>beg for $15 an hour
>can't even do their job
The absolute state of fast food wagecucks
>beg for $15 an hour
>can't even do their job
The absolute state of fast food wagecucks
How will they ever be replaced?
It'll cost tens of dollars training new staff.
RIP Mcdonalds :(
I understand this. It's why I quit my last job. They kept throwing new shit at us that took more time and effort but didn't adjust our pay or projected output.
>$15 is a lot of money
Imagine being such a fuckup at life that you get jealous and angry at the idea of a MacDonalds employee being slightly less dirt poor
>Caring this much about what minimum wage cashier's makes
>make equivalent of 35 dollars an hour
>min wage us currently 7.25/hr
>min wage goes up to 15/hr
>suddenly i'm making 7.75/hr less
>find a feasible way to get rid of all black employees
>no longer have to fear them spitting in your food or fucking with/up your order
Could this be the most intelligent business decision of our era?
>increase minimum wage to $15 an hour
>your wage, however, does not
>everything inflates
>the disparity between middle and lower class dissipates
>not negotiating a raise
>hoarding cash under your mattress like a fucking moron
Not my fault you suck at life
Almost 29K a year, being able to receive maximum social aid in some areas of the US in addition to those wages, is pretty damned high.
You're talking about 29K of income then they have just under 200 USD of food and full health coverage, as well as the possibility of other benefits. This varies from state to state obviously.
If you can't live well off 2,400 dollars a month with free healthcare, low taxes, and almost 200 dollars of taxfree food where the fuck is your money going?
Everything isn't automated enough for this. Pizza it makes sense since they expect you to wait, not for fast food.
>$29k a year is pretty dammed high
what in the actual fuck am I reading
>$29k a year = cash flow of $2400 a month
oh, you are a child
>handed in the spatula
>not sleeping with all of your money
good luck trying to cure your AIDS
Painkillers mostly
But it makes sense
>We already think we do too much work for what we make
>You want us to do more for no extra money?
>Fuck that, I'm out
Same. I understand this shit completely.
Ignoring the pay increase, it's completely fair for them to get pissed off when they're being overrun with work and the company isn't compensating by hiring more people. If it's so bad that they can't keep up with demand then customers are going to get pissy. They also have to get orders out of the queue in so many minutes which means their metrics get hurt which means their higher ups gets pissy.
If it's that bad that is.
They should show that they deserve the raise by working harder. Back in my first job, when I wanted a raise I walked right up to the foreman, looked him in the eye, and told him "I deserve to get more money since I successfully completed the 2 week training". Right then and there, he increased my pay from $8/hour to $12/hour. These lazy millennials will never learn the value of a dollar if they keep getting handouts.
>fast food for nationwide chain
Or they could just quit and move on. It's their choice as to who they work for, after all.
Not really an issue when you are easier replaced than light bulbs.
Way to take shit partially out of context like a door-to-door Mormon.
The average cost of full-coverage is $321/month in the US. That's almost 4 fucking grand a year. You want to add that to that 29K? Are we up to 33K yet? Both were so we'll give you 32.5 because I'm lazy and not going to crunch numbers that vary on years. This is before the up to 200 dollars an individual would receive on that income range per month for food, another close to 1.2K. So we're talking a minimum of 33 thousand dollars for a full time worker at McDonalds and spends 15 minutes at human services. Not exaggerating.
They're not suffering. This is more than enough money for high speed internet, cable, a good apartment or even a home if well budgeted, a decent car, good food, good clothes, etc. They have to take care of their things though and grabbing 15 paper towels off the roll to clean a drop of oil. If you live like an animal you burn money. Also weed costs a lot.
The people who can't do their job stay, because they don't give a shit about giving bad service.
It's the people who refuse to give bad service because management is living in fantasy land who walk.
It's McDonald's. You don't get a fucking raise at McDonald's.
wow, 33 thousand dollars, your fellow street urchins in bangladesh must be so jealous
>high speed internet
$60 a month
add another $30
>a good apartment
$600 a month if you live in an incredibly impoverished state. closer to $1600 a month if not
>or even a home
lol, no
>if well budgeted, a decent car
>good food
>good clothes
sounds like you've been smoking too much of that weed
Why are you implying the economic scale of pay should be based on a federal law that hasn't existed for more than a few years? Are you an idiot or just scared?
They can continue to replace the workers all they like, it won't matter much if the demand continues to increase and the restaurants aren't being compensated to help meet that demand. Might even make it worse because now youve got a lot of new people who are new to the job and more likely to fuck up.
people with no education shouldn't expect to have good everything
>it's a lot of money!
>you're retarded
>but it is!
>well they don't deserve it anyway
Well at least you admit you were wrong
this board's not frozen?
different person, stop greentexting like a fag and try to make a real argument
why are some boards frozen
Haha, look, the proletariat's squirming again. Abolish major fast food chains when? Let's have hyper-individualized family restaurants and not the same corporate shits on every block.
some spic was on /r9k/ and invited ppl to his livestream suicide. fbi asked gookmoot to freeze some boards while their agents poke in and out
>if they demand $15 an hour they'll just be replaced by super efficient machines
>can't handle online orders without human workers doing so much extra work they quit
if it makes you feel better to rage impotently at the idea of some high school dropout making a whopping $27k a year (highly unlikely given that these employees are usually only part time to avoid paying benefits), it's your life. I'm sorry things didn't work out
My daughter's friend works at McDonalds and makes 10.15 an hour and doesn't get benefits.
they're working an unskilled job they shouldn't expect more money just because
>spitting in your food
nobody spits in your food unless you're in America, in which case every single employee does it.
>I need a worker
>I need a job
>You’re hired, now do this job
>Now do this other job also
>Now do this other other job also
>Now do this other other other job also
>What’s the problem, you lazy piece of shit?!
>already have low pay, poor working conditions, no benefits whatsoever, shit hours, chaotic schedules, high expectations, management looks for any excuse to treat you like shit and dehumanize you and you're expected to be working perfectly at optimal efficiency no matter what outside elements influence your work
>get more work and new programs piled on you with no time to adjust
honestly these people should have quit halfway through my first sentence.
they're getting the money one way or the other
let McDonalds pay their salary instead of forcing taxpayers to subsidize their food and health care
the worst part is jobs that people think would be "better" are just as bad, I've worked for two major US ISPs and my situations and reasons for leaving are identical to what you just described
>Mobile order app just places the order into the system over the internet and then they have to bring the food curbside.
>This is somehow too much for them
>pissed off the gap between the poor and myself is closing
Boo hoo. This guy has you dialed in
>a good apartment
>closer to $1600 a month if not
The fuck?
Move then. Where in satan's roller skating day tutu are you figuring 1600USD is only good? 790 got me a walk-in closet big enough for a queen-size bed to be placed in the center around all my coats in St Paul for fuck sakes, and that was just one of the three closets. Hell my bedroom was the same size as my living-room.
If you're suffering while hovering around 30K a year you are spending money goddamned stupidly. Shop around and don't destroy your possessions or buy goddamned unnecessary things.
Is Veeky Forums dead too? ;-;
Mobile order app brings in more customers, dipshit. Why else would McDonald's implement it.
I worked at a Subway when they introduced their app for orders. The owner opted us in without training anyone on how to actually work the system. All week long we would tell customers that we had no idea about their online orders that they would complain about. It was pretty funny actually
> > cable
> add another $30
If you have Internet, you don’t need cable tv. I haven't had it for 10 years now and still watch all the show and movies I want.
> > a good apartment
> $600 a month if you live in an incredibly impoverished state. closer to $1600 a month if not
Why are you trying to live in NYC on a burger flipper’s wage?
>St Paul
Well, yeah. If you live in a cornfield, $1600 probably buys you a McMansion the size of Versailles
I'm not. But hundreds of people are born here every day, and I'm tired of my taxes going to moochers (McDonalds owners). If they can't afford to pay enough to keep people alive, they should go out of business.
This. Just stream shit all the time.
Also, how the fuck are you getting internet for under 90? Comcast rapes regardless of state and has no competition.
I get comcast for $45
Do you work for them or just give really good head?
I don't live in the middle of nowhere
Does being this much of a prick help you get through the day? Maybe it keeps the gun out of your mouth and your brains off the ceiling for another day?
You do understand that the pay you earn is equivalent to the value of the job you do, right?
You do understand that fast food work isn't worth fifteen dollaridoos an hour, right?
You do understand that fast food work is meant to be a job for teenagers and not a lifelong salary-earning career, right?
Honestly. Pretty much.
You feel like holding the trigger? I need to do some housework.
Out of curiosity, where the fuck do you live where high speed internet was 45 USD. Or did you get some cheap-ass package?
Lol. Thats not inflation you fucking retard.
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I made $12 an hour literally slinging shit when I was in high school, and that was in the 1990s. I'm pretty sure McDonalds can afford to pay people more than that, over 20 years later, for... well, literally slinging shit, in this case.
Oh, they can't? They need handouts to subsidize the garbage wages they pay? Hmm, sounds like maybe it's time for the Invisible Hand to cull the weak.
>thinking people with university degree and people with minimum wage jobs should be in the same class
Found the minimum wage worker
Mobile orders can all be placed at the same time, especially after an event has finishes No business can do 100 orders that were all placed at 9-30pm
A university degree is almost worthless these days. A lot of people end up working these kind of jobs for a while until they can find real employment.
>extreme class divisions are good
Yeah nothing says "healthy functioning society" like passing through a phalanx of heavily armed guards just to go grocery shopping
This is what sheltered amerisharts actually teach their kids
not really, only retards
So if everyone will make about the same regardless of the amount of effort they put in, society will have a shitload of empty specialist positions and 2 unskilled workers for every minimum wage position, meaning companies can hire people at part time to save money on benefits, meanwhile society doesn’t progress because even more people are brain dead fucks. That’s what you’re implying would be a good thing. Fuck off you lazy faggot. It was your choice to not get a college degree.
Hasn't inflation killing their low-budget menu, and their lack of QC on individually owned and operated restaurants been killing the brand as a whole these last couple of years.
Wouldn't just hiring about 75 corporate inspectors (some states would require one others two), and a review board of 25 to evaluate and report to corporate, be worth salvaging the company?
>high speed internet
$60 a month
lol look at this idiot
>a good apartment
$600-800 a month if you don't live in New York City or San Fransisco
>a decent car
You don't need a brand new car. Get a used car and you're fine. No more than $150 a month.
>good food
$400 a month absolute maximum
>good clothes
$100 a month absolute maximum
And you know what? Throw in another 100 dollars a month for other various expenses. That's $1,610 a month.
33,000 / 12 = 2,750
$1,610 living expenses on a $2,750 a month budget.
>Also, how the fuck are you getting internet for under 90?
I'm paying $66 per month for for 30mps in metro Detroit.
i make 35 thousand a year, I have a small house a new car and i cook whatever i want
I get 200gb per second download speed for $60 a month. Probably because I'm not retarded and don't take the first offer that comes up on my screen.
>a university degree is almost worthless
No. There are plenty of degrees that aren’t worthless. People just get worthless degrees and then act like life is unfair because the only job they can ever get with their degree is a position teaching others how to get that degree.
MB I meant
so taxes just aren't a thing eh?
If you really think a borderline retarded fast food worker is going to suddenly turn into the next Elon Musk because someone dangled the prospect of a promotion in front of him, I think you need to lay off the weed
You think McDonalds doesn't have people in a corporate office somewhere trying to figure out how not to fail? They still pull in billions of revenue. The problem is they suck and everyone hates them except for the same kind of dumb ass schmucks who get jealous of their own employees. They've turned into one of those old west mining economies where everyone eats at the company store, in essence.
>a $100 a month margin is enough to provide security for unexpected emergency expenses
Mmm hmm
> > good clothes
> $100 a month absolute maximum
I can’t imagine paying this much for clothes - WTF is happening to your existing clothes that you’re dropping that much money every month?!
How much are your taxes then? 25%? Let's take 25 percentaroo off it.
33,000 - 8,250 = 24,750 / 12 = $2,062.50 a month. Congratulations on your ability to live well for 33k a year.
there was another $1,000 there
a person that makes $33,000 a year will generally only be required to pay about $3,000 in taxes
Stop dropping your phone in the toilet and ramming your car into pedestrians and you'll find that 1,200 for unexpected expenses is more than enough
Fine, let's go with "if you don't live in New York City or San Fransisco"
The people rabble rousing for $15/hr are people in expensive cities, such as New York and San Francisco. McDonalds employees can't work in their pajamas from home, 1000 miles away from the office, user.
Neither do I but the last three states I lived in they just jack up the rates over time with hidden fees even though you have a contract.
Frontier was cheapest but so damned unreliable. I liked Minnesota's Comcast because the speed was often around 1 gig, not exaggerating. Shit was instant. It's bent over the barrel in more rural areas though.
Anywhere that isn't flyover like St. Paul.
You should work for Schwab, you'd make a great advisor
so don't live there?
Minimum wage is the wrong way to force up lower class income, just increase earned income tax credit.
So stop living in the most expensive cities in the country when you have no marketable skills and no job prospects, fucking baka
Either women or people that are replacing Lucky Brand Denim that lasts a fucking decade every month.
Banana Republic is not a weekend event when you're on a budget people. Actually, Banana Republic isn't even that good.
>can't afford an apartment on McDonalds wage
>tell them to leave
>can't afford to pay employees a living wage
>here's millions of free money because like, who the fuck knows, it's McDonalds logic
Just go out of business already, everyone is sick of you
what is your argument? you should not try to live in one of the most expensive places in the world if you are a worthless minimum wage monkey
It's already being "forced up" by welfare and food stamps, baka. Let's cut out the middleman and stop stealing from me
What is your argument? You should try not stealing money from taxpayers if you're a worthless shit restaurant that can't make ends meet because your food sucks
my argument is that minimum wage monkeys should work on bettering themselves. it's a part time job you're not supposed to be able to live a life of luxury on it
Can we just accept that poor people are poor because they're shit at managing money and waste their income on pointless luxuries, and not because they're not paid enough?
>23-year-old quits fast food job
This is news?
God I wish I could get a Delica in the US
So your argument remains that the 35 year old with fetal alcohol syndrome is going to go to NYU and get a PhD if only you can keep paying him nothing and demanding that taxpayers subsidize your payrolls
Got it
you're a retard
Yeah clearly I'm the retard here