Whole milk, low fat milk, skim milk, raw milk, jersey milk, chocolate milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk...

Whole milk, low fat milk, skim milk, raw milk, jersey milk, chocolate milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, A2 milk, flax milk, rice milk...

What milk am I supposed to drink and why?? Or none at all?

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hemp milk is the way brother

For me it's the 2% reduced fat milk, the best dairy fluid

half and half, hedge your bets

I only drink almond milk and only because it's extremely easy to make from scratch. Just soak almonds overnight and blend with water.

I just drink the milk with the red cap because that's what I drank as a child. I don't know what it is or if I would like anything else, that's just how it is.

goat's milk, hail Satan

This stuff right here.
Batch pasteurized
Non homogenized
Cream line
Whole milk

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Whole milk is so delicious.

For me, it's homo.

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I'm not gonna tell you what you're supposed to drink but i like the high calcium skim milk with added vitamin d.
it's uht so i can buy in bulk and never have to worry about running out of milk.

though once a fortnight i use a full cream milk and while it produces a nicer porridge both in taste and texture i just don't that that smug satisfaction from eating the skim milk.

Just drink 7 gallons a week and don't forget to recycle em all


>A gallon of milk a day
I'm mildly lactose intolerant and just the idea of that gives me a stomach ache.

my nigga
father buys that whole milk shit and I hate it
2% all the way, for the rest of me life

soy milk from a plastic bottle

>feeling smug about drinking processed sugar water
Let me tell you how i know you voted for hillary

The one you want to drink, because that's what choice is for.

Dont drink milk


Also this

>Let me tell you
I'm listening.

None if you are not a child who needs to eat sugary cereal every morning

Give me the chocolate milk.

Unsweetened Vanilla Coconut milk w/ sunflower lecithin is the HIGHTEST choice

It's almond juice, not milk. Almonds don't have tits. The fact people overlook this is infuriating.

I thought it was more like almond horchata considering you're basically running cold water through crushed almonds and drinking what comes out.

I learned something new, you're right.

anyone remember smilk from the 90's it was colored flavored milk and was delicious I miss it

Pea milk. You now drink pea milk.

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No malk?

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Was honestly pleasantly surprised by the lactose free milk when I was in mexico. Rest of my family didn't like it but it had a slightly different taste that I enjoyed