Why don't women cook anymore?
Why don't women cook anymore?
plenty of women still cook, idiot
yeah man why doesn't literally EVERY woman in the world just not cook anymore
it's fucked bro I just don't get it
prove it
>Implying you would allow that fine piece of ass to ever set foot in the kitchen
She would stay in the bedroom OP
who is this semen demon
realistically I'm only horny for at most 1-2 hours a day and that might go up a bit if I had this bitch as my slave but how many hours a day can you really fuck? she can spend the rest of that time cooking, I don't care how hot she is.
They do. Just not for you.
I’d like to put my penis in her vagina.
Or you.
roastie detected
Christina Ricci
My wife cooks, but it's an odd situation where I have to ask her to cook a specific thing...but she asks me first.
>Honey, can you make some dinner tonight? I did the last 3 days.
>Sure, what do you want?
So now the ball is back in my court because now I'm deciding. Fucking every time.
>"my time is too valuable to waste on cooking!"
>"why cook when i can just go out for lunch?!"
>"cooking is using red meat and red meat is MURDER!!!!!!"
>"I dont know how to cook vegetarian dishes and why should i when i can just go out to eat or buy tofu-hotdogs!"
>"i dont know jackshit about nutrition oh boy these chocolate bars sure are good why am i so fat?! it must be a conspiracy by the evil CSI-men, damn you Horatio you pig!!!"
Some of these or the time "wasted" on cooking applies to most men these days too.
google knows what's up
It absolutely does apply to men. I blame it mostly on parents who just didn't teach their children the value of cooking real food.
Women can't do anything. All they're good at is demanding equal pay for less work.
muh strong independent womens are too busy being instagram thots
all the women in my family cook. If all the women in your life don't cook, go find an Italian girl and get a new family.
>being this low test
This unironically.
Cooking is symbolic of a foregone era when women of nuclear families are remembered as house slaves.
That, and they just don't know how to cook because their gen-x parents unironically saw fast food as a genuine meal option and not the high calorie urban trail mix that it's supposed to be. It's the mid-meal energy boost for tradies on the go between jobs. Not a family meal. I mean c'mon.
Bait. That woman would have a caterer like Sandra Lee for Cuomo, shop only. Get real.
i'm not normally into traps but i'd let him peg me
I'm going to go out on a limb here and try to give you what I honestly think to answer your question.
There are many women who cook. I would venture to say that yes, there are probably less today because of the generation that is at the forefront of society currently. Clearly there are also different levels of cooking, cooking chicken with rice and broccoli, cooking Top Ramen, etc. I feel as though many women these days spend much of their energy in vain. Many in self-improvement, many in pain, many in self-loathing. There are women out there who meal prep and hit the gym every day. There are some women who are in culinary school trying to be the next big thing. There are women out there who don't eat and pop Adderall every few hours and are looking to find the next guy to choke them out in a bedroom while plowing there ass to rid their mind of the fact that they're fucked up mentally. There are women who spend large amounts of their day on Tinder, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck be a slut you're a WOMEN for pete's sake you're a STRONG women you don't need men but you do.
Cooking is traditional. Cooking is also a blanket term. What I am trying to say is that cooking is a vestige of a generation on the way out. Women these days simply just have different priorities. University, Gym, Job, "Friends", Tinder, Mental Illness, what have you. It's just a different era. An era where woman who "cook" are, not to say scarce, but perhaps marginally uncommon.
It's oppressive because reasons
>if at first you don't succeed then make somebody else do it
t. strong independent millennial roasties
too busy taking selfies
Women are shit. They've always been shit. We used to give them rudimentary jobs so that at least they'd have something to do, but now they refuse to do that because they think they're not shit. But they are still shit, and within our lifetimes they'll have had a chance to prove just how shit they are. Maybe then they'll be happier to do what they're told.
t. MGTOW incel
Or even (You).
>meet a girl, date her for a while, she cant cook at all
>meet her family. in particular her sister
>her sister can cook, is thinner, taller, higher energy, more comparable personality wise and keeps bugging me to find a "tall white man like yourself" to date
fuck bros
Because they're too busy getting titjobs like pic related to try to have men want to pump off over them (and then yell at them when they actually do).