>I'm so manly I love spicy food and I need to tell everyone
The worst kind of person.
Annoying eaters?
t. white af
I understand eating spicy food with low quality meat, but I don't understand people who prefer eating spicy food. It's like salt, you want a bit but after a point you barely taste the meal.
Weebs are worse.
Go and stay go
I'd take over 6 gorillion weebs over a single nu-/poledditor/
>Using normie instead of normalfag
He's not the only one that should go and stay go,
Normie has been used here longer than reddit has used it, newfag
>he feels the need to let everyone know what he likes instead of just silently enjoying it like a normal human being
how do you know, reddit scum?
Getting triggered (or even caring) in any way by what someone else eats makes you enormously autistic. Who gives a shit if they're not making you eat it too?
It's funny because you think you got him but you literally admitted he's right.
I didn't "get him"? lol
>you must be 18 years of age to use this website
Spicy food is good. Fuck you. I can't be the only person who legitimately enjoys it.
Having poor reading comprehension is autistic.
Re-read both the OP and Neither are caring what is being eaten. It's when they try to draw attention to it as some kind of badge of honor that it gets fucking annoying.
>"Look at me! Look at me! Super XXX Spicy Death Adder Shitsmear Sauce! I put this shit on everything, because I love spicy food! I'm so manly haha!"
You too.
Why are weebs so insecure in their masculinity?
"M-m-my website is better"
When did you all become so obsessed with Reddit, get this middle school bullshit out of here
seriously though you have to go back
t. redditor
I think it's pretty stupid as people who are used to eating super hot can't really share their food anymore.
lol I dont know evan chilis
That's part of the point.
lmao @ all the triggered numales itt. op is right
because, like cancer, they must be removed.
plus it's just plain fun triggering them
>I think it's pretty stupid as people who are used to eating super hot don't have to share their food with dickheads like me.
what are the other parts
It gets you high from the endorphin rush.
>I didn't "get him"? lol
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you saying your own post was shit? I mean I guess I agree?
That's just sad.
Being a mooch is much, much sadder. Buy your own food and stop stealing mine. Oh wait, it's too spicy for you anyway. : ^ )
>Not wanting to share the food you paid for is sad
mhm its good mmmh
Who said anything about mooching off?
I was talking about cooking for other people.
My dad's friend who has a thai wife and whenever they have guests she has to cook everything twice because both are used to super spicy food.
Maybe they shouldn't be friends with such massive pussies.
I tried theirs and it was borderline inedible.
And i have a decent tolerance judging from eating with other people.
Nah, you're just a crybaby pussy. I bet it wasn't even that hot.
Agreed. I love spicy food, but I don't break about it or order it while with friends. I don't want to look like an asshole who talks about food he likes.
>Projecting this hard
Who's got the b&hammer?
I hope you don't act this retarded in public user
Ketofags are a hundred times more annoying than vegans. They truly never shut up about their meme diet
Vegans are still worse because a large number of them are also "Meat is Murder!" animal rights advocates.
Meh, half my siblings are vegan, and they don't try to change anyone's mind about it, as far as I know.
Half my family is ketofags, but they keep to themselves as well. Except my brother who got his two co-workers on it.
Why deny yourself? That's fucking retarded, If you like it eat it, why do you give a fuck about if your friends see you eat, that's pathetic.
>i love beer, i just can't live without beer, did i tell you how awesome beer is? let us just have some beer
you have to go back
Just the fact that you use the term "normie" makes all of you a bunch snowflake faggots who think you are special. Browsing Veeky Forums has become just as normal as scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. You are all a bunch of fucking normies if the term is to be used.
Fucking manchildren
>friend feels like eating
>I'm not hungry but am happy to just sit there and talk while he eats
>he gets visibly annoyed when I refuse to order anything
People who chew with their mouth open. Especially loud food like chips. And the kind of asshats that start chewing even louder if they realize it bugs you.
>Browsing Veeky Forums has become just as normal as scrolling through Facebook and Instagram
The site isnt what it used to be, but you know this isn't true.
Everything we laugh at today, everything posted on 9gag, your Facebook wall, your goddamn snapchat, has its origination from Veeky Forums, and most people know. Most people avoid talking about it because it has "pictures of dead people and childporn".
Only wannabe edgy losers talk about it because they somehow think its cool. The One rule of this site is long forgotten, which is why it has become like this.
Not goatse
Because they never fucking shut up about spicy shit after that. I don't want to fucking talk to them about how much I like spicy food, I just want to enjoy it.
imagine paying a captcha tax every time you posted on facebook, like you do here
That's a sign of respect in my culture, you racist.
your culture is shit. please get new culture.
Fuck yeah I love not being able to taste or savour my food because I just completely ruined everything with singularly overpowering flavours.
>Spitting chewed food on anyone nearby is your culture
It's not racist if you're clearly inhuman
i love it. Truly 80% of my meal experiences are improved with some intense spice in the mix. Sandwich? add cherry peppers and mango habenero hot sauce to it. Pizza? Jalapenos and a garlic ghost pepper sauce. Chicken? smother that bitch in some cajun hot sauce and you're good to fucking go. Everything is better spicy. fuck you pussy's and your burning lips.
>People often bring up the food they like
Nah only a handful of memes spill over. Also if you told normans you browse Veeky Forums they would not see it as normal.
Fat faggot fucks who struggle to breathe at a sit-still. You can tell when they're swallowing because their obnoxious air-pump-nostrils fall silent for all of two seconds, until the next bite is prepared for their fat slobbering face-cunts.
Many of them.
>The "more mayo" stereotype in the flesh
>Won't eat meat off the bone cause doesn't know how
>Finds seasonings and spice at all to be too complex, would rather just have a ham and miracle whip sandwich 9 times out of 10
>Orders steak well done
>Can only stomach seafood if it's heavily processed and deep fried in breading
>The defensive vegetarian/vegan
>Constantly cycling through forms of fake meat and veggie burgers, nuggets, etc
>Would rather eat sweets all day than any vegetable
>Still tries to pretend they think meat tastes bad and are in it legitimately for the love of healthy food, not just guilt
And last but not least, probably the worst kind of eater of all...
>The ethnic romanticist
>Rally's against USA food and uses examples like "sketti" on a regular basis
>Will defend Japans spaghetti and ketchup dish
>Finds ground beef "disgusting" because it reminds them of food their parents ate, who they hate
>Will brag about how they want to try to eat cockroaches, balut, thousand year eggs, and other disgusting things just because they think it makes them seem cultured
>Actually thinks Mexican food is on some artistic level above Texmex, when ultimately it takes zero skill to make either and doesn't take any level of taste to enjoy either since basic as all fuck
>Complains about McDonalds not being healthy enough, eats tons of instant ramen and uses chopsticks while eating it
t. soyboy
What if i simply enjoy spicy taste without being a male? I wonder what gives you these ideas.
>the hot wings are just franks red hot
>The wings above hotwings are spicy but taste more like vinegar than anything else
Spotted the normalfag
shoo shoo
eating spicy food gives me an endorphin rush
kill these types
Imagine being this much of a brainless normie.
This post makes me want to switch off my diet and just go back to drinking beer. Meals just aren't the same without it.
>it's stupid when people eat food the way they like because every time I see someone else eating I think about taking some of their food
I know you like trotting out this image because you found it on /a/ a couple monghs ago and it makes you feel ironic and edgy and connected to the /a/ of old, but honestly, it's disgusting. You like it because Rikka and her so randum chuunibyou is an easily identifiable character from an entry level anime that distinguishes the prospective you (anime watchers) from them (normies). The way you post your childrens cartoons like it's a badge of honor for the savvy connoisseur is embarassing. You're no better than pony posters.
Biggest pet peeve is probably the way my gf's 55-year-old newly transitioned friend who is not passing and has the sensibilities of a deranged virgin baby boomer uses their hands while eating. Dude is a born again fop and thinks womanhood is painting your nails, wearing far too much perfume, and dipping their fingers in the guacamole as they dip their chip. Nothing against transsexuals but let me tell you, just because someone is opening up to their idea of femininity doesn't mean they aren't elderly weirdos who have no idea what a woman is supposed to be like.
>gf has tranny friends
Find a new gf
>My chili/BBQ/pie is legendary dude.
>It's literally a basic Google recipe with no personal flare; maybe a shot of meme whisky added.
Also people that think layering pre-existing items and wrapping shit in bacon is some kind of art form, and most of the spectrum beer fagots.
>"I have a sweet tooth!"
yea that's called being a human being. sweet things naturally taste good to us.
Coffee drinkers have everyone else beat.
Sorry, I should have said "coffee" drinkers.
This. Especially the "no talkie before my coffee" faggots.
I don't really care much for what a person eats. Regardless of what it is, if you're going to make fun of me for not liking what you like constantly, that's when I have a problem. I have my own weird tastes and keep those things to myself.
Your new is showing hard
Sure thing, oldfag.
"Hurr durr white people can't handle spicy food"
I only eat spicy ramen and I figuratively dont know what it feels like to get sick
>the one rule
Only applies to raids
Not only a newfag but also a retard.
Yet you keep replying.
I went to uni with a guy like this. Always ordered the spiciest food available and would struggle to get through it, drinking multiple beers, glasses of water, tears rolling down his face; he almost never ate more than half of anything he ordered, sometimes barely a third. It was pretty sad to watch.
animefags are the new furries
>go to thai place with family
>brother is borderline weeb
>asks for the spiciest noodle disj
>make it extra spicy
>eats one bite
>"Wow, I'm really full!"
>make him get a take out container
>he throws it out
I don't see the problem with eating spicy food for your own gain. I like to challenge myself, not for bragging rights or to look all tough and macho but because it's fun. Picky eaters are way worse, it's so fucking hard to make something they'll like and not only do they reject normal food then they show you their favorite dish which is pickle slices and coconut on cinnamon raisin toast deep fried in ketchup.
You have to remember someone trans that was 55 grew up in a way more conservative era where hyperfemininity was the standard even cis women were expected to live up to and trans women didn't get hormones unless they embodied a super exaggerated version of that. It's a really uniquely old trans person way of behaving. We call them hons. It's not entirely their fault but it's still pretty annoying.