What's up Veeky Forums Mr.nofap here
i was looking for recommendations for foods that lowers your libido
please name some
What's up Veeky Forums Mr.nofap here
pastrami sure as shit aint one of them.
what's this pastarami, sir?
beans make my libido higher.
milk lowers my libido like nothing else.
I would not try to kill your sex drive, but find something else to do instead of spending your time jacking off.
I just got boner pills. What foods INCREASE my libedo?
I don't remember where I read it, but I heard from a website that a good way is to drink one cup of your boyfriend's cum per day.
Lowers Libido? Sugar for me. If I have too much sugar I don't feel like doing much of anything besides walking.
Raw oysters.
pussy juice
well when im in bed and i try to sleep but i can't then
Wedding cake
There was a femanon in the women chef thread. Read her posts and you lose all interest in sexing females.
red onion(Raw), oysters, and organs of some sort. Also pepitas(Pumpkin seeds) increase your load.
Weight lifting
link 2 thread
This faggot
>ctrl+f soy
The answer is soy.
I wouldn't recommend this
When I'm drunk I'm too lazy to get a boner but it's the hangover that gets me frisky for some reason
He wants to lower his libido not transition
The reason to keep the Jews around.
Eat a low carb low fat high protein (meat) diet. I didn't get a boner for an entire month.
morning wood aside, I haven't been hard since I started PSMF
There's a tree out there that produces berries that look like dried-up testicles that kills your sex drive. Seriously. It's called "chaste berry" and monks used to take it to quiet their natural desires.
Outside of that though, you can look into stuff that promotes the production of prolactin (the stuff you secrete on climax that makes you hate women for like 2 minutes) but I think that also makes you grow tits. Idk.
Mint supposedly does.
Oysters, garlic, raw onions, cabbage, etc.
>killing your libido
>not using that energy for literally anything else
How are you this dumb
What a great episode