Is cooking a dying art in America?

Is cooking a dying art in America?

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I weep for the next generation of onion preppers

>some people know how to cook and some don't
Wow, what a riveting insight, bro. Thanks so much for sharing, you fucking donkey.

>some people know basic life skills and some people are perpetual children who will suckle at the teat of their parents/society indefinitely.

No. There's always been a lot of retards who can't cook, now it's just more advertised thanks to the internet

people not being able to cut an onion is just sad. It is such an ordinary everyday skill, lik tying your shoelaces, or driving a stick shift. Oh wait, Americans cant even drive stick shift.

Are you trying to say different cultures have different priorities in life?

>Oh wait, Americans cant even drive stick shift.

Only liberals can't drive stick.

Attached: IMG_20170825_184644.jpg (2080x1560, 397K)

This video is a webm goldmine

americunt liberal here, manual is the only transmission worth driving

Welcome to life. Remember to vote Republican.

No. Boomers couldn't cook for shit, neither really could Gen X. The art of cooking is slowly being revived, although you will see a lot more bullshit like vegan cooking, but hey, cooking is cooking.

Let me know when you've learned the most simple transportation skills, filthy English.

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how is this possible? my parents had me helping with cooking from like 12. damn lazy fucks.

>The art of cooking is slowly being revived
I hope it'l gain some momentum, still too many plebs who dont know how to cook at all and are happy to spend money on literal shit as long as it's laded in natriumglutamates'n sheit.

>They video 1000 people
>950 can cut an onion
>50 can't
>Clickbait Title: ALL FIFTY Americans we sampled COULD NOT SLICE AN ONION!!
>Proceed to show those who failed

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i agree with other user, and i think it will. as much as the whole foodie thing gets on peoples' nerves, the attention is good for stoking interest in cooking at home again.

my boomer parents were never home and never cooked and even now, with one retired and the other almost retired, are still incompetent in the kitchen. they had nothing to teach me. now i cook for them and my grandmother pretty routinely.

I'm laughing so hard. Someone really should get that guy therapy.

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You are kidding yourself if you think this isn't a representative sample of American 20-somethings.

We're at the tail end of our "industrial food" phase and are getting back to making meals from scratch more often. Our better economic opportunity system and technology created a boom for processed and fast foods because they were more convenient and people didn't know the impact on health. We know now, and most people are moving away from that shit.

Meanwhile, the yurotards are doing just the opposite and are starting to ramp up their fast food industries.

this was infuriating to watch

Veeky Forums webm threads have been shit the last several months. It's like the retards posting in that thread don't understand that this isn't reddit and we don't need the same fucking thread up 24/7.

You know, the only thing that actually angered me was the cunt saying that people should just buy frozen. Sure, let's just use more plastic to sell something that has an already natural layer covering it from shite. I'm sure the enviroment will enjoy it.
Weren't young american women supposed to be all rich new age eco-friendly?

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they make biodegradable bags now, grandpa

For me it isn't, not all Americans are retarded blobfags.

That's still an unnesesary waste. Also frozen food tastes like rubbish.

>No. Boomers couldn't cook for shit, neither really could Gen X. The art of cooking is slowly being revived, although you will see a lot more bullshit like vegan cooking, but hey, cooking is cooking.

^ This.
People haven't been able to cook for at least 2-3 generations now.
You shouldn't be ashamed if you don't know how to cook: LOTS of people don't know how to fucking cook... But you should really learn how to cook if you can't.

Hen doesnt look American

This video made me sad.

Also, the instructor showing the "proper way" at the end was one of those "just throw away half the veg because the ends are not uniformly shaped"-type chefs.

Ok I can get not knowing the technique for dicing an onion, but basic knife/blade safety should be common knowledge for any man since we presumably all have had pocket knives/were boy scouts/did outdoors shit in our youth.

Shit, I'm pretty sure I saw someone get a corner taken off their Totin' chip for doing exactly pic related during wilderness survival way back in the day.

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The people that don't know how to cook should just starve to death, no one taught me how to cook I learned that shit all on my own because its not hard.

>we presumably all have had pocket knives/were boy scouts/did outdoors shit in our youth.
Since the 80's, depending on country, boy scout associations have been dying thanks to all the pedophilia allegations.

you are fucking delusional.

>I saw someone get a corner taken off their Totin' chip


This is probably statistically untrue for people under 28. I spent a lot of time outdoors as a child and did a lot of fishing with my dad and gramps but I never handled a knife until I started cooking. No one taught me how to use a knife it was just mostly common sense. Even at 12 I would have known that doing OP is not smart.

He is definitely exaggerating but delusional is a stretch. The tactic he mentions is commonplace in statistics and advertising.

At least in my scout troop, if you did something retarded/unsafe with a knife, the scout master would remove a corner of your Totin' Chip card. Incur 4 infractions and have all 4 corners removed, and you were forbidden from using knives/axes/etc.

OFC you could have those privileges revoked much quicker if you did really dumb shit. One of my friends decided to hack down a small tree with his hatchet in a TX state park. Had his totin' chip torn up the moment he dragged the tree into camp, plus had to do like 160 hours of service work in the park at the behest of the Park Service. He quit scouts shortly after that.

Attached: Totin-Chip-Card.jpg (500x335, 163K)

I learned to dice onions through cooking schools that post videos on youtube and I do it the same way as the last guy except I cut the end off first before splitting it. Don't think that makes a difference.

Signs are encouraging.
I think the shift away from fast food and eating out in general is mostly a generational thing and spending more and less money in the kitchen is going to increase as time goes on. Probably one of the greatest causes of this has been youtube provided hours of step-by-step how-tos which are infinitely better than cookbooks at showing you not just ingredients, but technique and what the dish should look like at each stage of production.

Attached: Peapod_Home_Cook_Infographic.jpg (1600x2470, 680K)

Savior youtube

come on dude a bunch of those people had grey hair

Why aren't they using the cutting board

Seems a bit excessive.

Supposedly makes you cry less and gives you more of a handle and less waste. Not a huge deal and no one I know does it because you end up with root shit all over your board.

What the fuck is wrong with taking down a tree, they got heaps of them.

LOTS of people also don't know how to do basic car maintenance, home maintenance, or troubleshoot minor computer issues. What the fuck is wrong with people? Is it (((their))) influence?

If it wasn't bothering anything, why remove it?

wow this is actually a really well made video compared to other food entertainment videos

From who was I supposed to learn how to cut an onion? My family can't cook.

youtube, cooking shows, people with functioning families you encounter before whatever age you need to be to be featured in this video i suppose

This video is fake

This is the most cringeworthy shit I've seen today. Thanks lad.
Hah stupid Americans

Maybe he wanted it for something

Because parks are, by definition, protected areas that are so for the enjoyment of everyone? Why not cut down all the tree in a park?

It'll grow back hippy, oh no my 4000 hecters of forrestland has one less tree whelp better just move to mars.