Why does reddit hate chick fit a so?
Why does reddit hate chick fit a so?
Ask them you shit-eating, mouth-breathing fucking retard.
someone's mad xd
Who knows, who cares, fuck off with this shit
Why so angry, friend?
Only happy white people work there and that's terrible.
Look at your address bar. Get somebody to spell it out if you have to.
something to do with them being closed on sundays
anyway, i got one near me recently and don't get the hype. it's a chicken sandwich. better than your average fast food, but not even as good as popeye's imo.
sauce is great though.
It's garbage fastfood that got hyped because of clever virtue signalling marketing to homophobic closeted fag troglodytes.
>because of clever virtue signalling marketing to homophobic closeted fag troglodytes
Whew, that was a mouthful.
I've seen plenty of happy black people working there too, I don't know what you're talking about
we don't have this in my country what is it
Chicken Sandwich and tendies with unusually polite and happy workers, good service.
They hate christian values
They started hiring Mexicans at my local one and it went to shit. Monday a girl straight up Lied to me saying they didn't serve the regular menu at breakfast and I just went and told my order to the person on the other register and took the normal 10 minute additional wait. Also portion sizes are all fucked up now with tint pieces of chicken. It was great when it was only happy white people with a token happy black person, spics are ruining it.
>polystyrene cup
Don't know, I don't like them because they refuse to hold the pickles when I ask them to. Good milkshakes though.
I hate how their drive through has these pushy people who take your order on a tablet before you get to the menu. They keep telling you to "pull forward" and try to take your order while you're moving, then get pissy when you need to see a menu.
Chick fil a is boring, okay chicken that nobody's really going to have a problem with. People who have never worked a shit job think that employees are always genuinely being nice to them.
well put
It's nothing special, it's the In-N-Out of chicken sandwich chains, and yeah fuck the whole donating to anti-gay charities thing. Joella's is better anyways.
Small portions for the price, chicken has a really bad artificial taste to it, waffle fries are shit.
Because muh gays.
This is your answer right here OP. Virtue signalling fagots hate white people.
The answer has been said repeatedly, but it has nothing to do with the food. Just gays
Everybody hates white people
I wish they had good food because I would pay into their anti-gay posturing. But they don't.
2nd best chicken place in my neighborhood. Would be 3rd but Popeye's doesn't give service to whites
wrong boyo,it's the food/price ratio. no one honestly gives a shit what a fast food place thinks about where you stick your dick
Fuck off shitskin
not open on sunday
it's for white christians and that is just unacceptable
be redditors like and are faggots and are more anally annihilated than usual in its presence
Ha ha ha this is me eating a chicken sandwich just to spite you queers, you getting your dick suckers all in a bunch is just the icing on the cake I won't bake for your degenerate wedding cause fuck you that's why
only because they're told to.
They have waffle fries and picKle brined chicken
It's pretty popular at my uni. All (((black))) crew though no whites or spics taking orders. Pretty whack if you ask me.
Ny 300lb pink haired homo nephew hates them because of how they are against gay marriage. He uses reddit...
Makes you think
It's bullshit because they dared not to support gay marriage. I'm a fag and I love chick fil a. You can't taste political/social opinions, man.