Post food you HATE.
Post food you HATE.
This. cilantro can suck my 2-inch DICK
it really is terrible, I avoid it wherever possible and I hate that hipsters memed it so hard that its in everything now
Hate these fuckers.
Parents would always get subway subs and add all the veggies when i was kid. Awful.
Lmao fucking genelets itt
I can't say that I hate any food I've tried, at best I can say that I don't really like oysters but I don't hate them, the flavor is fine I just don't like the texture unless it's in chowder or something
>having shitty genetics in taste
if cilantro isn't chicken nuggets then I don't like it
not. one. bit.
Did you just eat plain cilantro and now you're butthurt? Or have you never actually cooked a meal with cilantro?
Anything with cilantro in it is immediately worse. I had a bite of salsa with it in it and it nearly made me gag. That's what sparked the thread
In all seriousness, you should try making something with cilantro on your own. I mean with the right recipe I'm sure you could find something cilantro compliments.
For me, it's spaghetti and meatballs.
You should just never eat salsa then because literally all salsa has cilantro in it.
We eat it because we don't have your inferior genetics. inb4 user is a spic, I'm a pasty white motherfucker, and I love me some cilantro. Bongfags can fuck off with their "the whole plant is coriander" faggotry while they're at it.
Coriander. It's called coriander, you wannabe spics. Cilantro doesn't mean anything in English. You might as well start shoving random Finnish sanoja into your puheeseenne.
like clockwork
"I know what I'm talking about guys, seriously! I'm for reelz!!!"
It does taste weird. Never really noticed until I bought a cilantro plant and ate some raw. Can't really describe the taste. It tastes like I'd expect some random leaves to taste. Planty.
It's probably better when cooked.
See we call the leaves cilantro (herb) and the seed (spice) coriander so that people add the correct part when reading a recipe...
You don't have to be so upset that we define the changes to your language.
The green ones are great in pizza and alone, but those are annoying
Liver, it literally tastes like vomit. How can people eat this stuff?
Please die.
you get used to it. you can try it from a different animal and it will taste different
They just taste odd. I dont get the appeal.
You have to peel them after cooking.
Have you tried them cooked different styles and with different things? Like spam and eggs? I don't really like eggs on their own. Especially scrambled.
Saying you don't like eggs is baffling to me. It might be the most versatile food source on the planet. There are probably preparations you'd enjoy
the taste is fine, the texture makes me want to heave
Does the "cilantro tastes like shit" gene also apply to coriander as well?
This, I HAVE to have eggs with some kind of starch on the side, whether that be potatoes or toast. The texture is too strange to me otherwise.
You need to ease into organs, pig is quite heavy. Try cow liver first next time.
As a jew, the Israeli food tastes like garbage.
Expect Falafel. You can't beat that goyim.
Lmao all the fucking tastelets in this thread that are unaware that some people are genetically predisposed to disliking cilatro due to sensitivity to an enzyme in it.
>Veeky Forums, the board dedicated to food doesn't know this
>actively debates it and anons shame each other over it
Disappointed in the retardation of you faggots
Celery tastes like rubber
>organs naturally taste terrible so you need to "ease into them"
>it's an acquired taste man
do people honestly believe this?
You mean coriander, right?
cucumber and melon of any kind.
tastes like fucking ass.
and corriander. fucking awful.
I don't even like them, but I can't stop eating them. same goes for wasabi peas
this is objectively WRONG
watch my nigga jaquces pepin if you want a primer on eggs
In burgerland coriander usually refers to the spice made from ground cilantro seeds, most people have no clue they even come from the same plant.
liver is disgusting desu
but heart is really nice actually
melon is garbage tier, agreed.
but what do you have against cucumber?
I love cilantro but recently I discovered that I can get the same flavour by just putting some dish soap onto my food
cucumber and melon taste the same to be.
i looked it up, aparently it's down to some kind of gene.
basically, i can taste shit chems.
fuck linked the wrong video
you people should be wiped from the gene pool for the betterment of mankind. don't get me wrong, y'all shouldn't be exterminated... just forcibly sterilized. same for those "people" who can not tolerate cilantro.
cyclists also
There's some phenomenon where genetically some people smell and taste cilantro differently than others. To some people, cilantro is bitter and disgusting, and there is no way to change this for them.
we are the future. you are the past.
enjoy that cancer. you deserve it.
Heart chili in a slow cooker is the best chili I've ever had desu
>Want to get into organ meats
>Buy kidney from local beef coop, grass fed beef kidney is only 1$/lb
>Follow recipe for steak and kidney pie that promises to get rid of the urine smell/taste
>Spend 90mins making this delicious looking thing, even make the crusts myself from scratch
>Take my first bite
>It tastes overwhelmingly of piss
fuck how can you not wanna press your face into that beautiful egg RIGHT NOW
eggs GOAT
>Heart chili in a slow cooker is the best chili I've ever had desu
that sounds really nice desu, wanna try that some day
only have had heart when eating poultry
I'm not sure if I have access to bulk heart here
It becomes like really tender steak if you cook it for 6+ hours, it's a perfect stew cut. You can't even get beef heart from a butcher shop? Even the normie supermarket regularly has it here.
The local butcher probably has it. But they have this qt selling up front that is giving me anxiety speaking to her
desu she always seemed kinda mean when I asked about some niche cut they didin't have so I stopped going there
i hate pickles its taste horrible
Sass her back about it. Women love being put in their place.
I don't really like the taste of cilantro but the smell is intoxicating. I work at a place with produce and whenever I'm ringing someone in at the till who's getting it, I always try to sneak a sniff.
Like eating styrofoam.
i have literally never heard this before.
I dislike green olives, I find their saltiness and after taste disgusting, I have tried them on salads, cooked with meat and potatoes on a chili sauce, on sandwiches and have never been able to palate them. Oddly enough my mom puts them on stuffing for turkey and i feel like they compliment the dish really good.
I do love black olives.
Eggs with runny yolk
It tastes like nothing and has the consistency of snot
Debate me
Lol this. Genelets. Why wyte ppl and niggas so weak to spice they can't eat a lil cilantro?
I fucking hate anything with a gooey texture. It instantly makes me want to vomit. I can't stand eggs that aren't cooked all the way through. Shit feels like you're eating the content of a spittoon.
It's just rice...
I get the feeling they're best used as a filler. Like potatoes, or rice. They don't add much themselves.
The name "Cilantro" confused the hell out of me until I figured out it was just Coriander. Coriander seeds are just called coriander seeds here, and the herb Coriander. I indeed did use to think the seeds and the herb were the same thing though.
Bland, flavorless, white folk food is inedible. That shit is for boring white people only.
me? I hate sweet food in entrees. That's some real white-ass stuff.
oversugared BBQ, pineapple and mango "salsa", teriyaki with a ton of honey, the list goes on.
Absolutely inedible.
I think that's a genetic thing, can't really change it. Just accept it and move on.
You must have the worst taste in this thread.
Wait, I take it back, this is the worst taste. Or just bad bait.
>tfw niggers will never get over their need to cover their food in spices in a world where we can keep our food fresh and not need spices to cover up the rotten food taste
Breakfast sausage.
Not sure what ingredient it is but something in it gives me the worst stomach pain. It's way worse then lactose intolerant pain.
I grew to love cilantro.
Hate blue cheese and roquefort, though
roquefort is a type of blue cheese. that's like saying "I hate airplanes and DC-10s"
unironically this
I could understand hating planes, but why would anyone hate DC-10s?
t. white people
fucking absolute plebs
fuck off racists . the correct word is cilantro and only white racists use coriander
I hate most blue cheese in general, but roquefort is the absolute worst
Some blue cheese are not utterly vile, like pic related.
quality post
They're the Vaporwave of aeronautics.
it's called that everywhere but your hick country
And Mexico, where cilantro comes from.
Cilantro is native to the eastern Mediterranean, you stupid nigger.
Prove it.
meds also call it cilantro, dum dum
Go there, and await my instructions.
Spaghetti and meatballs was invented by white people. Pretzels were created by Europeans. Olives are a staple in the Mediterranean countries. Celery is a base ingredient for most European soups and stews.
It was called Coriander way before you dirty Amerimutts ever got a hold of these divine leaves. Fuck off, spicnig.
>Celery is a base ingredient for most European soups and stews.
>say something racist
>"fuck off racists"
nigger logic, everyone.
I love cilantro!
Finding coriander in food I order is like finding a small birthday present.
It makes me happy
coriander needs more love
Fuck off with that.
keep /pol/ in /pol/ thx
You don't get... eggs?
Good idea, it might be difficult for retarded people to know one from the other. Where are you from btw? Is it a place with lots of retards?
Thx for visiting /pol/tard, now back to your shithole to salivate over sturmdrumpfer cock!
>cilantro doesn't mean anything in english
dumbest thing i've read all day thanks
Add seasoning and literally just flip the egg over for a few seconds
Try combining cilantro with something else. What is repulsive alone can be part of a killer combo. For me, it's cilantro fried in the fond of beef liver.
I actually work with a guy who also doesn’t eat eggs (on their own). In something, ok. But if they are discernible as eggs - no dice.