Tell me about green tea powder. Is it nice to drink?
Tell me about green tea powder. Is it nice to drink?
I would add water before you try to drink it. But it can be nice.
It's not that great. It just looks really cool, since the entire liquid turns into a radiant green.
Keep in mind that matcha tea has calories though. I think like 3kcal/100ml. Normal, boiled tea of course doesn't have that.
3 fucking calories. jesus Christ even a pro-ana chick wouldn't could those calories
I had proper matcha served at a small cafe run by a white weeb and his 4/10 Japanese wife. Was okay.
Matcha tea causes irreversible damage to the brain stem
Well, if you drink two cups of matcha you're already at 30 calories. That's like 2-3 minutes of jogging.
Cardio is an inefficient means of burning calories.
Just use kratom instead
>4/10 Japanese wife
So the equivalent of a 7/10 western woman?
gonna need a source on that one
not everyone has your fetish. 4/10 japanese wife is like a 1 or 2 / 10 western woman
Absolutely not, it tastes like wet grass and moldy leaves. Completely disgusting, like most jap food
I'm on a 1500 diet and 30 calories isn't that bad. Also
>cardio for losing weight
If you wanna lose it very slowly then sure.
静岡 green tea is the best green tea BTW desu senpai.
Well okay, how do you lose weight quickly?
do the tried and true high school bitch method. Eat anything that makes you feel like a fat pig? visit the bathroom and deep throat your fingers/hand until its all out.
There, that's a good way to lose weight fast
or you know chop off your legs, that'd also cut down your weight
I lost 60lbs in about 2.5 months by lifting 5 days a week, walking 8 miles daily, and eating 1500 calories a day. There is no mystery to burning fat. It simply takes effort.
>two cups of matcha
Why are millennials so addicted to caffeine?
It would be extremely tasty.
Not really though, if she's Japanese that automatically implies she's not obese. Western women would be totally fine if they could just find a way to not turn into ham planets and then screech about body positivity instead of taking responsibility for their weight
That and the lack of hygiene, but you can make a dirty chick take a shower, you can't just make a ham planet a normal weight just like that
You aren't very good with numbers, you'll be broke your whole life
A deficit?? lol
Or you can do a week fast then on to keto
>I lost 60lbs in about 2.5 months
That works if you're massively obese. If you're already the "correct" weight and you're trying to reduce a small paunch or get more definition, a half percent body fat takes a lot more than just "I walked more and stopped shoveling boston kreme donuts down my throat"
If you are drinking matcha make sure you buy the expensive stuff. The cheap matcha is only good for baking and lattes etc
It will be extremely refreshing
I would go with actual tea leaves instead of the powder. Its main purpose is for cooking with, like making ice cream or something.
How fucking baka can a ganji be?
If it's not ceremonial grade matcha, it actually is a good idea to use it as an ingredient. That's what all those green tea lattes and ice creams and stuff are made with, lower grade matcha.
You have seriously never seen baked goods made with matcha? Just get the tea leaves if you want tea, mixed matcha is gritty as fuck.
>hard yellow fever