Please wait for assistance
Unexpected Item in the bagging area
Other urls found in this thread:
>leave items in shopping cart while scanning because the table to the side isn’t big enough to hold all my items
>all my shit won’t fit in the bagging area, try to take bag of items to make room
>shit starts beeping
>get frustrated and spitefully leave half my shit in my cart and walk out without paying
>didn’t get hassled by employees, no follow up with law enforcement either
Stealing from Walmart is easy if you’re white
off topic retardation, almost as bad as a tipping thread
Why don’t I tip you into a fucking lake you cretinous paraquat
I ring up all my organic stuff as regular. I also key in the code for bananas on expensive shit like blueberries.
The lemonade is so good
>Really stoned
>Key in huge bag of expensive candy as carrots
>Please wait for assistance
>Cute Maori girl comes over and scans her card and smiles at me
>cross arms
>stare at screen
>attendant clears error remotely because it's one person trying to help 6, maybe 12 people at once
>go back to double-bagging items and scanning organic vegetables as regular
>youre the dickhead that brings a full cart to self checkout
>get extremely frustrated with your own stupidly
>steals and thinks its ok because youre mad
God news for you bud.
always happens when i'm buying imodium because it's usually too light to be noticed by the scales and then someone has to come over and see i'm buying anti shitting pills and i mutter something like "for flatmate food poisoning" when really it's because i'm an alkie and the drinking has rendered my pancreas fucking useless and i constantly piss liquid fire out my arse without medical intervention
>get 10 packs of bacon
>scan 1 pack
>bag the rest and walk out
that was easy pease.
Why are you idiot? Scan items until bagging area is full, pay for those items, then set aside. Now repeat process for the rest of your shit.
Being a Niger
i never use those fucking things. not worth it.
enjoy your cancer
>being a Central African Republic
just choose using own bag
I bet you thought this was a really quirky, gotcha comment hahaha
Up boats 4 u my good sir
>1 register open and like 10 of these are open
>all 10 self checkouts die the second i put my apples on the scale
>Walmart employees just look at each other and shake their heads
Imagine being so much of a dumb fucking brainlet that you can't figure out it's class and not race.
Spend some time in a trailer park with some poor whites. You'll learn something.
the patrician choice
>pick up the last item and scan it again
>it tries to charge me twice and I have to get the attendant to correct it
I don't fucking understand
Imagine being this upset on Veeky Forums but no matter what you do, no matter what merit you possess, you'll always be a sub human shitskin, you will never be white and desirable and nothing can change that, poop skin.
No matter how hard you try and pretend, you're a monkey transplanted from a jungle in a white man's world.
Don’t even need to do that in my experience. Once bagging area is full and the red light changes to green (indicating the weight is what it’s expecting it to be) remove the items and set aside in your cart separate from items that still need scanned. scan remaining items. wa la
el goblino ladron
Nigga we aint even monkies or no shyt doe
>brings shopping cart to self-checkout
You're one of those special autists, aren't you
I print barcode stickers for Juicyfruit gum, put it on half my items...
how do you stop niggers and muslims from stealing these?
>Have to get attendant to unlock the machine
>"Sir, why you going to self checkout? There're 3 open registers!"
jokes on you, organic is a scam and you're essentially promoting non-organic
Think of Self Checkout as the old Express Lane of about 10 items or less. Only pieces of shit go up to self checkout with an entire cart of groceries. Moron takes up a register for 45 minutes so he won't have to talk to the checkout person. KYS
this is actually the most tryhard post I’ve read in a very long time
Meijer in IL has individual camera at every self checkout station. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me
Pls no.
wow that went South pretty fast
go back to /pol/, Fredo
this is the old flyover technology. the modern ones don't even have scales and dont care if you steal
go back to /pol/ please
>Fill entire cart with frozen and refrigerated items.
>Walk around store for 4 hours taking my time.
>Go to self checkout.
>Machine cannot keep up with my speed.
>Leave cart right there in self checkout filled, go to different grocery store.
>Repeat process until I can find a store with a self checkout machine that can keep up with my busy lifestyle.
>tfw get stuck talking to the local autist at the register because faggots with full carts take up the self checkout area
>1.40 for San Pallegrino
Why do people let themselves be ripped off like this? In my mall you can get a San Pallegrino at Quality foods for $1.30 or a chocolate bar for $1.20
You can go to the dollar store that is literally 16 steps away (I counted) and get San Pallegrino for $1 or a chocolate bar for $0.88. But every time I am in the checkup I see people choosing to support the ones who rip them off.
>waiting in self check out line
>old woman in front of me taking forever
>everyone in the line is getting sick of it
>finally she's finished and it's my turn
>"hehe, i'll show everyone how it's done"
>shoppers card won't scan
>employee comes over and fix the issue
>start scanning my cans of spinach
>"please wait for assistance"
>everyone in the line getting really mad now
>employee is fed up and scans everything for me
>i go to pay
>my wrinkled dollars keep getting rejected
>people in line furious at this point and are practically yelling at me
>finally i finish checking out
>guy behind me glares at me and starts scanning items before i've bagged everything
>check my receipt in the car
>employee charged me for an extra can of spinach
i didn't dare go back to dispute it
>tfw youre autistic
>but not autistic enough so i can just go through the normal checkout lane in under 2 minutes without wanting to kill myself.
My closest grocery store used to have these, but they eventually replaced them with wagecucks. Probably had something to do with faggots like you stealing shit. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Same way you stop white methheads
>nice things.
>he’d rather wait in line instead of checking out his items himself
It is getting "stupider" every year because It used to be social outcast/nerdy/intelligent white and asian men, now there are a bunch of nomralfags, shitskins and roasties.
Yeah, you dont use self checkout with that much shit.
I saw a big fat cunt doing self serve today and heard the old 'unexpected item in bagging area'
Better than I was hoping for user.
You can buy six for £3.50.
>you have been selected for an additional scanning of your item, please ask the assistant for help
>every single fucking time I decide to use that fucking thing
It's so convenient when it works, but fuck me.
£1.40 that's highway robbery not even the asian bodegas around here would dare charge that
>Put a cheap ass store brand barcode on an expensive bottle of liquor with the same measurement
>Get top shelf for 1/3 the price
>tfw no supermarket where you just buy your stuff ahead of time, scan a barcode at the front of store and a box with your items just rolls out on a nearby conveyor belt
>>he’d rather wait in line instead of checking out his items himself
At some point of groceries in a cart, it is far quicker for a person at a wide conveyor belt and 4-5 racks of packing to ring versus the one at a time scale and nonsense.
As another user said, it is meant to replace the 10 items or less lane with help yourself quick deli meal, or "we're out of diapers" kind of item kind of purchase.
As someone who loves Publix for the fact they are bagging my stuff, and walking my cart back inside for me, I will say that 1) never have to wait in a line longer than 2 minutes, ever in years, if not decades, and 2) my car likes their parking lot angled parking, no dents, no dings, adequate lighting and care all around, and 3) if those registers are there to replace humans, oh hell no. Let them quietly die out as they should then. Waiting for even 45 second for someone to come over with a key to punch in a button for your coupon or not found item on sale is annoying. No. Just no.
I love the last sentence in this article. You people who steal could have been mafia hit men in an otherwise different world.
have you been in any of the recent gummo thread on /tv/ by chance? lots of good salt and catharsis going on, desu
I've only shoplifted from these things once and it was more difficult than you think.
kys my guy
fuck this guy , that's a pretty good joke
Sounds like something amazon might do
I always don't scan a few items
Feels good to one up the Jew.
>try to weigh asparagus
>invalid weight
>retry 3 more times
>still invalid
>put it with bagged items and take it
Am I going to hell?
Yes. Go to a cashier or I'm out of a job.
>get to the 24/hr grocery store after 10pm
>self-checkout is closed
Why the fuck do they do this? Can't you have your one late night cashier preside over the self-checkout instead? It would increase throughput with 10 self-checkouts open instead of one normal checkout.
Is this some union bullshit?
We have this in the UK but a guy either drops it at your front do or if you ask he will carry it into your kitchen.
shouldn't that be pretty expensive?
But honestly, it's pretty weird that I can't just pick items from a menu and have a robot pack em for me. Why the fuck do I still need to go walking around a fucking supermarket for. Waste of space and time.
At some stores they have two self-check-out options - stand alone "express lane" types and actual registers with long conveyors for large quantities.
At my place there are maybe two manned checkout areas compared to 7 or 8 self-checkout kiosks at any time that isn't peak hours. The self-checkout area moves at 3 times the speed because the only people who insist on the manned areas are old ducks who pay in pennies and nigs who try to do scummy shit with checks and expired coupons. I can scan my 45 items before most shitsuckers get through with 10
Where I live it is the opposite, like you said, just one cashier looking over the self checkout area.
What gives you people the impression self check-out has limited quantities? Express lane explicitly states up to 10 items so there's no confusion there, but where are you coming from applying a restriction on self check-out lanes???
How about stop eating literal shit?
Stop buying all the nigger-tier food that makes that machine flag you.
I have walked the fuck out of fucking Walmart and left the full fucking cart sitting there when that fucking thing wouldn't stop fucking doing that.
Based desu
LMAO Walmart is a shit store. In my store I chased people down.
I hate those fucking things…
There's always something that doesn't work, slowing the whole process down.
And that's before counting in all the folks that don't know how to fucking use them. idiots that go there
>with many items
>with stuff without a barcode
>that insist to pay with cash even though machines suck at recognizing crummy notes and dinged coins
>that want to buy alcohol on them
I tried it a few times when they installed them in my local supermarket and realized I don't like them.
And then I figured
>well, I just got three things, theres a line at the normal checkout and only 3 people waiting for the 4 occupied self checkouts, I might as well give them another try
But nope, all 7 people in front of me fucked up one way ore another, so it took me longer than simply waiting in line at the normal checkout.
Plus, the supermarket qt was serving said checout, wheres the hambeast was on
>swipe card to continue
duty on the self checkouts.
gb2 a site that isn't this one.
>scan item
>Women unlocks it and goes away
>Scan item
>repeat x 5
nah. pol is the containment board specifically for you poltards.
Leave now, newnormal. This site is for the big boys. is that way
My personal favorite with self-checkouts here in Europe is that the machines don't accept cash, only debit/credit card.
Which means every fucking pensioner/geriatric is shuffling along in their cuckline and making way for those that care about their personal time.
back to lereddit you shit-weasel
>Lalalala! I'm a newfag and no one can stop me!
All customers are placed into tiers. When you've just started using the self-scan method you get checked very often. The system counts your number of approved verifications and depending on the number it places you in the next tier, and if you fuck something up you get dropped to a lower tier. Once you're in the top tier you can go months without verification.
t. wageslave
In america, it's not a robot, it's a nice old filipino lady loading boxes in a sweaty steel hotbox next to the liquor store.
She's pretty good at it though. Always checks for bruises and stuff before shipping it out.
>when humans can't into machines designed for them
>shopping at walmart
you dont have to lie to us jamal
ITT: retarded boomers who cant figure out basic technology
this is probably why mexicans who cant speak english with no education keep "stealing" your jobs
>this is probably why mexicans who cant speak english with no education keep "stealing" your jobs
Or, it could be the spicks work for pennies. That could be it.
if a mexican can come "steal" your job and send half of their money back to mexican while still surviving you can too boomer. no one is going to give you a hand out, work harder and pull yourself up by your own boot straps
>if a mexican can come "steal" your job and send half of their money back to mexican while still surviving you can too boomer. no one is going to give you a hand out, work harder and pull yourself up by your own boot straps
This is what I tell all the niggers, but they just keep calling me "racist"
Tell me more. I can see that you scan as you go, but how do you pay at the end? What if you accidentally scan the wrong thing or forget to scan?