
people who "like" these pieces of shit are just pretending right?

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dude for real like i get the flavour. i get it. i get the texture. but god FUCKIN DAMN DUDE if you order these on pizza you're a mongoloid in my book. get your own fuckin pizza if you want olives

I love pickley sour things, and olives firmly fit into that category. In fact I love the Greek kalamata and green olives the best. I always have since I was a young child and never understood how someone could like pickles and not like olives, they're the same spectrum to me.

olives aren't sour, they're just oily and extremely bitter

I don't find them bitter at all honestly, just salty and sour. Briney. Maybe I don't taste bitter that well or something because I also like very dark chocolate, hoppy beer, and eating whole coffee beans. I wouldn't describe any of those as bitter either, just fruity/tangy.

unironically eating kalamata olives right now because i ran out of jalapeno stuffed olives.

There's damn good, sorry you're a tastelet

eating these bad boys now.

i like green for snacking by themselves.

black as an ingredient in sandwiches and cooking.

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Unless something has cachet, people will genuinely like the things they consume

Put some in the left over pickle juice... after a few days they are amazing.

I hate olives.

Nah mate, I once ate a whole jar of these fuckers for dinner



Black olives > green olives

stuffed olives:

anchovy > pepper

Only black olives are good

I hated olives until I went to Europe

I know that sounds elitist but literally if you like food there's no way you can find Portuguese olives anything but mouthrapingly explosively delicious

dude pizza olives are black and far less brined

I like both on my pizza desu. At the same time

Pickles, Olives, Banana Peppers etc I have always loved

The dark soft taste ones work on pizza, the green ones with almonds in them are godlike.

any pizza is ruined by olives
put just one olive onto the pizza and its digusting oil/juice will seep right into the dough and contaminate the pizza forever
even if you physically remove the olive, its oil is still there and there's nothing you can do about it
disgusting fucking shit

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Wow what a fucking shitty opinion, and you're proud of it too. Pssh.

I'll bet you think anchovies and garlic also ruin a pizza too huh? You disgust me you tastelet. Enjoy your pepperonis.

Literally redit the post

garlic and anchovies actually taste good
olives are just disgusting bitter shit

>Everyone is just concentrating on pizza
Youve got it all wrong. Burgers. Just replace pickles with green olives, just try it. Dice them up, and mix them in a slurry of olive juice and mayo. I've never gone back.

I'm sorry you don't enjoy tasty foods. What a pitiful world you live in. Kalamata olives on a pizza are one of the best toppings out there.

i bet you like burgers too and think israel is your greatest ally

And on subs too

Fucking love those things.

Ever tried cuban picadillo with that shit? Holy fuck I am salivating.

Nevermind olives, can we fucking talk about red """"delicious"""" apples

No one likes them

They're disgusting and yet Big Apple pushes them on us

What's the fucking deal

you're back?

at least they look nice cause they're big and red
olives don't even have that going for them

Why do olives taste like shit but olive oil doesn't?

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they always look so nice but then I try eating them

>Olive oil literally tastes exactly like olives but without salt

nah sry, you are just a faggot

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Proper olives are bitter, because you can never unbitter them to zero, even if you change the water they are in 30 times.
Only if you use massive amounts of salt, which fucks the taste up and makes them unhealthy, or by using some chemical shit.

I am from the Mediterranean and have been eating olives since I was a baby. Olives arent bitter.

Black olives are my favorite thing about pizza

maybe if you're eating olives from a supermarket.

I'm med too and make my own.

I'm a bong and hated then 'til we went to France as a kid. They used to leave bowls out in some cafes and they were fucking delicious.

you know that they were full of urine and fecal matter because frenchies never wash their hands after going to the bathroom, right?

What kind of fuckin loser washes theirs hands after the toilet lmao Jesus Christ don't be such a little faggot. Imagine all the dirt and germs you get all over your hands all day everyday fuck me I bet you're a skinny little manchild aren't you I'll tear your face off see you cry about washing hands then

you ate literal shit while in france lmao the absolute state of bongs
guess the indians have got you good on your little island eh? hahaha

what?? no.

I'll sit down with a fork and polish off a whole jar of these suckers in one sitting if I'm not careful.

I like the flavor of olives, but I can't deal with the extreme saltiness of most kinds. Would a kind user be able to suggest a type of olive that would allow me to dip a toe in the water, so to speak?

kalamata with no pits from the olive bar at any grocery store

because olive oil is cut with canola oil, it's more like they add a dash of olive oil and green coloring to canola oil


lmao wow you're the biggest faggot on this queer site, kid

some people like what i dont like right? you fucking faggot

Hawaiian style pizza + black olives= sweet and salty god tier toppings

fuck off turkroach

Yes? Have you ever had quality olive oil or eaten real olives? It's like saying apple juice doesn't taste like apples

There is no bigger red flag for a person than disliking foods like onion, sardines, or pickles. I have written people off when I found out they didn't like these foods. I am also secretly disgusted by people who can't eat up to at least habanero level spiciness but I don't cut them out of my life, I just mock them mercilessly for being weak.

My brother, I concur completely.

T white ppl who can't even put herbs on their cause its too spicy. Go prep your bull.

I unironically buy a bottle of olives and just eat them out of the can

Also Mushroom and Olive Pizza is the kino of pizza

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Literal fucking child detected

I would eat green olives if they werent so salty.

>he doesn't tongue olive-holes and remove the pit
>he doesn't tongue olive-holes regardless of presence or absence of pit

This guy gets it.

>Also Mushroom and Olive Pizza is the kino of pizza
I'll agree that it is damn tasty, but usually I like at least one meat on my pizza. Though there are occasions when a simple mushroom and olive just hits the spot.

you have to be 18 to post here

The only truly good red delicious variety apples I've ever had had been picked fresh that morning. If you can get them straight off the tree, they're wonderful. It's the cold storage and shipping that turns them into mushy pieces of shit.

Buy some olives, rinse them to remove any brine, then marinate them at least overnight in a mixture of lemon juice and zest, basil, garlic, and olive oil.

These are good for having during or after martinis. Vodka martinis.

Lol faggot probably prefers chicken tendies on his pizza