Making my girlfriend a vegan

I've been dating this girl for about 6 months now. I've been a vegan for 4 years now due to spiritual reasons, and I would never push veganism on another person for these reasons, as they are rather personal. The real reason is shallow, which is why I would like advice on how to go about it. My ex was also vegan and had an excellent smelling vagina. My current gf has a pretty shitty diet and her vagina smells bad. I know that bodily excretions in general are based on diet, as my body odor doens't really smell anymore after becoming vegan.


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Quick reminder to hide all frog threads and wojack threads for a smooth and satisfying Veeky Forums experience

kys and find your true spiritual nirvana.
Or are you a half-assed spiritualist?

Are you a lesbian? No man with balls would encourage veganism.

This is ironic since the average healthy vegan has higher testosterone levels than a man on a meat and dairy based diet, because of all of the hormones and chemicals that go into animal product production.

I guarantee I am more virile than you, which is why it is so imperative to solve my girlfriend's smelly vagina problem

"I don't smell because I'm vegan."

You got used to the smell of your stank and now you're inflicting it on the public.

I know, right?

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Subtle enough that it could be a real thread. Still, I suspect this is a troll thread. You'll get about 100 angry replies from the redditors on this board who always fall for bait.

i suggest you start ingesting cyanide tablets with every meal

kill yourself soyboy

I bet you look like pic related

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Are you John Sakars?

Get her on probiotics instead. Preferably raw Sauerkraut or some other live, fermented vegetable

[citation needed]

Women will do whatever a man wants if they love him. Just tell her to go vegan or take a walk.

Have her dip her tampons in some yoghurt and insert into that smelly, skanky ass cave. That should kill all the non domestic animals that cause nose cancer.

Just tell her to shower lol jk
In seriousness, she doesn't need to be a vegan to have a good smelling vagina. I say this out of my own experience. All she needs is a good diet. None of that fast food processed stuff. She can start making home cooked meals. If she's craving pizza, she can make one much healthier at home too. Skip the chips and opt for fruit when snacking.
You can start setting the example for her by offering something already made. Make the first few meals for her. A few days of healthy food (even with meat) and she'll feel much better and maybe even start cooking herself *and not be smelly :)


KYS yourself user

same user been posting dumb stories for the last 6 months for attention from people he will never know. lol.

The braps from probiotics are nice

>t. soyboy
You do know that organic animals are a thing right?
They aren't doused with hormones and can roam free.
Also I'm curious at your "spiritual reasons".

>organic animals
you sound dumb af for not knowing what "organic" means

Do you really think normal people eat organic, grassfed meat? It's safer and far less expensive to eat vegan.

As for my spiritual reasons, I grew up reading Plato and Eastern philosophy, and it made me appreciate all forms of life. By the time I was an adult I felt it was time to make the switch in my diet.

just put give her a tidepod douche

let me reply to you in advance,

literally everything you eat is organic, LITERALLY, yes I am using these words correctly.

inf4 some dumb soy boy is like "hey guys, well i only eat plants!" um you idiot, plants are living.

Wow you're LITERALLY retarded. This isn't chemistry class, organic food has a different definition.

no it doesn't lmfao, that's what marketing wants you to think dumb vegan. you pay 4x the amount for a broccoli even though it's the same thing

Jokes on you, I only anorganic stuff.
t. Metalhead

Does or did it have living cells at one time? If the answer is yes then it is organic, no matter how many chemicals or hormones it has or how much its genes where engineered in fact all hormones are organic. Literally science bitch. But by all means keep paying for a fucking sticker.

Organic doesn't mean "Carbon-based" in the context of the food industry, you stupid fuck.

A word can have multiple definitions.

>words mean what I want them to mean so it validates my buying of over priced shit with a pretty sticker on it.

I bet you buy carbon offsets to.

fight me irl soyboy, see what happens

>so weak due to protein deficiency he mustard the strength to type a response

as a farmer in USA there is no difference between "organic" and the normal shit you buy. Once the product leaves the farm it can be marketed however the buyer wants. there is no gov regulation here, it's all buzz word shit.

He mustard? Is this a Veeky Forums meme or is that really how you think that’s spelt?

>I grew up reading Plato and "Eastern philosophy"
So you read on the internet that about his utopia with vegetarianism and abolishment of any form of freedom except for a benevolent leading class and just ignored (Or most likely didn't read about) the latter where he endorses Fascism?

You know except for all this shit
What do you farm by the way my totally "American" Friend?

Quality bait. 8/10


Is this a Veeky Forums meme or is that really how you think that’s spelled?

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Wow , it's sad to hear that your GF doesn't suupport your vegan leifestyle. :(

LMAO, so absurdly wrong it has to be bait. Go drink a cup of roundup.

yeah, his gf (male) has more testosterone than he does.

I personally feed my wfies sons daughter bacon and tell her it's vegan bacon.

>begins sentence with "as a X"
throw yourself in a thresher faggot.

Intellectuals prefer fascism.

>my girlfriend
but taylor is MY girlfriend!

Food puns belong on this board

My ex had a terrible diet and her pussy smelled like raspberries. You're gf is just dirty as fuck bro.

Must be really upsetting to live like this.
As to your issue, just break up with your gf she would do the same to you if she saw this thread.

This. All these soyposters look like pic related. I've never seen a fat vegan that's been vegan for more than two years. They're usually slim and toned from the testosterone or jacked to fight the stigma.

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No use, the frogposters get inside the other threads too. They're like an aggressive mold. The best hope we have is to drown /r9k/ in bleach and kill it at the root.

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>spiritual reasons

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I like this picture with the sad pepe more.

Why would he be sad when he's cuddled up with Taytay?

Why do people like that obnoxious slut?

>virgin mgtow club

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>wanting your gf to be physically weak and without shape
gl buddy

>thinks he’s better than others
>dating a girl with a smelly cunt


>opting for fruit