>current year
>not owning a rice cooker
>not prepping veg and meat in advance
>not coming home to the delicious aroma of freshly-cooked rice
>not quickly cooking a stir fry and sitting down to a fresh meal in minutes
you're a disappointment
>current year
>not owning a rice cooker
>not prepping veg and meat in advance
>not coming home to the delicious aroma of freshly-cooked rice
>not quickly cooking a stir fry and sitting down to a fresh meal in minutes
you're a disappointment
>eating gay ass stir frys like it's the 80's
One of the easiest, nutritionally complete meals to make.
>having nutritional value to anyone other than third world dirt farmers
>carbs arent nutritionally valuable
Fat is more efficient.
Meat is too expensive to be my main intake.
Stir fries are great for that, then. You can slice a flank steak or chicken breast into razor thin slices and get a whole bunch o' servings.
>any year
>saving so much time by shorting vegetable to veg
i've recently bought a cheap rice cooker and i don't understand why Veeky Forums gets so triggered about them, they're a genuinely useful unitasker that consistently cooks rice better and with less effort than you can on a stove top.
i've grown bored of just plain white rice so i've started experimenting. my current favourite recipe is:
three cups of white rice (washed)
one vegetable stock cube
one small can of red kidney beans in chilli sauce
half a teaspoon of dried chilli flakes
two teaspoons of paprika
a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
fill with water to the three-cup mark on the rice cooker
mix it all together in the rice cooker and switch on until done. i also quickly stir it half way through (i know you're not supposed to open it when cooking) just to make sure all the beans don't just sit at the top and then leave it on 'warm' for 15 minutes once the cooking is done. it makes great rice to go with mexican/spicy dishes and also makes plenty of leftovers for two people for the next day.
i think my rice cooker uses asian measurements though so i guess a flavoured rice recipe is about finding good ingredient-rice ratios using your own judgement. anyone else got any good rice cooker recipes?
can you use a rice cooker as a slow cooker and make pulled pork?
Dumb weeb.
>not winding down after a long day with the serenity of tending a simmering sauce
no, you're the disappointment
unless you've got a family and you all eat an enormous amount of rice it's pretty much just a big piece of shit wasting space in your kitchen
m8 """"Veeky Forums"""" gets triggered by anything
literally anything that is talked about will trigger at least one user and then you'll get this impression that the entirety of this board shares that one dude's opinion
and a lot of people here pride themselves on being able to cook rice in a regular pot because that's about as far as their cooling skills go
apart from that yea, stock cubes are the easiest way to give some more flavor to your rice. anything else I usually add separately once it's done since it's going to be part of a side anyway
What makes me laugh is the weebs who spin the whole 'every Japanese family has a rice cooker' line.
It's bullshit, the vast majority use an ordinary pot.
I do this. Jasmine or sushi rice. Sometimes adding a handful of nuts, grains like quinoa and amaranth, and that sort.
And instead of just stir-fries I do thai curries with coconut milk. And well, sometimes “sushi” - Seaweed and salad, rice and fish and so on.
This. I don't deny their usefulness but they really don't provide me any real benefit. I can have a pot of rice ready in 20 minutes or less, about the same amount of time it'd take me to cook a main dish. It's like wondering why Italians don't have automatic pasta cookers. Most people really wouldn't need one even if they had one.
Well, ah.. have you watched japanology on the subject?
Also, have you ever had rice?
stupid nigger
But that's wrong, you're wrong. Rice cookers in East Asian households are about as common if not more common than toasters in Western kitchens. I don't understand why ricecookers get Veeky Forums so fucking upset.
Rice cookers are fatser than a pot.
>eating food
Lived in Japan for five years.
Weeaboos are an absolute laughing stock over there.
If you're a westerner and profess an appreciation of Japanese culture, anime, cuisine etc to a greater extent prepare to be humiliated (behind your back of course).
To be fair most of the younger Japanese are conversely obsessed with western culture such as American fast food, British aristocracy, French fashion empires and the like. They have as much a stereotypical view of America and Europe as most weebs have of them.
Japan is ok but you would not want to spend more than a few weeks there, it gets old fast and it's actually quite a boring country once you get over the novelty as there's no sense of genuine fun or spontaneity
Also Japanese police are absolute cunts and will fuck the white guy over everytime.
Protip: don't get into a traffic accident in Japan, even if it's not your fault the police will screw the white man over every time.
>yeah but does it make my car more efficient
>yeah just a tiny bit though
all lies
You've never been to Japan.
>the vast majority use a pot
They don't even do that shit in china, and chinese are fucking poor as shit
>prepping veg in advance
aka how to fucking ruin your meal