Post your mug

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Anyone else here kind of a mug collector? Every time I go to a thrift store I look over what they have. Currently drinking out of pic related, it's a fine piece, highly /comfy/

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My brother gave me pic related back in December. I mostly just use it at the office though since I've got another mug at home.

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Found it at a goodwill for $1
love my mug

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Why aren’t you using Gentoo?


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do you even mug?

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Your kitchen seems filthy

Mah nigga

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Goodwill and St. Vinnie's have treated me well over the years.

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I also have a mug from the White House gift shop with all of the American Presidents on it.

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I have the exact same mouse and it's in similar fucked condition but I love it to death. Even bought it for my work computer.

yeah, i'm gay

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Where did you get that store.

user do you put ketchup in your tea?

I want user's shimapan cup. No image saved unfortunately.

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I like birds; they are important.

Want this mug
Glass mugs are underrated

Attached: Bird mug.jpg (1899x2632, 848K)

Got it off my friend's lootcrate.

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