Post shit your white friends eat
Post shit your white friends eat
The whitest shit I eat is probably peanut butter pickle sandwiches, pickled herring, or sardines.
I eat two organic almond butter and banana sandwiches (made with Ezekiel bread) every morning for breakfast. God tier shit
Actual food from the grocery store and not just takeout day and night like a nigger.
Anything with your dad that you grew up with and love, a father who reciprocates that love and serves as a solid role model and involved parent.
food that they paid for with like paper money or credit cards and shit instead of EBT
Sometimes I just eat bread dipped in mayo.
No I'm not obese
I don't have friends.
>claiming white people can't into spices when the desire for more spices drove them to conquer the globe
All my friends are American.
>British conquer the world for spices and boiled meat and veg and chip butties are still the highlight of their cuisine
Oof indeed
Pretty sure curry is the national dish of bongistan.
I know because I remember thinking "lolbrits" when I heard that wonderful fact.
I'll just ignore your abundantly racist comment and post recipies i've made as a kid, instead
>Cheese forcefield
White bread hamburger bun, with a kraft american cheese slice inside, and cheese on top, microwaves until bubbly.
>Butter Tortilla
One flour tortilla rolled with a stick of butter like a burito, microwaved for 20 seconds, then folded bottom to keep butter from leaking out.
>Peanut butter and mayo
Two white bread slices, peanut butter and mayonaise on both sides, spread evenly, crusts cut off, and cut down the middle
>Mustardo bagels
Pizza bagels, refridgerated and pooped into the oven for 4 minutes, pulled out, douse with yelow mustard, poop back in for the other 4 minutes. Enjoy
>Scrapple eggs
Break open 2 eggs on a medium pan, add in one whole apple, coat sides of apple with egg until it forms a skin, let cool and then eat whole
>Rice baseball
Pack rice into 1cup measuring cup, bake in oven for 3 hours at 500, douse in mustard/ketchup when done
Curry as is largely thought of in the UK is a wholly British product and probably one note, overwhelming slop
>White people food
Oh shit you mean half of the culinary world, bet your stupid ass has eaten a burger, or za' before, how does it feel to scrape the shit of the white peoples food, bet you want more nigger, like that fried chicken?
Yea ol Colonel got ya dumb niggers eating out of his fried chicken bucket, have fun with shit tier soul food, ill be eating "white people food"
Why do white people always take the bait?
we take pride in our food tyrone, sorry you're too lazy to cook anything good
Because "challenge accepted" is our birthright.
>two sandwiches for breakfast
Slow down tubby
>we take pride in our food
What culture doesn't?
Idk if niglets would take pride in their food they would do more then basic ass shit with it, like grits, catfish, intestines, ribs, thats pretty much all black people cook, or they cook other cultures food because they dont have anything
What meat do brits boil?
>we take pride in our food
>white people food is bland!
>white people food is too spicy!
Make up your mind, shitskin.
For some reason this sounds like an early generation sturmdrumpfer bot.
What's that nigger?
You want some?
Don't worry i have some fried chicken for you somewhere.
People have this misconception that spices means chili peppers. Not so. Before the Age of Exploration, chilis were unknown to everyone outside of the Americas. They didn't exist at all in Europe, Asia, or Africa. No one set out to acquire them, they were found by accident, and they only became popular several centuries after the discovery of the New World.
The spice trade was about things that were already known to Europeans, but were difficult to acquire, examples being cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, cloves, and cardamom. All of these feature heavily in European cuisine, although they originate in India and Southeast Asia.
>tfw I am the white friend
how progressive of you
do you want a cuck medal?
why so butthurt my friend?
You have problems and must search within yourself for happiness, my friend
>One flour tortilla rolled with a stick of butter
>entire stick of butter
Or he could just fuck off.
What the fuck am I looking at
Africans from what country?
You gotta be more specific you nigger
When three olives is just too much.
>You gotta be more specific you nigger
shoutout to all my white niggas itt they aren't buttblasted
ya'll the real MVP's
If you think Africa (the continent shares one culture) than you are indeed ignorant my friend.
Gotta love butthurt niggers who read words that aren't there.
Everything in the world was stolen from Wakanda.
He's right in that some regions of Africa certainly would have distinctive cuisine and be proud of it.
And I'm right in that he's reading words that aren't there. This isn't going anywhere, so don't bother.
>mfw you are butt frustrated
LMAOING @ UR LIFE. Some of you Yakubians need to step up your insults.
Ask a Somlian about Jellof Rice and he'll tell you to fuck off and talk to a Nigerian about it.
based user.
whatever nigger
I wish I had white friends.
Moved to a city filled with druggies and white people that like to stand in lines for fun and watch stupid Seahawks football games.
why are you doing this
So you want to stand in lines for fun?
Cheese sticks
No. I stated that white people just love forming lines. They are only one step below the Chinese with their hive mind mentality.
White people even like standing in lines when they go hiking. Crazy.
I like white people cause the only friends I had in high school were white people cause Blacks, for the most part, act like animals.
>pooped into the oven
>I stated that white people just love forming lines
And that you wanted white friends.
I guess I wasn't clear in my first post.
I meant to say that white people in this city, Seattle, like doing mundane things in their free time. Conversation always revolve around a sports game, hiking, or alcoholic beverages.
Different from the White people where I'm from.
Then went vegan
Forgot to post pictures.
> conquers the world for spices
> doesn't even use them
Got married
Also in Seattle. I'll be standing in line near the Seattle center if you guys wanna meet up on friday?
>because we can
I'm black...I don't know.. I will be in downtown Seattle around lunch time if you want to meet up.
That mayme is so old that I'm buttmad that people still get buttmad about this.