This is my steak. What did I do wrong?
This is my steak. What did I do wrong?
went to a butcher that sells square steaks
It's probably horse meat
Sear lines need to be on the diagonal... tisk tisk.
Not much. But i suggest you finish it in the oven next time.
Also you have an abysmal crust formed
It's a piece of top round. They often sell it as London broil.
It's grilled not fried in fat
How did you get those grill lines so perfect? Did you cook it in a waffle iron?
Also if you’re not doing anything tomorrow, dinner, drinks, and dicks? (I swallow).
You would know
It's my cast iron grill pan
>it's my cast iron grill pan
"it's my cast iron grill pan"
You fucking fag
Guess it's in a pan so there is no excuse. Crustless steaks are always a let down
Rate my meat.
The grey is from the meat being 5 days old.
I'm probably going to shit myself to death soon.
Literally perfect cook
well the grill lines look nice but the rest of the steak isnt seared properly. the whole surface should be black, not just the grill lines.
you mean one of these? dont do that. the temperature isnt hot enough unless you use an actual grill. that's why your sear is so fucked up. use a flat cast iron unless you have a real grill
Holy shit can you be my wife
Buying round is what you did wrong. Also grilling it on chain link fence.
using a waffle iron is not ideal for steak
Oh fuck, nice.
How long was it on the pan?
Much under-appreciated descriptor user
>It's the insult that makes you smile
Gorillion interwebs to you sir
You didn't cook it thoroughly, it's still raw.
You are also missing ketchup.
62c, 50min in sous vide bath, seared with torch. Lovely.
No homo.
you didn't sear it properly. "grill marks" are for fucking morons. if you don't own a 1600F industrial grill setup capable of PROPERLY searing a steak (i.e. the steak should be the color of your "grill marks" and the "grill marks" should be BLACK)
(cont) if you don't own a 1600F industrial grill setup capable of PROPERLY searing a steak , then use a fucking cast iron pan
Go back to bed drumpf, the adults are talking. Rare is the way an adult eats steak.
you don't need an industrial grill, any grill with decent charcoal will work fine as long as the steaks are thicc enough and you know what you're doing. op is just a retard and doesn't know how to grill. I've been seeing targeted ads for those consumer high powered grill broilers, they look pretty nice but I'm going to get a green egg first.
pic related broiler, pretty nice but $1200
I would love a commercial level broiler. That level of searing makes me cum.
same, I have a feeling they will get cheaper. steak autism is on the rise along with demand for shit like this
Why would you buy round
>quotes entire post
>quotes entire post a second time
>reddit spacing
Blow torch, wire rack on a sheet pan on a none flammable surface...
I don't see the A1, that's all that's missing.
>what is turning meat?
But it's not round, we've already established that it's a fucking square, people
Same fagging this hard.
You used a meme pan to get lines when a perfect steak has a uniform external crust.
Your steak was still cold when you threw it on the grill, which is why the internal color looks bad.
Steak looks like it was thrown onto the fire after you soaked it in cold water.
>grill pan
These are a dumb meme. Regular grills cook via conduction, (the parts of the steak that touch the grill) AND radiation (the radiant heat, like the sun on your face, for the rest of the meat that isn't in contact with the grate). Hold your hand over a real grill. It's hot. Hold your hand over a grill pan. It's not hot, only the pan itself is hot. Grill pans, and pans in general, only really cook via conduction. They don't give any radiant heat, so the grill design doesn't work. They also don't ignite fat that drips off the meat so the other benefit of grills does not happen.
You can cook an excellent steak in a pan, better than a grill imo, but not a grill pan. It's always going to be bad in a grill pan. The only use for cast iron grill pans is in the oven which actually does have radiant heat.
b...but I like mine medium rare user.
Every time I try to broil a steak in my oven I end up with tiny fireballs flying around in my oven
>"grill marks" are for fucking morons
fucking this
the grill lines taste like charcoal while the rest of the steak surface turns greyish.
better using a cast iron skillet and have a uniform brown crust
>grill pan
>eats meat almost raw
>burns the outside for a gimmick
brain problems
that looks like a poor quality steak
>"grill marks" should be BLACK
grill marks should be dark brown max, otherwise they taste bad
what animal did that come from?
It looks to me like you are cooking at far too high a temperature. You are cooking the outside to the point that you have to take it off the heat before it has time to get to the inside. It's much too hot.
Cook in a pan over slightly less than medium heat in a pan with lots of butter. While it cooks, ladle button over the top.
You can watch the stage of cooking by looking at the sides. When it gets half way up, turn the steak over and cook on the other side the same amount of time.
Let it rest for about 5 minutes when done. While it rests, wash your pan and cooking utensils and either dry them or set them aside to dry.
Learn to cook it right and if you ever do get an honest to God real steak (grass fed), you'll be able to cook it. If your way of cooking is to sear the shit out of it, you'll ruin a grass fed steak if you are ever fortunate enough to find one.
I consider that way overcooked but to each their own. Nice square pattern but it'd be more aesthetically pleasing diagonally. Enjoy user.
Fucking hell did you forget you were cooking and took a nap ? Get it together user.
Looks good
sous vide?