What do I eat to stop being skinny?

What do I eat to stop being skinny?

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chlorox bleach

Drink whole milk instead of water as much as you can. Eat peanut butter by the spoon, and use liberal amounts of butter/oil whenever possible.

Trade places with me so you can wish you were skinny and not a fat fuck with 0 motivation


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Reminder that the Simpsons taught the world how to bulk in the 90s

>eat fat to get fat
OP ignore that fat loser. Eat protein and lift weights (repeatedly).
Thank me later.

I want your skinny, stfu. No help needed attention whore.

carbs is the only answer

Kys braindead cuck. I know your IQ is below 130, but learn how to use some context.

>I know your IQ

You showed were a mentally retarded child here. Please go back to .

mac & cheese

this is the wrong way to get big

this is the right way

shut the fuck up retard

Eat more soy

Keep being skinny. Guys who try to get big end up looking pathetic. Eat cleaner and do more cardio if you want to look better.

He has to get more fucking calories you mouthbreathers. He should eat more protein and lift, but he's still going to be a skinny bitch if he's not able to increase his calories.

just learn to cook if you want to gain weight. worked for me

>now I need to diet down
>so hungry
>but everything I cook is so delicious

are you stupid or just dumb? protein provides calories.
and if you're then you already suggested to eat lots of protein with lots and lots of fat. but no carbs, per se, which should be the first option for calories if all you wanted was calories.
so wtf are you even suggesting? you just changing your stance for the sake of arguing?

and wtf is wrong is breathing through the mouth? do some high intensity cardio and try to breathy through your nose.
fucking idiot. fite me.

In through the nose, out through the mouth

ride a bicycle in cold weather and try beathing in through your nose without choking to death on your own snot.

fatty boomba. dyel?

I have this problem as well

too cold, there's gotta be a better way

I'll tell you if you tell me what to eat to start being skinny.

nah, honestly it's better in the cold because you push yourself harder to get and stay warm. it's just the first ten minutes where you suffer, while you're warming up. plus cold air is dense air so you suck in more oxygen with every breath.

summer is bulking season because you get to stay inside in air conditioned comfort lifting weights and ogling scantily clad women in the gym.

eat more, stretch your stomach, ingest more calories than you spend

thats literally it at the most basic level


(shrink your stomach)

Why is Lain crying?

like this?

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eat a fucktonne of hydrogen. mix it with some oxygen at a ration of two-to-one.
so that's two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom.



Is she fat or pregnant?

She kinda looks like she was a little overweight (deliciously so) but is now carrying (deliciously so).

I don't know ;_;

Just fat. Great genetics for it.

she's fat. looks like the pics were taking the same day actually. how that even makes sense is another matter

The first picture looks photoshopped on her legs and arms

Depends on what your desired outcome is.
Do you want to be fat or buff?

You lift and drink milk if you want to force it. Go talk to Veeky Forums.


OP skinny is good.

If you want more muscle, just workout and eat obviously healthy meals (whole grains, greens, protein) no rocket science here.

>fat makes you fat
>you can get sufficient calories from protein alone

>obviously healthy
>whole grains are healthy

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wow. that's a nasty dry reach you got there. careful you don't choke on your shit.

or should i say shart.

You are so fucking stupid, just kill yourself.

You just said "eat fat to get fat" numbskull

How often do you fantasize about children that you can easily take advantage of due to their mental incapacity?



This is my bulking "diet"

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Im pretty sure you cant easily get an appropriate amount of calories from meat. Did you mean nutrition?


Im all for the raw broc but why the chicken breasts? Are you one of those people that thinks eating no fat with no nutrition is better than fat with nutrition?

We can start from the beginning. OP asks what to eat so he's not skinny. From this, if you have a few functional brain cells you can deduce that he has a hard time eating food to gain weight. So what he's now really asking is how to increase his caloric intake, while keeping in mind he has a small appetite and a general inability to eat large amounts of food.
It was then suggested to drink milk because it is probably the easiest way to increase calories. Plus, using more cooking fats. This again is an easy way to increase calories. And while fat is satiating, it generally will not leave a person feeling stuffed, so you can continue to eat.
This post was then attacked by a rather obtuse user who said he should eat protein and lift weights. While not inherently bad advice, it wasn't really an answer to the question OP was asking. Scarfing down chicken breast is definitely not the way to rectify being 120 pounds. This person is obviously very stupid. Perhaps whole milk and cooking fat isn't a complete answer, but it is much more a direct answer to the question "how do I not be skinny?" than eat protein and lift.

Re read my post you fucking newfag

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Better protein ratio but mostly because it is much easier to chop up and throw in a food container, since it's boneless.

fit here , gotta eat big to get big
fatties that need to cut down often use IF , cutting down the time or feed window sometimes going to omad or even fast extremes
for a skinny you want to do the opposite 6 mad
stimulate an insulin response many times a day
eat foods that give the insulin response , bread and other processed carby foods.
and drink plenty of milk

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you assume too much and then act on those assumption while insulting the people you're talking to.

you're fucking dumb.

two forms of bulk are:
you picked wrong.

you lost. get over it or stay bitter.

Ironically you're the braindead retard making assumptions. I never said not to eat protein, I never said not to lift. I literally just gave OP a couple methods for increasing his calories.

>ad hom

stay bitter then.


Stay retarded with no concept of context or reading comprehension while feeling superior.

>more ad hom
>more gerrymandering
are you flirting with me?

>more meme words
>doesn't address the central issue
Just kill yourself

the central issue ahs been resolved.

keep talking dirty to me i'm about to cum

yes yes yes

Whatever you want to tell yourself dumbass. Everyone reading this knows you're fucking stupid and you proved it repeatedly.


>i'm on a soapbox

almost there! keep talking!!

yes yes yes yes oh god

I've got a burger and a beer right here. I better get fat

>I literally just gave OP a couple methods for increasing his calories.
So your solution to >stop being skinny
...is to eat more calories? To what end? How does that solve anything? If you're suggesting to add bulk then is that really the right kind of bulk to add?

Really, user?

To gain weight. You have to gain weight to gain muscle bigger.
>but there's more to it than that!
Yes there is, but I was only giving a very short post with a way to increase calories. Which is why I later agreed with eating enough protein and lifting weights. That first post was not an entire plan, just a couple simple methods that can get your calories up.

But you still haven't explained why you think calories are so important, and how boosting your intake is a solution (or part there of) to "not being skinny".


Anything else?

Because based on OP's apparent struggle, he has a very hard time getting large amounts of food down. For people like this, drinking additional calories is easier than eating them. Eating higher fat calorie dense food is easier too. For example, it's easier to get more calories from a chicken thigh cooked in oil than a chicken breast baked in the oven without oil.

>eat concentrated calories to add bulk
What kind of bulk/mass does fat/calories add?

all that + rice

and for that you'll need a untasking rice cooker 2000™, order yours today!

It will add muscle assuming he's eating enough protein, not eating too many calories, and lifting weights. Do you think he should eat 750 grams of protein a day?

drink more soda.

I don't want acne

Gotta re stock my sticky.


But you didn't say anything about lifting weights. You focused on eating concentrated fats >by the spoon
So all I want to know is how that might be a solution to being less skinny.

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I also didn't say anything about eating carbs or a million other things. If he's skinny, he needs to eat more calories. You are focusing on a couple sentences. He should lift weights and eat enough protein. But if he lifts weight, eats 150+ grams of protein, and only eats 1400 calories a day, he will continue to be skinny.

1400 calories is a lot of calories for someone who is 4'9" and weighs 90 pounds. Especially if they live a sedentary lifestyle. Are you sure that's healthy?

Gerrymandering sure is fun!

Just accept that you blurted out a response with little forethought and you got it wrong.

I genuinely don't know what's wrong with you. But I'm done, you are hellbent on looking like a dumbass.

OP if you're still here, I'll answer this like you're a 12 year old who has put absolutely zero effort into this to satisfy all the low IQ autism in this thread.
Go to a TDEE calculator site. It gives you a rough estimate of how many calories you burn a day. Start counting your calories, and aim for 500 higher than your TDEE. If you have the desire, increase your protein to 1g/lb of bodyweight a day. (AKA eat 150 grams of protein if you weigh 150 pounds). This is a little higher than is generally considered necessary, but it's a round number and gives you leeway. Go with a weightlifting program that focuses on heavy lifting with free weights. I'm partial to greyskull, but there's starting Strength, strong lifts, bill starr's 5x5 etc etc. Just pick one.
NOW if you're finding it hard to hit your calories, you can try drinking whole milk, eating peanut butter, and cooking with more fat. These are easy ways to add calories that can usually help a skinny guy out. But since we've decided you're 12 years old, let me point out that you shouldn't overdo it. If you eat 5000 calories a day, you're going to get fat.

Obviously it’s a progress thread. The dumb bitch gets paid by online faggots like you to get fat. This is feminism at work. Treat them like equals and pay them to get fat.

>I'll answer this like you're a 12 year old

Stopped reading here. Condescending much?

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Carbs. They're the primary reason fat fucks are fat.

>eat more calories
>but if you eat too many calories you're goingt o get fat
But isn't that what you've been suggesting the whole time? Your advice to OP was to eat fat to get fat. That's your solution to 'not being skinny'.

Don't you see how that's wrong? If you don't by now then you never will. Or maybe you do but you're gerrymandering to be right on the internet..


You deserve this fart:
See you on the other side.

Not as small as I expected, but yeah it all still applies. Ganbatte assuming I googled that right.

>being less skinny means being more fat.

hope in humanity is lost. hello darkness, my old friend.



>3000 calories
That's funny.

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Eggs with the yolk, scrambled on a fucking pancake with syrup, wrapped around some fucking sausage and cheese. A huge glass of whole milk and maybe some juice on the side.
>Second Breakfast
A big ass bowl of cereal with a banana or two.
>Protein shake optional and/or interchangeable with Afternoon Tea*
Leftovers or whatever you've got lying around. Eat it. Maybe it's donuts and some snacks. Eat it. Protein bars work well here. Don't forget your big ass glass of whole milk.
>Protein shake option as mentioned
Maybe some hibachi, just get your veggies into this meal. Ramen perhaps, with some egg, soy sauce, and go get that steakhouse yumyum sauce to add a bunch of calories if you need them. Don't forget your cow juice. And get you some juice if you feeling it. Do a salad if you want, if you're gay or whatever. Maybe some pizza.
>Afternoon Tea
Protein shake (#2*). Whole milk, 4 SCOOPS C'MON! yogurt or ice cream, fruits, anything else you want - get into adding veggies if you can. Learn to freeze em up and shit. Have a snack if you can and want.
I sometimes like to eat my more breakfast this far into my day, because I'm a god damn man and can choose what the fuck I eat, when the fuck I want. But I may just do some chili, perhaps, maybe some fish based something or fried chicken with spaghetti or mashed potatoes. It's whatever I can usually afford. Those 1$ packets of noodles work great. WHOLE MILK (or beer)
Shit son, get weird. Do whatever, just save room for... immediately following...
Cheap desserts and whatever you can get from Wal-Mart or the food stamp groceries, go nuts. Make yourself some pot brownies or macaroons. Milk or beer. You should be finished with a gallon of milk by now, young hobbits.

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Gotta clean bulk, son.

This! Calories are important for cardio, and cardio kills your gainz.

I love how Veeky Forums is more health conscious these days.

By clean, do you mean some kind of paleo diet?
You can clean bulk to 10000 calories if you've got the balls.

3000cals of clean food is alot.

No it is not. What are the parameters of 'clean'? Only found in nature? I'm trying to understand whether flour, sugar, rice, etc. still counts. Does cheese constitute as clean?

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Why do you even care? Are you an alien trevor lanklet tranny or what?

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