Is he... dead?
Is he... dead?
>police open door to his apartment after no contact for weeks
>nice hiss
I hope he didn't go out to the wilderness alone to record his next video. He might have wound like those folks in Missing 411
He can only film videos when he gets new MRE's to review.
That one YouTuber that vanished after making a video he was about to explore a mine. /x/ claimed shenanigans but the reality is there are things in abandoned mines that could end you quick. Or slow, lol. Somebody gonna find his mummy some day in there.
>there are things in abandoned mines that could end you quick
like cave trolls?
Don’t worry, even if he dies he’ll just turn into an angle in heaven
fuck you lol
>Steve giving away his favourite coffee as thanks
May your day be blessed with getting things out onto your tray, nice hisses and no rancidity
>making a smiley face mantis being with the S of his first name
gundog4314 here. Steve's not dead, and it looks like he's got some tasty videos coming are way soon.
Based gundog
>Steve's first MREINFO post
He just uploaded a video guys.
New vids fellas
2 new vids you mean
>tfw too late to get a reply from steve
Cracked open this thread for this feel.
This man is too pure for this world
Wait, you can get a P-38 as a thank you for supporting him on Patreon?
>starting out on his mother's ebay account which is also somehow her second job
None purer
P-38s are like 25 cents on ebay my dude
if you want one I'd suggest getting a P-51 instead, they're a lot bigger and easier to use
Steve is a big fan of Captain Quint. His first posts on MREinfo were actually on his old handle just called "steve". He made 14 posts. Was the 3rd member to join MREinfo. Kman, DirtyDave, steve. He was about 16 or so.
P51s are not handy at all. There is a reason why Steve only uses a P38. If you need a P51 you need to work on maing your hands a little stronger.
Huh, neat. The only place that sells them where I live sells them in 5-packs for $8, and I don't know if any of my friends would want the spares for gifts.
quick search on a local shopping site. like wtf man
>Buying at military prices
Yes, he's dead and posting vids from beyond the grave.
>thread made 20 hours ago
>videos uploaded 2 hours ago
How do you even put your pants on in the mornings?
Dubs checked
Damn, that's depressing. That internal battle over eating the cracker though.
>steve will never be your best friend
New Steve! Gourmet!
>the sound of wafers
That Greek review had so much charm. Only Steve could have pulled that off with such class. He truly cares.
based steve, we dont deserve him
dont fucking curse him man
I never heard of him but his videos are pretty entertaining
I mean I think Steve is a great guy and all but he has the handwriting of a small child
wow what a cool guy
My fucking sides, you will pay for this user.
what's his best video
1957 5 in 1
His hands are shaky as fuck.
he's always positive about everything he reviews
even with the aussie one he was still staying positive
>reviews an MRE that is notorious for being bad
>"hey this isn't bad at all"
>"I'll just have a bit more"
>"hey might as well finish this off"
>you will never get to hang out with Steve and eat rotten food.
Hell be fine
Pretty much what my handwriting looks like. It hasnt changed since I was about 7
Based gundog
Dunno if you're still watching this thread, but I gotta ask - how does the MRE enthusiast community feel about Steve's breakout popularity? I imagine that some of you are seeing increased views and sales, at least.
Wondering this as well.
oh, nice.
i jerked steve off in a handicap toilet in tallahassee once.
bullshit. prove it.
jesus fuck
steve is too pure for this corrupt world
>haven't watched all of his videos, but watched several
>none had hiss
Please Veeky Forums, what's his best hiss video?
The 1980 beans & franks MCI is a real burster.
>he ate the rancid cracker
wtf steve
What is this shit?!?
What is this shit?!?
It's a very positive thing. MREs are a hobby for us and we are glad to be able to share this experience with others.
I wonder what his next video is going to be
>takes a nibble
>"yup, that's rancid"
>"might as well eat the whole thing"
Oh Steve...
I knew a guy like this in high school, just a big dumb puppy. Like if your girl slept with him you wouldn't even be mad about it
A video detailing his trip to the hospital after eating that toxic cracker
shit man, that cracker was damp after stewing in that dank ration for 70 years
I hope Steve's shaking doesn't intensify after that shit
>yeah these are rancid
>yeah they smell awful
>yeah these are not edible, they're wet
>they look edible
>it smells so bad
>yeah, this is exciting
>wait no its not
*botulism poisoning and neurological damage intensifies*
I wonder when he will review his Boer War ration?
>those brief cuts to the beef simmering
>Implying Steve doesn't live in an underground bunker surrounded by booby traps and trip wires.
c'mon, son
Who /crombat rations/ here?
Are the rations people sell stolen from the military? I mean they don't sell them to the public, right?
sometimes they are stolen, sometimes they go out of date and are meant to be destroyed but people take them home discreetly, sometimes people take home rations they were given on a particular day of service and its left in a cupboard or a garage or attic somewhere
you can buy fresh replicas from the same companies that make the real things for the military
the sopakco sure-pak mres are almost identical to the sopakco military mres only they're missing a component so they're only 1100 calories instead of 1300 calories like a military mre.
xmre makes a civilian mre replica that has the full 1300 calories but they dont have any government contracts, they buy components from the government contractors and package them
you gotta watch that obscure Yugoslav hiss section review
>"right on"
is this a new thing he's doing? because i like it
he's done a few right on's before