I fucking hate Americans

I fucking hate Americans

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I recall them getting a backlash for this. As if American women really worry about being unladylike.

It was literally a joke

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hearing the sounds of other people eating makes me full of autistic rage
this would be a great thing for everyone

This. Women here act like boys and are all chubby its fucking weird

can they make a low slurp soup so I don't have to hear asians when they eat?

Women do care about a lot of fucking stupid things

would unironically buy low-crunch chips

American women would be one of the last to worry about eating loud, though.

No, it would be a great thing for you and a few others.
Its actually pretty disturbing that you viewed it that way.

i fucking hate foreigners

much like children
women should be seen
but not heard

Thank you Doritos, for understanding.


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>its real

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their crucial mistake is neglecting to use sexual marketing. adult american women are eager as fuck for some unhealthy snacks, but to win that market you need sexuality. like if these were fritos shaped like dicks and balls it would be a million dollar idea. New York Times would write a stupid article about how its sexist but then all the bitches would buy it

I would like a softer dorito.

It literally wasn't

just like all the snack foods you buy are shaped like tits and vaginas?

Japanese women would buy quiet chips.

Japanese toilets often have sound machines equipped on their bidet units, so that women can cover up their indecent bathroom noises. I'm sure they'd quiet their eating if the option were available.

Restaurants often have Ladies Sets that are just smaller portions.

Anyway, Japanese women are hot.

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i don't really care about the sound but it sure would be nice not to have that orange shit get all over your fingers

no, because I'm a man and men don't buy bullshit like that.

Just open the bag of doritos a day before you plan to eat them, they go a bit soft.

>Anyway, Japanese women are hot.
hate to break the fantasy ken-sama but I lived in Japan for about three years while in the air force. Loved the country, safe and clean place with a lot of interesting things, but the women are foul to average.

fucking THIS

Holy shit, the past three (3) girls I have dated have eaten so fucking audibly that it made me lose at least ten years of my life because of the stress of holding in the rampaging fury festering within me.
Like, holy fuck how can someone NOT realize they are eating like a damn animal??

The first one I didn't say anything because I thought I "loved" her (I didn't actually, she was just a steady supply of mediocre sex with an increasingly unattractive partner).
The second one I attempted to politely ask her to chew quieter. She was very hurt by this, despite my calm demeanor, She did her best, bless her, but when we went to the movies holy SHIT SHE ATE POPCORN EVERY TIME and that is the loudest food you could ever fucking eat!! I mean seriously, wHY is it even served in theaters??? She shoveled that shit into her fucking mouth like a forklift too so it was nearly impossible to discern the dialogue over that racket. I asked her to maybe eat them one at a time, as they would last longer and it would be quieter but NO she got PISSED this time! "Why do you always tell me to eat more quietly?! I can't help it!! :(((" YES YOU FUCKING CAN

The third girl even asked me if she ate loudly when she was slurping and smacking on a bowl of Cheerios and I inquired as to why she asked. Apparently her mother told her she "sounds disgusting when she eats" and I completely fucking agree. But I held my tongue and politely told her it was a bit noisy, and she huffed at me and continued on. AGRUEWBGBARJGBJADSNBGNAERG

I hate women.

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hey what the fuck is wrong with you


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>forced to choose binary dorito
>no xorito


Just eat the chips you fucking whores.

Hey look it's crystal pepsi all over again.

If you lived here for the air force then you probably lived somewhere shit like Okinawa, Sendai or bumfuck nowhere.

they should just make pink doritos. females voluntarily pay extra for products that are the exact same but in pink packaging

why the fuck did you add a caption to that picture

>leave bag of chips open for a few days
>et voilá, low crunch chips

>eating doritos in public
>inventing controversy so marketing goes viral
>responding to it
>reposting it
>white genocide

just spray some water on them with a spray bottle

I'm betting this is just their way of selling chips that fall off the production line and go stale.

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No one buys things like that. Meanwhile bachelorette parties a gays purchase penis shaped things all the time.

No you don't. You love them, which is why you spend hours of your life on this American website every week.

You're just another Ameriboo taking it in the ass by that big American cock like the bitch you are, and loving it.

>Okinawa is shit

Thanks for the spoilers but I've been in Shizuoka for four years myself.

Wait, is Okinawa shit? Fun to visit but not worth living there? I recently had goya champuru for the first time. It was great.

Wait, is Sendai shit? I really liked it when I visited. I'm not sure I believe you, man.

Okinawa is shit because the locals hate Americans because American servicemen act like it's a vacation when off-base and don't respect the local culture. And occasionally gang-rape a schoolgirl to death.

Haha probably.
>Benjamin, the line was spilling a lot of chips on the floor this week, you should see all the sweepings! What a waste! Should we sell it in bulk as animal feed or throw it out? It's pretty gross...
>Bob, I have an idea. Let's sell them to women, those fat bitches will eat anything and pay triple for the privilege. All we have to do is convince them that other women want to eat them!

OK, that makes sense. I know they fucking hate the base there.

Okinawa is like pretty much any island resort. A good place to vacation a shit place to live since the only places making money are the resorts and they're all staffed by poor people with no other skills

>Americans are such pigs that they need an emergency supply of chips when they go outside


>the limp chip submissively draped itself over my tongue. an symphony of nacho cheesier flavor. heavenly

Most autists have some level of sound sensitivity. Chewing is one of the more triggering sounds and it's fucking annoying.

7 bucks for a medium 'za is a bretty gud deal

while I agree that I want to punch the teeth out of annoying bitches who are always smacking and snacking
you should have spent enough time around the bitch to know what you were getting into in the first place

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>he eats one popcorn at a time

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>imagine being this obsessed
top fucking jej

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It literally was