might have gout. wtf?
I have about 6-8 beers every evening when I get home from work, then go to bed and don't have any until the next evening. I do this every day. Am I an al/ck/?
You're a functioning alcoholic
Been like this for 10 years now. Guess it won't change. I like my beers in the evening. I've taken off as many as 3 weeks at a time to see if I could, and I didn't have any physical withdrawal symptoms. I guess I'm ok.
I just went to get weed. Heading home now. Gonna shower first, havnt showered in a month almost.
I fucking hate living. I cant wait until I die, I hope it's within the next few years.
There is no point in living when the only woman you truly love doesn't love you. It hurts lads
Pls God or Satan, Take me sooner rather than later
this fucking scares me
Is your diet okay?
2.5 days left and I can have a drink. It'll be a full week dry. No withdrawal or anything which is good but I felt I needed a week clean just to clear myself out and make sure I wasnt addicted.
I'm not addicted but I find tasks more manageable when buzzed.
What's your drink of choice al/ck/?
For me it's crystal palace
80 proof, a handle is only 9.70.
gout is not too bad. I'm not even sure if that's what I have. I'm going for a blood test in 2 days.
gout is suppose to hurt like hell, even to touch it hurts, and that's not what i have so who knows.
here's hoping...
Don't die over some cunt. That being said I'd probably dive into a sucide booth if that were a thing.
a handle is 9.70?!
I want that as my new el cheapo
since skol is now $12.99 a handle here.
Why not
will be picking up two of these on my way home from work for under $30
been daydrinking since noon, i still just feel empty. i think the honeymoon phase of my resuming drinking after a period of sobriety is finally ending after ~2 months. back to being unemployed and using half a roll every time i wipe my ass
you know you're in for a treat when it says 'deluxe'
Want to buy a drink but I have it in my head that buying alcohol past a certain time is frowned upon
not to mention I don't want to walk all the way to the shops just to find their alcohol licence doesn't last this late
Oh yeah more like deluxe hangover. That shit was vicious in my experience.
I take lots of vitamins and fish-oil, do push-ups and occasional presses, walk my dog everyday, get a lot of good protein and fats, and try to keep the carbs down whilst consuming the occasional cruciferous vegetable.
God speed, user. Cheers.
See . Women are not worth the emotional investment. Love is an evolutionary vestige of when strong bonds needed to exist between men and women in order to survive and best ensure the survival and well-being of offspring. Your evolutionary history is tricking you.
Mr. Walker's amber restorative if I'm willing to spend a little. Otherwise: Anything that isn't sweet.
Please shower daily, user.
Threadly reminder to stay hydrated.
I just can't believe how so much vodka is only 90 proof here. I've had some 50% whiskey and vodka and that shit seems to be even more smooth then anything of a lesser percent
Lol wtf bro. You got other issues to worry about like a job and getting a car.
>been ignoring major acid reflux for a week
>now up to the point where I'm shitting about four/five times a day
>also for past couple of days been vomiting in the evenings
And yet I decide that there's room for more beer after said vomiting. How fucked am I?
Just ate a shitty sub and drank 50 ounces of shit beer, i havent drank in months and now i fell like shit Veeky Forums any advice?
I drink to combat the paranoia I get from smoking weed.
Anyone else have weird relations between drinking and other drugs ?
well this batch of wine turned out good. I used cool aid and sugar. I would have stayed up all night singing songs but feel asleep.
Yeah same but dude if you need to counter with other drugs, you should just quit altogether lol.
Not to gatekeep alcoholism, but if you're only drinking to combat the effects of other, less addictive drugs, I feel like "alcoholism" isn't the best word to describe your relationship with booze. Not to say what you're describing isn't physically/mentally toxic, though. I'm also not sure if you consider yourself an alchie or if you're just dropping in to discuss.
>Anyone else have weird relations between drinking and other drugs ?
Mostly just synergetic for me, because I'll drink no matter what. Alcohol + stims makes me feel socially suave and less intoxicated than I actually am. Alcohol + benzos make me carefree and comfortable. Boozing also makes me feel much more eager to smoke weed and especially tobacco.
That's pretty much all I do these days. I'm considering taking another psychedelic trip on the off chance it makes me take a harder look at myself and take some corrective measures in my life.
You're digestive track will be the one fucked. Did the same thing and had 6 tallboy 2 days ago, spent the next day shitting liquid and barley able to stomach food besides saltine crackers
Get drunk first then smoke
At the local brewery desu.
But...I love smoking and drinking (alone) haha, just not the initial THC para.
Thanks for the input.
I don't consider myself an addict (not had a drink for last 4 days and having no problems), but I do think I drink excessively on my own, and my relationship with drinking is heavily tied up with smoking cigarettes and weed. Drinking nearly always leads to smoking or heavy cravings, to the point where I avoid drinking if say I'm with friends that don't smoke or family.
I've noticed myself drinking more and more (alone) and spending days at a time just drinking and smoking myself into a not altogether enjoyable zomby-like state.
That's pretty much what I do bud. Erryday.
Smoke high strain CBD flowers. High THC makes me paranoid as well. I don't even drink the al/ck/ no more
I downed a bottle vodka at the park on friday and after having been drinking beer that day and while i was walking home i blacked out and apparently i broke into a house with my butterfly knife out and i sat next to a girl and said it would be okay then asking for her father. He got me out and fucking held me there until the police came.
I wish I was concious so i could have ran away like wtf.
Anyway i got charged with trespassing and carrying a blade that's too long and harrasing a minor. 4 days served and I got off with 2 years probabtion.
I'm done drinking, the more i think about it the more I realize i was probably going to murder that family that night.
bullshit, no one gets sentenced that quickly.
All that aside, please stop confusing nervous system depressants and depression-exacerbating substances. Pseudoscience runs amok, substance abuse is miserable enough without bad info.
I quit smoking to look for work. I despise how puritanically retarded modern society is.
>employers want responsible workers and not pot heads
I work harder than 90 percent of the retards at most jobs.
Too bad he didn't fucking ventilate you.
Hopefully next time you choose someone who will.
How were you arraigned so quickly?
How much beer is enough to get you somewhat drunk?
lol user. please dont feel too ashamed. try to get to a point where you can have a nice laugh about it.
do you know what exactly passed between you and the girl?
>carrying a blade longer than whatever
>harassing a minor
>petty crimes
seems perfectly plausible if he made a deal - which he mustve
That's a home invasion charge minimum.
That faggot is full of shit.
>seems perfectly plausible if he made a deal - which he mustve
In the U.S. that would be at least 2-3 months until you would even get a deal.
>down to 2 bottles of wine a week
What have I become?
>In the U.S
If it was in Britain, he would have been put before a Sharia tribunal and stoned to death for the knife charge.
He would have never been able to get knife. He would probably get arrested for riding a bike and watching tv without a license too
I'd buy this if the drug detection period for weed was as long as other, harder drugs, but the fact that regular marijuana use can take months to get out of your system + the fact that that will bar you from a decent number of jobs depending on industry/location is pretty silly. Better off checking if potential employees can take three days off of drinking than a month off of weed.
Hopefully, a much more (eventually) mentally and financially stable version of yourself. Good job user
a college age girl?