Wonder Bread is the type of Bread White God and White Jesus would have wanted us to eat
Its perfect. How did people survive without Wonder?
Wonder Bread is the type of Bread White God and White Jesus would have wanted us to eat
Its perfect. How did people survive without Wonder?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bread is a zionist plot to overthrow the West by metabolic syndrome.
>t.non white subhuman who does not get 12 essentially wholesome vitamins and minerals from Wonder Enriched White Bread
wonderbread is without a doubt ck's bread of choice
truly /ourbread/
Sandwiches that taste like Costco cakes are the best
for me, its lefse, the best flat bread.
Get your fucking disgusting Jew bread out of here
As a member of the Superior White Race I demand only the softest most Bleached White Bread
What is this
some autistic guy being autistic instead of fucking off basically
Promoting the Superior Bread the way White God and White Jesus intended.
Mmmm wireframe waifu.
It hurts
Yes no White Sandwiches around for White God and White Jesus to enjoy the way they were originally intended hurts real bad
And this is why I deleted my deviantart account.
What is this Wonderbread/Bimbo shit?
Who /webers/ here?
It’s a guy’s fetish. That and deforestation. He’s a ward of the state young guy (18-20something) whose parents died. Also Shadman turned down his commission