Should there be more women chefs? I found my mom to be a good cook
Should there be more women chefs? I found my mom to be a good cook
I think people shouldn't force people into jobs they don't want to do just because of their gender.
>20% of chefs are women
>Promote equality
>Celebrate the women who make the food you love
But wait. Only 1:5 meals are made by women.
How would you know who makes what, unless you see the kitchen?
How can you celebrate the women who make your food when its already a rarity?
grub hub asked for the resignation of all employees that voted for trump
everything they do is wrong
>making food
maybe the initial recipe the line is working off of but women just can't run a busy kitchen properly in most cases. They get overwhelmed too easily
I think what liberals need to stop doing is telling women what careers they are supposed to have and just let them do what they want to do
Isn't it sexist to tell women to go into the kitchen?
Why is cooking considered a woman's job, yet 80% of chefs are men?
is this just a 'put your name here' support or give us money? where the fuck is the money going?
Here's how this story goes.
6 months later
>Why the trend of female chefs reinforces a sexist stereotype.
6 months later
>Wage Gap: Female chefs make less than waitresses.
6 months later
>Opinion: Why tips need to be abolished (in the name of equality)
6 months later
>Why more women are moving away from the kitchen (and why that's a good thing)
6 months later
>"Only 20% of chefs in the U.S. are women. We think it's time for that to change"
>Should there be more women chefs?
If women could cook for shit, there would be.
>I found my mom to be a good cook
Of course you do, she's your mom. Everyone thinks their mom is a good cook, except for the people who had moms so bad at cooking that not even nostalgia could save them.
>he doesn't understand the difference between a Chef and a cook
Back to Retard.
>just let them do what they want to do
I identify as a social liberal (as opposed to a social conservative, not an actual socialist, cause fuck those guys), and this is what liberalism has always meant to me. The belief that each person has the freedom to be who and what you want. It saddens me greatly that this no longer seems to be the case, given how many so called liberals these days, seem hell bent on telling people exactly who and what they are allowed to be.
>Only 1% of garbage and sanitation workers, welders, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, miners, HVAC technicians, construction workers, vehicle mechanics, and forestry/logging workers in the US are women.
>We think it's time for that to change.
it's staggering how retarded third-wave feminism has become. suffragettes are rolling in their fucking graves
At this point they are just doing "sort job by % of women" and going after each one
>Should there be more women chefs?
No, most women are fucking TERRIBLE chefs, they can do basic shit and follow the recipes but thinking on their own how to cook? Imbossibru!
I've had firsthand experience at various food-centered workplaces and the women are allways at best mediocre at cooking and never up to try something new.
>Tell women to get back in the kitchen.
>At this point they are just doing "sort job by % of women" and going after each one
No they are picking comfy and high paying jobs. Its okay if men do the dirty work; no need for gender equity in professions that are like that
And they will suffer with their failures. Okay by me.
you literally can't make this up
except welders, electricians, plumbers, hvac techs make bank.
Yes, and all those works are heavy, uncomfortable and leads to back-problems and you have to work in shitty environments, often have to overnight somewhere e.g. stuff that women avoid when choosing a career.
Cooks or chefs?
Most people can't seem to tell the fucking difference. There's lots of female bosses and chefs. There aren't a lot of female professional cooks that aren't chefs or on their way to becoming one. The backstabbing culture of western women makes makes most of them incompatible with a professional kitchen; but the odd or damaged ones who are despite that good people end up succeeding here.
>only 20% of women are chefs
>implying that the same number if women want to be chefs as men
>forcing women to be chefs or raising the entry barriers for men to arbitrarily "level the playing field"
I don't understand how anybody can think this is a good idea, have these morons ever thought that maybe the less women want to be chefs than men?
So why aren't women being herded into those jobs like they are every other job if it's so high paying? Are you implying that there might inexplicably be other factors besides sexism that make men and women choose different jobs, you fucking bigot?
OMG I can't even
Why don't more women become chefs then?
Women can do anything a man does. The fact is, they just don’t. It’s not our problem women take the easy road in life and then cry that men are more successful. They want all the rewards men receive without the risk or work.
>gender equity
>literally telling women to get back to the kitchen
We've come full circle lads.
>feminists are now trying to get women into the shitty jobs
did not expect that one
I will never understand diversity hiring. Who gives a mother fuck if the person is a woman, or black, or fat, or white or anything?
Hire them because theyre the best person for the job. If a woman and a man apply, and the woman has better merits, hire her. If a black guy and a white guy apply, hire whoever is better. It should never be because theyre just a woman or a black person. Christ.
Maybe its only 20% women because the ones applying are shitty fucking chefs and cooks who arent worth hiring.
>mom is a good cook
>should be a chef
Fucking normalfags get off this board. You have no concept of commercial food preparation, stop thinking your fucked up home kitchen exploits are any indication of real kitchen performance.
so you're saying women are smarter than men for opting to not put up with hard/hazardous working conditions.
Arent (((they))) occasionally checking out if certain stores/restaurants etc have enough (((diversity))) in them and if not then they HAVE TO hire some or it's fines'n shit?
What happens in an all woman society when the pipes break or the power goes out? Just live with it because it too scary to fix?
i agree with you but don't act like this isn't a problem on both sides. conservatives seem to love telling people what and how you should act if you truly love america. dont conform to these specific standards? sorry you're just a filthy commie.
everyones guilty of it bud
Hopefully we end up with some of the WW2 era women who are physically fit, capable of taking care of the home while working the railway, bawdy and open-minded, and earn their keep.
BRB masturbating.
Being a good cook is one thing, being a good chef is another entirely. Being a good chef requires a level of ego that is usually only found in high test men as it's similar to being an artist at the higher levels.
>comfy and high paying
lmao, I'd much rather be a welder or an electrician.
You know that won't happen, they'll bitch constantly about how their narcissism isn't pandered to
you see them doing it the same with black people. and everyone who doesn't line up is an uncle tom or worse
Less than 1% of women have sucked my dick, lets change that.
>be in a high end kitchen
>chef comes in at 4AM to fire up equipment and sometimes to start roasting veal bones or other projects
>he leaves at anywhere between 8-12, 6-7 days a week
>gets paid not much more than I do with no health cover (I actually found a union kitchen)
Chef means being a boss. They're the goddamned officers of the kitchen and they do whatever it takes. But it's usually a terrible job. You can love what you do, and the people under you that understand the job will do theirs and love you too, but fuck people do not understand restaurants and banquets.
The feminists think that the evil men throw away applicants with women's names on them or make the entry too hard so women can't make it in. It's sad really
You might be a true believer but you have to understand that this particular brand of utopian progressivism has taken the place of religion for huge numbers of people.
They implicitly consider creating Harrison Bergeron IRL to be the equivalent of creating God's kingdom on earth. Like all religious fanatics, you can really only deal with them through physical removal or giving them the gift of martyrdom
>you can really only deal with them through physical removal or giving them the gift of martyrdom
My wife wants to give feminists that gift in a bad way.
Oh look, another unsourced /pol/ infographic, how cute! Now, you know the direction you need to wander to return to your circlejerk. Sayonara, faggot!
u mad
Not the guy who posted that but the source for the document is literally at the bottom. Also, you can find the document in question if you search for the title at the top of the page.
You're a stupid faggot, you know that?
There's a big difference between being a good cook and being a good chef
>the measures derived for this infographic sort of primarily, when the moon is full and venus is on the halfshell, come from this paper
We was cumskin kangs and shite!
nigga what? get help
>the poster child for women’s ability to do any job a man can do quit within a week because she was worried about hurting her hands while men fought and died for their country
I remember a similar story happening in the Brits many years ago. They wanted more girls going into engineering or electronics in an university. So they dramatically reduce the boys and set up a girl quota. What end up happening is that a few girls bother showing up for the program and the program was cut. I wish I have the news source of this. I can see this happening with this chef crap and the restaurants that does this crap would go out of business.
>Women only make up x% of this profession
>Join our movement to force more of them into it!
I've never fucking understood this.
Makes sense to me since around 60% of women can't cook. That's about 20% of the population.
It's not going back into it if (You)'ve never been there, m8.
>20% of chefs are female
>no mention of how that correlates to the gender balance of people learning to be chefs
If 15% of chef school applications are from women, wouldn’t that make them over-represented?
My wife (who is a shitty cook and has never worked in a professional kitchen) is forever giving me shit about how well women do compared to men on ‘Hell’s Kitchen’. She doesn’t understand that well run kitchens are drama free zones and that the people on that show are selected for drama, an environment that men dislike but women thrive on.
Plus, when you take into account long work hours, time away from family, shitty conditions and lousy pay for what you have to do, most women would rather just get knocked up by a welder, electrician or HVAC tech and have a cruisy life at home studying a BA in Womynyst Philosophy from the Online University of Podunk and ignoring their kids.
Only if those women are open to spitting, ringing their sweat, squirting, pissing, and shitting in my food if I ask for it.
>women telling women to get back in the kitchen
>leftists defending ultra-conservatives against centrists because 'it is their culture'
>stand up against rape and let your voice me heard; it's sexist for a man to deny me intercourse
>black lives matter, please Allah give me the strength the not murder a white person today
>today the doctor at the fertility clinic misgendered me when I told him I wanted to get pregnant
Republicans should just keep their mouths relatively shut. American "liberals" are so self-destructive that they'll be completely broken soon.
>but you have to understand that this particular brand of utopian progressivism has taken the place of religion for huge numbers of people.
Oh, I do. And that is probably the part that saddens me the most.
It's beautiful
So, I'm confused
Do these people want every field to be at least 50% women?
Every single man and woman on earth must be equally distributed amongst professions?
What if a field is dominated by women? Is that a problem or is it good?
Where do they expect to shore up the other numbers to fill in the gaps where other numbers drop below 50%?
Are they actually just retarded?
I remember joking a while back that they were going to start this kind of social media pressure for michellin stars, since no female owned restraurant has a michellin star.
Also being a chef is an incredibly undesirable position with massive amounts of openings all over the place. If more women wanted to be a fucking chef then they would be.
They want brownie points for having a gender equal environment like they're the next Martin Luther King Jr or something like that.
>muh pol bogeyman
Back to redbit you go!
I live in a fucking clown world.
The retarded thing about this is that there are only two ways to "fix" the inequity in a reasonable timeframe. Restaurants would either have to hire more chefs than they need (they won't do this), or they would have to fire already employed chefs.
Doesn't Anne-Sophie Pic own hers?
I don't follow the tire system as I think it's kinda bullshit.
>or they would have to fire already employed chefs.
They are willing to do this for MUH GENDER EQUALITY
>Are they actually just retarded?
Yes. All of this nonsense is incredibly short sighted
Sure, we'll take the office jobs doing nothing.
>mfw I got asked to switch to front of house because we were short of people and just sat on my cellphone 75% of the time making more money
>What if a field is dominated by women? Is that a problem or is it good?
From what I've seen it results in declining sales or the overall collapse of the company.
This has been the case in comic book titles and video game publishers.
>Literally not a single man in the entire photo
So progressive! How ever are they failing?
And restaurants would like it because it gets them off their backs without a high cost.
>third wave feminists telling women to get back in the kitchen
You should see what IDW did.
>turn your burly white guy into an overweight black woman
>your effeminate girl that a lot of readers had a crush on as a child is now a tranny and was always a man
>gay robot marriage
>another transexual
>two women are now bull-dykes
Our 91+% profit drop in a single year is Marvel's fault!
Tweens and the far left aren't going to buy your product, they probably aren't even going to vote. Stop trying to appeal to a demographic that can't pick a hair color or gender.
It was., but now its slowly going full circle. Just wait until being a stay at home housewife becomes "powerful"
Oh no , my friend. This isn't a complaint about cooks. it's about CHEFS. You know, the boss of the kitchen.
Being a chef sucks, that's why. You're overworked, underpaid, and have little room to ever advance anywhere.
theres nothing wrong with that
many of the problems america faces is due to people no longer trying to keep traditional values
people are becoming trashier and trashier, the nuclear family is falling apart, children are growing up without fathers and there's an every growing sense of entitlement
these were always problems of course, but now that the popular attitude is to say "its all fine you can be and do what ever you want no matter the consequences" its really causing a cultural crisis that is damaging the country
having modesty and traditional values are a good thing. Short term fun is almost always done at the expense of long term stability
besides the great irony is that despite how enlightened, free, and self aware liberals claim to be they somehow manage to still be the most bitter, miserable, hateful people you will ever come in contact with
In 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 5,431 complaints of sexual harassment from women. Of the 2,036 claims that listed an industry, 12.5 percent came from the hotel and food industry, more than any other category, according to the National Women’s Law Center. The Restaurant Opportunities Center United, which advocates for higher wages, found in a 2014 study that two-thirds of female restaurant workers were sexually harassed by restaurant management, 80 percent by their co-workers and 78 percent by customers. A third of women reported that unwanted touching was routine, the survey found.
Didn't their stock value and app rating drastically decrease back in 2016 when their CEO insulted Trump and his supporters on twitter
In all fairness I was "harassed" all the time too. Kitchen mentality is bonkers, complete with assgrab, pantsing, running around in wife-beaters and pouring water down each other because it's 140 fucking degrees on the line and people are ready to pass out, literally throwing shit down to the dock because we're in the weeds because no one told us it's a concert night so we have one-third the staff we need and nothing thawed. Fuck the coolers and freezers are down because they're not meant to be open during the entirety of service because we're doing 400 covers without notice. Adrenaline rush screamy slamming gropey get shit done.
If you aren't very open minded and very sturdy you don't belong here. It's a very fun high.
Their stock is double what it was in 2016. Stay made Drumpf kids.
Same reason men dominate other supposedly feminine professions like interior decorating, fine arts, fashion and jewellery design: men are better than women
Men are better at being women.
Well I can't be unmade anytime soon
Aforementioned CEO ended up deleting his Twitter like a little bitch tho
Chefs and male management don't like to promote women. If you're not a guy with tattoos, good luck. Groping and physical bullying of women is common. Most famous women chefs (the few) are very masculine looking, a kind of defensive coloring.
>tfw men are so much better than women that Bruce Jenner won 'Woman of the Year'
Are you having a stroke?
I don't believe you were sexually harassed, only "harassed" as you say.
Who gives a shit? Why is everyone starting shit involving Race, Gender, & Sexuality all of a sudden?
Restaurant industry is a male dominated boys club. Odds are stacked against women who love food and cooking as much as the next guy. Male cooks hate women. That's why. Just look at the comments in this thread. Close to 100 comments saying women should stay out of professional kitchens.
There should be more Mom's with jobs in general. Fucking welfare parasites.
Bullshit. I think you're completely misinterpreting things.
First off, between you and the opening post there have only been 89 replies (obviously not counting that one).
I have posted multiple times, none of which discouraged female kitchen employees. If women want to work in the kitchen that's fine. Hell, I've worked with a lot of them I've worked UNDER 7 despite only working 2 kitchens in 10 years and I got along with all of them.
But if you can't stand being one of us, if being a cook bothers you, then fucking leave, or don't fill out an application.
It's definitely not because the vast majority of women can't hack it. I bet you were half in tears just writing about that.
You are just proving my point, brainlet.