How many garlic is too much, Veeky Forums?
How many garlic is too much, Veeky Forums?
2 garlics
Any garlic at all.
Whatever amount of garlic you put in a dish, it's almost enough.
A pinch? Almost enough
A clove? Ditto
6 cloves? Close
10 bulbs? Just about there
There is no such thing.
If you have too much garlic, you have just about enough.
my friend overdosed and died after injecting 4 garlics
Only 4? Your friend was a bitch, I shot up 10 garlics and only got a slight headache.
garlic ruined my life
only soyboys use garlic
use salt only like a real man
You can never have too much garlic.
>too much
This, pic related.
I've yet to ever use too much garlic.
Use whatever amount you feel is reasonable any it's probably enough.
>too much garlic
I tend to just eat one clove at a time, but in a dish, I just eyeball it.
t. soyboy
t. Count Von Tastelet
I use just a pinch of food with my garlic
>start out cooking
>add garlic to everything
>slowly start using more and more ingredients
>now that i can cook
>taken the 2 or 3 high quality ingredients pill
>restrain from using garlic at all
git gud cooklets
doesn't use any garlics, but has skilz
>that one time user thought it was possible to use too much garlic
>How many garlic is too much, Veeky Forums?
Best not to exceed half your body weight in a single serving.
Pfft, lightweight
just to add some education to this shit flailing.
Only use Spanish Garlic. Garlic Rojo.
But really, there is a limit
Ever had your shitty cook of an aunt mistake 2 cloves for 2 whole bulbs? That stew was inedible
5 (five) cloves
Christ, I've shit out better looking servings on ceramic.
That's not too much. I use a whole bulb for a single serving of braised chicken all the time. She probably did that on purpose just to confirm how much of a little bitch her faggot nephew is.