What do YOU know about good fruit punch?
What do YOU know about good fruit punch?
Kill yourself, Barneyfag
Goes great with tacos.
By the way it's Taco Tuesday!
where are the equines?
How so?
He's just being retarded.
for one it should be red, not blue
Not enough grape juice.
God damn I missed Taco Teusday myself
Pisco Punch = best punch
Holy shit that looks amazing
That looks fucking delicious, add some gin or vodka and you're good to go.
Please bleed to death, degenerate
why is it blue? is there some curacao in it?
I know this is despicable pony posting, but that shit does look refreshing.
I found a recipe for something of that exact shade of blue. It's basically blue Hawaiian Punch mixed with sprite and frozen lemonade mix.
My idea for a better punch:
>blue curacao
>handmade sour mix
>maybe some white rum or costco spiced rum, or fuck, costco tequila if you want to wake up somewhere new
>your choice of fruit liqueur and fresh fruit, like raspberry or pineapple, or just juice + clear liquor
Woah, what is going on?
its for the assembly of gay orgies
Drugs go into it
Stupid autist is stupid. Business as usual.
It's like I always say....itSONATA good time to have good fruit punch once DUSK rolls around, might keep ya up all night
I don't get the image desu
It's autism in image form.
Whoa is that the famed Caribbean Paradise? Some people say it's better than busting a nut.
Nah, it's Sonata Dusk Punch
please die
How does this thread always get so many replies
You guys are all dumb as shit
Fuck off pony fag.
alcohol is for degenerates
This, alcohol is gay af
I think it's because the drink looks so cool, refreshing, and blue...the hunked ice and fruit looks like glaciers in the bluest coldest ocean
I looked up what that is and you need to fucking kill yourself. The last thing I want to search is shit like that.
>t. soyboys
If you drink whiskey and herbal beers medicinally it is very good for you.
>What do YOU know about good fruit punch?
I know that if you don't start with iced tea it's fucking garbage by definition
I don't know if I've ever heard about that before, I usually use lemonade
more than you
WHO /mlp/ HERE?!
>What do YOU know about good fruit punch?
If you are doing a punchbowl, it's nice to make some ice blocks, than just tossing in fruit. Consider making a block out of something complimentary like wine, or earl gray tea, or stronger concentrate so it doesn't dilute as it melts. Throw frozen grapes in there.
Buy a can of kern's cocktail or a carton of Ceres tropical juice. One exotic, hrm, what is that, indistinguishable tropical fruit taste will make your punch sing. I love to include lychee, papaya, passion fruit, guava, blood orange, something unusual.
Fizz helps.From a dry ginger ale, to flavored seltzer to top each glass.
Creamy sherbet helps.
Herbs like mint help, even basil, fruit zest, or some chia seeds. Put those in the ice block.
Think "agua fresca" flavors, like blended watermelon, tamarind, pinch of allspice or brown sugar, or even bitters.
Favorite punches are alcoholic of course. Use dark rum, not light.
I dunno, but enjoy some home made horse shoe fries with your good fruit punch
Alcohol is great for low test. No soyboy should go a day without it.
What is it?
I know that feel when no sexy anime gf. To impregnate who than makes you fruit punch everyday after work. ;(
kill yourself
Kys yourself
I agree with you except for the flavored ice blocks and using dark rums. If you want concentration from your ice blocks you want to get them to -30 degrees F or below.
Your ancestors drank more alcohol than you ever will and they had higher test too, being highly physically active is the key. I drink more alcohol in a month than you might drink in a decade and my test is most likely higher than yours.
t. professional woodsman
goes great with vodka