Fudge rhymes with grudge. I like fudge, but if I eat too much fudge I get a pudge. Then I can't budge.
Fudge rhymes with grudge. I like fudge, but if I eat too much fudge I get a pudge. Then I can't budge
absolutely BASED fudgeposter.
What do you anons enjoy with your 'dge, I personally have a cup of 'ccino with my 'dge.
>a thread died for this
Damn you Pinkie
rum rhymes with slum. I like rum, but if I eat too much rum I get a dumb. Then I cum.
I love eating grapes
sometimes i turn my head upside down and eat like an ape
when i go to the store i buy some grapes and some tape
then bring them down to my basement to the half concious bleeding child i routinely rape
Dish rhymes with fish. I like fish, but if I eat to much fish it's not delish. Then I make a wish.
Soy rhymes with goy. I like soy, but if I eat too much soy I'll never become a boy and my dad will use my arse as a toy.
You get molested?
m8 that's clearly tequila in the picture
Steak rhymes with bake. I like steak, but if I eat too much steak then I get an ache. Then my winds break.
I hope so
Damn good rhyme
leann rhymes with big black cock
damn you all rich crypto neets, im a wagie and cant even afford any fudge reeeeeeeeee
I love fudge but I can't figure out how to make it properly. I have scars on my hand from trying to make grandma's fudge. Everytime I try I fuck it up and have to eat little chocolate crumbles in despair. I have tried all different recipes and have come to the conclusion that I am cursed. I have a fudge grudge.
>jikoman on suicide watch
shhh hedi, no talkies until ive had my coffies
her name is in the post. google the name that you see in the post.
So, no fudge?
Uhh uhh uhh dumb wagecuck, that isn't a coffee. THIS is a coffee.
tfw multiboard posting
>tfw wagecuck cant afford a big cup let alone brand coffee
daaaaaamn yooouuuuu neets!!!
someone posted a link for some fudge recipes a while ago...
it was an internet wayback machine website.. anyone remember???
Let me just make up four words so I can make a thread while buzzing on eighty grams of sugar
>implying that thread wasn't a shitpost aa well
If you make another post I will actually kill you
what's the difference between fudge and chocolate?
pic is me btw
A slice of NY 'za with some Secret Vark hotsauce
Put a tablespoon of corn syrup in next time
Fudge is a type of candy that doesn't even necessarily have chocolate in it. I think the original was a botched caramel where the mixture wasn't heated enough, and so the crystal structure set oddly, but pleasantly. Chocolate as a confection is a specific thing made out of cocoa butter, cocoa liquor (a liquid made from roasted nibs, not an alcohol), sugar, and whatever else that is heated and tempered at a specific temperature to create a very specific crystal structure.
not bad but let me improve it
I've got a grudge with the fudge,
for if I too much I get a pudge,
and then I can not budge no not a nudge
Why is fudge so much yummier than chocolate?
Is that fudge?
is nutella fudge?
i don't know.
eye for an eye, hank
When I eat some curry
I head to McDonald's in a hurry
To relax with a delicious McFlurry® with OREO® Cookies. Creamy vanilla soft serve with OREO® Cookies mixed in. I'm lovin' it!
Because you don't like decent (dark) chocolate?
ha ha! my bait has ensnared one fool. it wasn't a waste
You just goofed admit it