I'm thinking of buying a box or two of MREs for camping and food storage, what are the best civilian brands? Best menus? Also discuss any other long term storage food items.
I'm thinking of buying a box or two of MREs for camping and food storage, what are the best civilian brands? Best menus...
MRE's suck get freeze-dried meals instead
Shit tastes like toilet paper.
Earl? I think that is the toilet paper...
expensive buggers
watch some MRE YouTube videos
make your own
Alright, let's get this out onto a tray
I watch Steve's videos which is kind of what prompted me to buy some. Just wanted to see if anyone here had experience with them.
Nice hiss
why does canada have to suck so much fucking balls, bro
shit costs slightly more (converted) for half the amount of MREs
/out/ and /k/ always talk about the Mountain House brand. I think it's just food though and you don't get the little accoutrements
6 is coming out
I'm in the Air Force and we do exercises once a quarter or so where they feed us them 2x a day. I don't know much about civilian ones but I'd assume the same company just repackages ones for sale. They really don't taste that bad, vegetarian menus or anything with stew or pasta in the name is pretty solid.
Why do you want MREs? You can get a lot more for your money buying rice, beans, and dry meat and some spices instead. The only real advantage of an MRE is the heater and only about 1 in 3 of them even work in my experience.
>go camping
>eat shitty food
I don’t understand the point of this. Camp cooking is one of the best parts of camping. Do you not have a skillet or know how to cook on a hot rock?
>Also discuss any other long term storage food items.
I regularly stock up on some pantry staples for hurricane season pantry stocking. I notice 2yr expirations on some of my favorite soup mixes like Alessi, or progresso soups. Oatmeal bars, packages of things like grits, oatmeal, muffin mixes. Dried fruit packets.
I notice 4 year expiration on pineapple, beans,hominy, some veggies, condiments like heinz 57, a1, and some meat products like dried beef (chipped beef on biscuits occasional breakfast thing). Reduced fat hormel corned beef hash isn't too bad. It crisps up better than regular full fat. Jerky.
Ehh, MREs don't seem worth buying unless we have a world drought. Possible, but I don't like to stock up on things I won't eat ordinarily. You win, I lose if the zombie Apocalypse happens though.
You haven't lived until you cook a steak on the rocks around your fire while you sip on something strong.
Is there a point to this thread?
idk at least its food related
Lived on them for weeks at a time back in my army days. I always liked beef stew and chicken pesto pasta. You aren't enjoying them correctly though unless you are starving, exhausted and being rained/snowed on.
>people unironically assume OP actually wants to go camping
y'all dumb
he's a prepper
just answer the question and stop droning on about the camping
He is better off buying bulk dry rice and beans
Do you just throw your meat on a rock that's covered in animal feces or do you like, wash it off somehow first?
Now let’s get that out onto a tray, NICE.
Try getting the newer menus. I take dried fruit and jerky and something like gummy bears to go with my MREs. Most the stuff tastes pretty similar.
Get a friend in the army to give you a few.
cleanish smoothish rock put some oil on it
So the former then