Aren't they supposed to be a fucking ice cream company?
Aren't they supposed to be a fucking ice cream company?
An ice cream company owned and run by hippies, you fucking moron.
So you know how Chicka Fila markets to a certain segment by claiming to be a "persecuted white christian family company"?
This is that, but towards normies who don't think "happy holidays" is white genocide.
Welcome to commerce.
Hippies don't understand the black man's propensity towards violence.
When has Chik Fil A ever done something like this apart from when their CEO got dragged through the mud for low-key donating to some organizations that supported not having gay marriage? There is no way they were this in your face about it.
>So you know how Chicka Fila markets to a certain segment by claiming to be a "persecuted white christian family company"?
No I don't, examples?
>this in your face about it.
Yeah because in order to eat ice cream you're forced to stare at the company's twitter feed
I mean really?
Look, Ben and Jerry are cucks and do this shit for the shekels.
The others are mostly lowkey about their bigotry or whatever because they can afford it
They are both jews, I suppose.
Bullshit. Pure bullshit. A dumbass st atement like that proves you don't know anything about the subject. Your ignorance does no equal my knowledge.
>Chicka Fila markets to a certain segment by claiming to be a "persecuted white christian family company"?
But they don't? They market to people who like chicken, their owner just doesn't like gays and when the news found out all the other anti gays virtue signalled how much they hate gays by going to eat at chick Fil-a. Never once did the corporate entity grandstand on an anti gay stance.
Their sales went up by 30% after pulling the "persecuted straight white christian" stunt.
See as it turns out, 99% of their restaurants are in former slave states where child marriage is legal and alcohol sales require a signed note from your minister.
>I'm literally ignoring the numbers right in front of me because they hurt my feelings.
>company runs flagrantly anti-white super bowl ad (take your pick, there were several brands that did this)
UHH, listen, sweaty, you don't have to watch their TV ads to buy their products, OK honey?
Literally /our/ guys
>alcohol sales require a signed note from your minister
The absolute STATE of libtards. Did russia hack you in a naughty place, is this why you're like this?
>persecuted straight white christian
You keep saying this but I don't think you understand what it means. Their owner just hates gays, he never claimed to be a persecuted minority.
Is this supposed to be some sort of lowkey redpill about race and crime?
>They market to conservative southerners in the deep south who like fast food chicken
Fixed that for you. Muslims in Indonesia like chicken too, but you don't see Chicka Filla posting "Ahok belongs in jail, eat at Chicka Filla"
>t. white guy from a white suburb who has never had firsthand experience with nigs
Probably because their market too many Indonesian Muslims in the deep South.
I think so, because the only people that are going to agree with this are already gaslit HARD.
Ugh the racism this is gonna incite
Jesus fuck
Oh, so you have the numbers for hippies' views on black people? Or black on hippie crimes? How about the number of hippies it takes to change a black person's lightbulb? You goddamn moron.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE notwithstanding, they are country-wide
I don't own a television. What's a super bowl ad?
Pic related
>The CEO of a company privately supporting political organizations is the same as grandstanding about racial bullshit on an official company marketing channel
Ok bud
Now you're just REEEing to try and divert from the point. There's a reason why blacks are 40 percent of the prison population, and it's NOT systemic racism.
Again, bullshit. Keep inside that echo chamber, Cleetus.
They can open one on the moon for all I care, they're still a southern chain
13% of the population commits 50% of the murders
Yes, it is. Do you really believe in that tiny head of yours that
1. Blacks and whites gets equal jail sentences
2. That all black people in jail have committed some violent crime?
Fucking MORON.
That's the point. If their home market was Aceh then they'd have a different strategy, but as it is their customer base is slave state conservatives, and they market accordingly
btw, people eat chicken basically in every country. Not sure why this has to be explained to you, but I guess some people think everyone abroad eats like gagh from Star Trek, who knows.
but it's black-on-black gang-related crime which isn't really racial
so racism is stupid
Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...nothing ever changes
>slave state conservatives
Lincoln was Republican
KKK was founded by Democrats
>Veeky Forums - food and cooking
Can I have some citations? Because the only information I'm currently seeing is the huge disparity in convicted black criminals compared to white criminals. This FACT leads me to believe blacks commit more crime. I need some sort of evidence for this specter of "systemic racism" to even consider it a viable idea.