R8 my late brek/early lunch
Also post your own if you're eating
R8 my late brek/early lunch
Also post your own if you're eating
Other urls found in this thread:
are you by any chance Katie from Getting dressed in the dark?
>animal skins
>horn mug
>shitty crispbread
>that dollar store Wiccan tier candle
>that embarrassing tablecloth
>that unceremoniously placed peach
>that bowl of dog food
>that instagram filter
Where's the vape juice and your I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE shirt, Axel?
I meant pear, it's 7 am and I've been up all night shitposting
pear too ripe
flame on candle too small
bread too thin
two mugs? seriously?
stuff in bowl too brown
-0000/10 would not eat
One is coffee and one is beer, also beer in the stew.
How can a pear be TOO ripe??
I have no idea what/who that is
What is it? Eurocuckboy? Flatbread and cheese with tea and weird fruit? Its 511 AM for me.
Vegetable and dark beer stew (carrot, pea, potato, turnip, celery, garlic, onion, rosemary, beer), coffee, traditional local flatbread with butter, a ripe pear and some lager
Wanted to get a final hearty winter-y stew in before spring hits and all the snow melts
In Norway
Our pears are not so long boy. I am mexican, but a soup made from beer? Other ingredients are fine
Are you getting ready for job or what?
I'm not sure what you mean... if you're asking if i'm going to work soon today then the answer is yes
Ok, good luck in your job today Norwayanon.
Cheers, same to you user! unless you're off to bed
Beer in soups, stews and pies is quite normal in much of europe
beer before work? are you a politician?
I am working in my laptop responding emails to coworkers. I will post my breakfast later (I am not at home so will be the menu from the restaurant)
Mexican taste mainly deals with beer either by some meats or drinking beer. Never heard of beer in soup here in Mexico. Any website for the actual recipe?
My spanish coworker drinks wine during luch at we work in the same office. Not big deal if she doesnt drive, right?
It was a couple hours from beer to work! i'm 6'4" so I could chug a pint or two and then jump in a car half an hour later and be under the limit.
Not that I would do that, this was just a 330ml 4.7%er
You'll find thousands of ingredients online but here's a basic beef vegetable and beer one
and another
A mexican-style corn based beer wouldn't do, it needs to be a golden or darker ale, mild without too much bitterness
People in central and northern europe have been putting beer in their stews for hundreds of years, It makes sense since it's just fermented grain juice
did you accidentally click on ck instead of instagram faggot
Come on it seems like good food
Never worked drunk in da office?
Thanks Noranon
But mexican beer its not made from corn grains. Even it wont be a beer by definition
>browned eggs
Fuck off... gross.
I dint make its restaurant made
>instagram filter
Putting it through a filter on VSCO is the only way I know how to get the file size down on my s8
Stop bullyinh Norwayanon
I think he's Swedish
that does look pretty disgusting
Do you live in the mountains ?
I think someone vomited on your plate bro
It was fullfilling
Is this better?
Norway! although the cloth, candle holder and coffee mug are from a recent sweden trip
Nope but I kinda used to! city center nowadays but wanting to move back to woodlands
i would not pay a dollar for that, and i'm not even picky
that's a regular candlestick dude, your mind has been poisoned
How does one person consume this much food in one sitting?
Norwegians are big guys.
this little*
>>shitty crispbread
I'll fucking end you. You fucking wonderbread munching faggot
For you
Hi,Norwayanon. Will you post again? Mexianon from yesterday sharinf breakfast at Guadalajara's airport