Where do Tim Horton donuts come from?

Where do Tim Horton donuts come from?

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Tim Hortons Distribution Limited, and those aren't doughnuts buddy, they're actually pig anuses not fishy enough to be sold as "calamari's".


Formula: C3H8NO5P

From the donut mines of upper Canada

Shat out of a factor full of smelly Indians in Markham. The donuts are all parbaked and flash frozen before being shipped nationwide.

Stolen from ancient Inuit burial grounds.

a better question is where did they go?
gonna pour some of this double double out for my boy Walnut Crunch...
miss you, bud

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>Where do Tim Horton donuts come from?

They used to bake them on site before they were bought out by I think an American chain and then sold to Brazilians. When I was a kid you could go to Timmies in the morning and actually get a box of donuts fresh made wafting n' everything- people would fucking line up in certain stores.
Now they just come in on a truck like some kind of fucking gas station distribution and it's anybodies guess where they fucking come from in the first place: Either or both of these statements could be true for all we know.

gf works at timmies
>they get the dog nuts frozen
>bake them
>glaze them

what do her feet smell like after her shift?

I remember when they were freshly baked in the store.

The fuck is wrong with you?

The giant factory in the Toronto suburbs if you live in Ontario.

The giant factory just outside Calgary if you live in the west.


How do you not know about waitress feet?

I bet you don't even eat out her smelly pussy after her shift, do ya? Gay

zehrs donuts are better

What was wrong with his question though

It's a valid question

fuck off retard you are a burden on society and I hope you die

what do her dog nuts smell like after her shift?

Ontario doughnut mines

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foot fetishists plague this world

Has the world gone mad?

Support your local donut shop, not Wall Street corporations.

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>these people's girlfriend's toes go unsucked

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They come from donut mines in The Canadian Shield.

>fag whines in every timmies thread

I’ve mentioned this here on Veeky Forums before but a couple of years back, the property right next door to the Donut Factory (on Mound Rd. just south of 12 Mile in Warren MI) got bought up and Tim Hortens built a donut shop literally right next door.

The Donut Factory bitched to the city zoning board, pointing out they’d been in business in the city and paying property taxes for _decades_ and their families also lived in the city and paid property taxes and that Tim Hortens was engaging in unfair business practices and had clearly set up their donut shop as a loss leader to drive them out of business.

But the zoning board / city council / government apparatchiks had clearly been paid off by Tim Hortens and wouldn’t change their mind about the blatantly unfair zoning.

Luckily for the Donut Factory, it hasn’t appeared to have hurt their business all that much, as they also sell pasties, broasted chicken and sandwiches in addition to donuts and have dine-in facilities but it’s still bullshit and if there’s a local mom & pop restaurant or business, you ought to patronize that instead of the fat cat Wall Street shekel shufflers.

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This "we was here first you can't come here" logic is literally Native American Jew tier bullshit. Let the free market sort it out. If Tim Hortons manages to attract more business, your indigenous donut store has fallen behind the times. Otherwise, good for your indigenous donut store.

How does your uncooperativeness-as-a-virtue ancap fantasy withstand infinite nonwhite third-world immigrants willing to work for $2/day? Wouldn't it be better if those of our country and race cooperated?

> If Tim Hortons manages to attract more business

But Tim Hortens doesn’t need to attract more business, they can in fact afford to let that particular store of theirs lose money every single day, as long as the Donut Factory next door also takes a loss.

Because Tim Hortens is a huge corporation and the profit margin of one store is meaningless to them but the Donut Factory is a small mom & pop joint that can not afford that.

That’s not “building a better mouse trap”, it’s just fucking over your neighbor.

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The forbidden donut trees north of Toronto

So they have a more successful business model. Deal with it or move to Russia.

if every single time a problem like that would be solved in favor of the local businesses we would have to pay double the price for everything without even being sure the food/item/service is safe to eat/use or if it's exactly what we expect it to be

Rim Whoretons is nothing without the Walnut Crunch

Ssshhhhh, don't talk ethnic nationalist socialism around the ancap, he'll break down into yiddish screeching. Best leave him alone till his time comes.

That's not a business model it's predatory pricing in furtherance of a monopoly. Ever wonder why chains seem more prevalent and expensive every year? It's because they push out independents like this with the aim of later on raising their prices and fucking you over.


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Why do people[ act like Tim Horton's is some amazing place? It's literally Dunkin Donuts of the north. Since moving up here I have to say [spoiler]They both are shit.[/spoiler] Hope they go out of business soon like Tops

You are talking about a country whose three pillars of identity is ice lacrosse, boxed macaroni and cheese with ketchup, and Tim Hortons.

I lived in Canada for 5 years and everyone basically said "yeah Timmies isn't the best, but it's cheap and you know what your getting, plus it's not American."

>milliennials will never understand the comfyness of hacking on a DuMo in the smoking section while eating a chocolate glazed

>only a few miles from the Donut Factory
>never actually been there

I've always wondered how their donuts were.

Did you think this was funny?

Tim Hortons.

you're nuttier than a Tim Hortons maple log.

A freezer truck

It used to be good a long time ago but now it's just cheap and convenient

>be 17
>work at tim hortons
>scheduled for closing shift when its just you and the "team leader" in the store
>go to rack the donuts every night so the "baker" can put them in the oven before opening
>in the freezer for up to an hour at a time with no one watching
>make myself drinks, bring my phone, play music
>best of all, unlimited frozen timbits
>eat huge mounts of frozen, unglazed birthday cake timbits until the day i quit

only thing i miss about working at tims, lads

>I've always wondered how their donuts were.

I think they're good though I'm no donut connoisseur, I got there for the pasties.

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From a factory called Artytza (previously called Maidstone) in Brantford, ON. They also make the bread there. Everything is flash frozen.

Because Horton hears them

South East Asia.

Are you 17 now?
We used to bake donuts fresh, but that was a long time ago.

nope im 19, vowed never to work in food again. all those soccer moms treating me like shit every day ruined it for me.

>waaaah a customer was impersonal while dealing with me

why do retail and fast food cucks always whine about this?